Memory Alpha  AboutPolicies and guidelines → Babel
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User language templates aid multilingual communication by making it easier to contact someone who speaks a certain language. The idea originated on the Wikimedia Commons and has also been implemented on Meta-Wiki and some of the other wikis to varying extents. To participate, you can add the {{Babel}} template to your user page as follows:

  • Start off with {{Babel|
  • Next add one of the following codes for each language you speak or understand, separated by |, where xx is the Memory Alpha code for the language. The general usage of each code level is as follows:
    • xx-0 if you don't understand the language at all. Don't use it for every language you don't know; only when there is some reason why you might be expected to know it, or if you don't know it but have an interest in learning it.
    • xx-1 for basic ability - enough to understand written material or simple questions in this language.
    • xx-2 for intermediate ability - enough for editing or discussions.
    • xx-3 for advanced level - though you can write in this language with no problem, some small errors might occur.
    • xx-4 for "near-native" level - although it's not your first language from birth, your ability is something like that of a native speaker.
    • xx (no hyphen or number) for native speakers who use a language every day and have a perfect grasp of it, including colloquialisms.
  • Then finish by adding closing braces: }}
  • Expanded definitions of these levels are also available.
Memory Alpha: Babel
This user is a native speaker of English.
This user speaks English at a native level.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of English.
This user hopes to learn how to speak English with greater proficiency.
Geography logo Search user languages

So, for example, {{Babel|en|de-1}} would indicate a native speaker of English with basic knowledge of German. {{Babel|en|sv-4|de-3|fr-2|es-1|nl-0}} would indicate a native speaker of the English language with an almost-native knowledge of Swedish, advanced knowledge of German, an intermediate knowledge of French, a basic knowledge of Spanish and little or no knowledge of Dutch (but a desire to learn!).

These templates also add you to the category associated with that language.

To find someone who speaks a particular language, see Archivists by language, and follow the links. The two and three letter codes are taken from ISO 639.


As an alternative, you can add stand-alone language templates to your user page.

  • Format: {{User xx-1}}{{User yy-1}}{{User zz-1}}.

See alsoEdit

Languages Templates Category
English Us-flag en en-4 en-3 en-2 en-1 en-0 en
Arabic Ar-flag ar ar-4 ar-3 ar-2 ar-1 ar-0 ar
Bulgarian Bg-flag bg bg-4 bg-3 bg-2 bg-1 bg-0 bg
Catalan Ca-flag ca ca-4 ca-3 ca-2 ca-1 ca-0 ca
Chinese Zh-flag zh zh-4 zh-3 zh-2 zh-1 zh-0 zh
Croatian Hr-flag hr hr-4 hr-3 hr-2 hr-1 hr-0 hr
Czech Cs-flag cs cs-4 cs-3 cs-2 cs-1 cs-0 cs
Dutch Nl-flag nl nl-4 nl-3 nl-2 nl-1 nl-0 nl
Esperanto Eo-flag eo eo-4 eo-3 eo-2 eo-1 eo-0 eo
Estonian Et-flag et et-4 et-3 et-2 et-1 et-0 et
French Fr-flag fr fr-4 fr-3 fr-2 fr-1 fr-0 fr
Galician Gl-flag gl gl-4 gl-3 gl-2 gl-1 gl-0 gl
German De-flag de de-4 de-3 de-2 de-1 de-0 de
Hungarian Hu-flag hu hu-4 hu-3 hu-2 hu-1 hu-0 hu
Irish Gaelic Ga-flag ga ga-4 ga-3 ga-2 ga-1 ga-0 ga
Italian It-flag it it-4 it-3 it-2 it-1 it-0 it
Japanese Ja-flag ja ja-4 ja-3 ja-2 ja-1 ja-0 ja
Klingon Klingon Empire logo tlh tlh-4 tlh-3 tlh-2 tlh-1 tlh-0 tlh
Korean Ko-flag ko ko-4 ko-3 ko-2 ko-1 ko-0 ko
Latin La-flag la la-4 la-3 la-2 la-1 la-0 la
Polish Pl-flag pl pl-4 pl-3 pl-2 pl-1 pl-0 pl
Portuguese Pt-flag pt pt-4 pt-3 pt-2 pt-1 pt-0 pt
Romanian Ro-flag ro ro-4 ro-3 ro-2 ro-1 ro-0 ro
Russian Ru-flag ru ru-4 ru-3 ru-2 ru-1 ru-0 ru
Scots Sco-flag sco sco-4 sco-3 sco-2 sco-1 sco-0 sco
Scottish Gaelic Sco-flag gd gd-4 gd-3 gd-2 gd-1 gd-0 gd
Serbian Sr-flag sr sr-4 sr-3 sr-2 sr-1 sr-0 sr
Slovak Sk-flag sk sk-4 sk-3 sk-2 sk-1 sk-0 sk
Spanish Es-flag es es-4 es-3 es-2 es-1 es-0 es
Swedish Sv-flag sv sv-4 sv-3 sv-2 sv-1 sv-0 sv
Ukrainian Uk-flag uk uk-4 uk-3 uk-2 uk-1 uk-0 uk