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TopicLast PostLast Author
Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country cast and crew clothing validation19:56, February 4, 2018179.182.130.185
Omega Molecule and Subspace00:12, January 31, 2018TrekFan
Star Trek Comet Cursors?00:08, January 31, 2018TrekFan
Galactic Medical Expertise00:05, January 31, 2018TrekFan
Star Trek 2009 Enterprise Concept Ship Quicktime Renders?23:57, January 30, 2018TrekFan
Waste disposal in the Star Trek universe TNG era23:45, January 30, 2018TrekFan
Spock creates algorithm to predict Earth's weather22:57, January 29, 2018TrekFan
Writing Fan Novels17:45, January 20, 201831dot
Rarely seen race?15:09, January 19, 2018Sulfur
Picture of Original Star Trek Crew in Star Trek Beyond02:12, December 31, 2017Archduk3
Alternate timelines and Star Trek (2009)10:12, December 13, 2017SulfBot
Should we stricken references to "These Are the Voyages" by Marc Cushman?16:07, November 24, 20172601:646:4100:5D25:85DF:8CC4:8029:C6A5
Neelix using Tuvok's quarters in the episode Prophecy15:37, November 19, 201731dot
Flag officer rank pip spacing on flag officer braid17:44, September 18, 201750.65.113.239
Invention of the Borg23:07, September 13, 2017Madacs
Let's be Honest USS Franklin Warp Engine was an Error09:36, August 9, 2017Sulfur
The size of the Milky Way22:42, June 14, 2017Renegade54
The Borg: Contradictions?14:54, May 28, 2017BenFlorisRobberecht
Relationship in the Starfleet05:26, April 20, 2017DelBeccio-bot
Obtain higher resolution photo?17:45, January 22, 2017SulfBot
The growths on Kim and Torres in "Caretaker"15:55, November 15, 201668.142.61.14
What kind of scan?16:08, October 29, 2016LauraCC
Human/Vulcan hybrids03:28, October 9, 2016Kryptonian25
Beyond - VHF transmission to disturb the swarm's communication18:59, August 2, 201691.49
A Stitch in Time - Ezri Dax12:20, August 2, 201668.71.61.22
Krall a Borg?02:35, July 26, 2016174.59.138.181
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Size of V'ger00:40, July 25, 2016RayBell
Star Trek and Football20:29, June 9, 2016LauraCC
Which episode had Picard say "That's better" once he got another ship's attention?19:11, May 14, 201631dot
Big plot hole in The Savage Curtain episode. Any explanation?20:32, May 13, 2016LauraCC
What episode and animal needed extermination when it got in machinery?06:48, May 7, 201624.90.104.148
Could some one explain to me how the animation in TOS was done, it would really help with my research.08:56, April 19, 2016194.80.204.51
Could the knowledge of warp tech. have been lost during WW3 and was only rediscovered by Zephram Cochrane? Like the IXS Enterprise?10:30, April 6, 2016Sulfur
Particle19:20, March 5, 2016CaptainAlphaWiki22
I need help from an amateur graphic artist to develop a starship drawing for a book I'm writing22:31, February 25, 201631dot
Time Travel series called Star Trek: Time and Again22:30, February 25, 201631dot
Species that communicates via "iPad"19:38, February 19, 201674.57.173.45
Short lived TV docu with Trek actors03:39, January 19, 2016173.22.111.240
First use of "Today is a good day to die" in Trek?10:14, October 23, 2015Borgcast
Jay Chattaway OST Stabs13:53, October 20, 2015Jorubyp
Bender??16:58, October 8, 2015ThomasHL
Vulcan aging rate02:07, October 8, 2015SulfBot
Isn't Q the root cause of the anamoly, not Picard?02:05, October 8, 2015SulfBot
Zefram Cochrane - Name origins?17:24, September 23, 2015Renegade54
Janeway on a two-character-only episode of Voyager. Title?09:34, July 23, 201531dot
Third Annual Battle of the Fantasy Foods22:10, July 17, 2015XD1
Directions16:47, June 27, 2015TrekFan
Roddenberry & Trek Initiative Fan Census inquiry19:16, May 14, 2015Xean
Easter Chocolate16:36, May 12, 2015TrekFan
What happened to Novacron?18:08, April 12, 2015TrekFan
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