User language templates aid multilingual communication by making it easier to contact someone who speaks a certain language. The idea originated on the Wikimedia Commons and has also been implemented on Meta-Wiki and some of the other wikis to varying extents. To participate, you can add the {{Babel}} template to your user page as follows:
Start off with {{Babel|
Next add one of the following codes for each language you speak or understand, separated by |, where xx is the Memory Alpha code for the language. The general usage of each code level is as follows:
xx-0 if you don't understand the language at all. Don't use it for every language you don't know; only when there is some reason why you might be expected to know it, or if you don't know it but have an interest in learning it.
xx-1 for basic ability - enough to understand written material or simple questions in this language.
xx-2 for intermediate ability - enough for editing or discussions.
xx-3 for advanced level - though you can write in this language with no problem, some small errors might occur.
xx-4 for "near-native" level - although it's not your first language from birth, your ability is something like that of a native speaker.
xx (no hyphen or number) for native speakers who use a language every day and have a perfect grasp of it, including colloquialisms.
So, for example, {{Babel|en|de-1}} would indicate a native speaker of English with basic knowledge of German. {{Babel|en|sv-4|de-3|fr-2|es-1|nl-0}} would indicate a native speaker of the English language with an almost-native knowledge of Swedish, advanced knowledge of German, an intermediate knowledge of French, a basic knowledge of Spanish and little or no knowledge of Dutch (but a desire to learn!).
These templates also add you to the category associated with that language.
To find someone who speaks a particular language, see Archivists by language, and follow the links. The two and three letter codes are taken from ISO 639.