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Saucer separation on a Galaxy-class starship
Saucer separation was an emergency maneuver performed on some Federation starships involving the complete disconnection of the primary hull and the secondary hull. During the 23rd century, separation was a one-time only event used only in a catastrophic emergency; the two sections could not reconnect easily following a separation.
In the 24th century, some starship classes were designed to routinely separate into one or more components. The procedure itself became more common and tactical, as well as emergency, uses became standard procedure. By this period, separation technology had advanced sufficiently to be performed at warp speeds. The procedure was extremely risky, with no margin for error; partially due to this, a high-warp separation was never attempted prior to 2364.Did You Know that the kitchen aboard the USS Enterprise-A had a weapons locker when even the bridge didn't have one?
Balok's cube • Friendship 1 • Kataan probe • Voyager 6 | Shuttles
Alice • Copernicus • Delta Flyer • Delta Flyer II • Galileo |
Space Stations
Deep Space 9 • Deep Space Station K-7 • Empok Nor • Spacedock • Mutara Interdimensional Deep Space Array System • Particle Fountain Project | |
Named Enterprise: Enterprise NX-01 • USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and -A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -J | |
Other |