The venerable Chief Archon Makbar

The Nestor, the spouse of the convict, and the Conservator

Live broadcast
The Cardassian Supreme Tribunal was the highest court of justice in the Cardassian Union. It was presided over by the Chief Archon. Proceedings of the tribunal were broadcast live across all Cardassia.
Makbar was the Chief Archon on Cardassia Prime in 2370. She presided over the trial of Miles O'Brien, who was charged with smuggling weapons for the Maquis, and acts of sedition, and was sentenced to death even before he was arrested.
Somewhat deviating from standard practice, Miles O'Brien in 2370 was the first convict in five hundred years of Cardassian jurisprudence to have been spared death and even set free — despite the very serious charges and the summary conviction – on the basis of a Cardassian ruse that was discovered and then presented to the tribunal by Captain Sisko and Nestor Odo. (DS9: "Tribunal")
Tekeny Ghemor gave Kira Nerys information about the Supreme Tribunal during his shri-tal in 2373. (DS9: "Ties of Blood and Water")