Memory Alpha  AboutPolicies and guidelinesDeletion policy → Pages for deletion

Below is a list of current deletion suggestions, ordered by their date of creation (oldest first). Please make sure you have read and understood Memory Alpha's deletion policy before adding to these discussions.

A digest version of the policy:

  • Pages listed here will be removed after approximately 5-7 days, if a consensus for any action has been reached.
  • Add articles to the list below by adding a deletion boilerplate message to the articles to be deleted. We recommend using {{delete page}}, which will immediately give you the correct link to a deletion discussion page.
  • On the discussion page, sign entries with name and timestamp – use four tildes (~~~~). Also, please remember to boldface (by surrounding text with '''three apostrophes''') your suggestion (keep, delete, move, merge, ...) for easy recognition.

Discussions: PagesFilesRestoration

Action required: Copyright infringements • Immediate deletions: PagesFiles

Policy & Maintenance: PolicyAdmin guidelinesLog • Archives: PagesFilesRestorations

Deletion suggestion for...Last Post
Bruce McCandless20:21, April 10, 2018
Europa12:40, April 10, 2018
Archived deletion discussions

Pages for immediate deletion

Below is a list of current immediate deletion requests. Please make sure you have read and understood Memory Alpha's criteria for immediate deletion before marking pages for immediate deletion, or resolving them.

Currently there are no immediate deletion requests.
Please note that recent requests may not show up until the cache is purged. To purge the cache, .