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TV and Films
"...some very intriguing televised broadcasts."

Featured episode or film

Andorian surface

The frozen Northern Wastes of Andoria

"The Aenar" is the fourteenth episode of the fourth season of Star Trek: Enterprise and the third episode of a three episode arc.

Admiral Valdore gazes out a window on Romulus as Senator Vrax complains that the mission they were assigned to has become a disaster. The Romulan Senate expected them to cause political discord throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants but, for the first time ever, the Andorian and Tellarite governments have now formed an alliance.

Aboard Enterprise, T'Pol informs Archer, Reed, Trip, Phlox, and Shran that the drone-ship is being navigated using telepresence - a process which allows remote operation of a vessel. Shran comments that in the past, the Andorians experimented with telepresence for a short period of time. T'Pol suggests that Enterprise build their own telepresence unit to interfere with the Romulans' navigation of the drone-ship, but they must go to Andoria and seek the help of the reclusive Aenar to accomplish this.

Archer and Shran beam down to the frozen Northern Wastes of Andoria, Archer remarks at how cold it is and Shran informs him that Andoria is midway through its hottest season. The captain and Shran begin to search for the entrance to the Aenar compound when, suddenly, the ice gives way beneath Shran and he falls to the base of the slope...
– from Memory Alpha's Featured Articles (randomize)

Did You Know that all of the Star Trek films premiered on a Friday, except for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home which premiered on a Wednesday?


Recent and upcoming premieres



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Television series

TOS head

Star Trek: The Original Series
Seasons: 123
DVDs: Two-episode DVD releases
           Season releases: 123
           Remastered releases: 123
Blu-ray: 123
Main castAll performers

TAS head

Star Trek: The Animated Series
Seasons: 12
Main castAll performers

TNG head

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Seasons: 1234567
DVDs: 1234567
           Complete Series
Blu-ray: Sampler1234567
Main castAll performers

DS9 head

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Seasons: 1234567
DVDs: 1234567
Main castAll performers

VOY head

Star Trek: Voyager
Seasons: 1234567
DVDs: 1234567
Main castAll performers

ENT head

Star Trek: Enterprise
Seasons: 1234
DVDs: 1234
Blu-ray: 1234
Main castAll performers

DIS head

Star Trek: Discovery
Seasons: 12
Main castAll performers
After show: After Trek


ST-I head Star Trek: The Motion Picture

DVD: Director's EditionTheatrical
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-II head Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

DVD: BasicDirector's EditionRemastered
Blu-ray: BasicDirector's Cut4K Ultra HD
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-III head Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-IV head Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-V head Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-VI head Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-VII head Star Trek Generations

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-VIII head Star Trek: First Contact

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

ST-IX head Star Trek: Insurrection

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack

ST-X head Star Trek Nemesis

DVD: BasicSpecial EditionRemastered
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack

Star Trek poster Star Trek

DVD: BasicSpecial Edition
Blu-ray: Three discSingle disc4K Ultra HD
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack
NovelizationComic adaptation

STID domestic poster Star Trek Into Darkness

Blu-ray: Basic3D4K Ultra HD
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack

Star Trek Beyond teaser poster Star Trek Beyond

Blu-ray: Basic3D4K Ultra HD
SoundtrackExpanded soundtrack

Where to watch


United States

All times ET

  • BBC America
    • TOS: Friday marathons from 4pm
    • TNG: Friday marathons from 6am-4pm; Saturday marathons until 8pm
    • VOY: Monday marathons from 12pm-6am; Wednesday marathons from 12pm-8pm, re-aired from midnight-6am; Saturday marathons around midday
  • MeTV NetworkTOS-R: Saturday at 11pm
  • DecadesTOS-R: Occasional airings
  • Heroes & Icons
    • TAS: Sunday at 7pm and 7:30pm
    • TOS-R: Sunday-Friday at 8pm
    • TNG: Sunday-Friday at 9pm
    • DS9: Sunday-Friday at 10pm
    • VOY: Sunday-Friday at 11pm
    • ENT: Monday-Saturday at midnight


  • Sci-Fi Channel
    • TNG: Friday at 1:00pm, 1:50pm, and 2:40pm; Saturday and Sunday at 7:30pm
    • VOY: Saturday and Monday at 8:30pm
    • DS9: Saturday at 9:30pm
    • ENT: Weekdays at 6:30pm and 11:30pm, Saturday and Monday at 10:30pm
    • TOS: Sunday at 2:20am, 8:00am, and 10:50am
    • Films: Saturday at 6:00pm; Sunday at 4:05am and 5:30pm
  • Eleven
    • TNG: Thursday at 8:30pm and 9:30pm
    • VOY: Saturday at 9:30pm and 10:30pm


  • Sy-Fy Channel (cable)
    • DS9: Wednesday at 11:00am to 2:00pm, three episodes at once
    • TNG: Thursday at 12:00pm to 4:00pm, four episodes at once
  • Rede Brasil (open) – TOS: Sunday at 9:05pm


  • Space
    • TOS: Mondays 3-6pm Eastern
    • TNG: Tuesdays 3-6pm Eastern
    • DS9: Thursdays 3-6pm Eastern
    • VOY: Wednesdays 3-6pm Eastern
    • ENT: Fridays 3-6pm Eastern
    • DIS: New Episodes Sundays 8pm Eastern


  • HRT 3
    • TNG-R: Monday - Friday at 5:30pm, reruns at 7:55am next weekday
    • VOY: Monday - Thursday at 10:10pm, reruns at 8:40am next weekday


  • Ciné FX
    • DS9: Monday - Saturday 6:30pm and Saturday 9:00pm



    • DS9: Saturday and Sunday 3:00pm (two episodes, both repeated at 9:00pm the same day)
    • ENT: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11:10pm (repeated at 2:00pm and 7:00pm next day), Wednesday and Friday 11:10pm, Saturday and Sunday 1:00pm (repeated at 1:00am the same day)
  • VIASAT 6
    • VOY: Monday - Sunday 3:00pm (repeated at 2:00pm next day)


  • TV2 Science Fiction
    • VOY: Monday - Friday 6:40pm (all the week's episodes repeated Sunday from 5:05pm)
    • ENT: Monday - Friday 8:15pm (all the week's episodes repeated Saturday from 2:25pm)


  • Scifi UniversalTNG: Monday - Friday 2:20pm, 3:10pm (repeated Saturday and Sunday from 8:30am) - Season 4


  • AXN SCI-FI – TNG: Monday - Friday 8pm (repeated at 2am and 5am next day) - Currently on Season 6


  • SCI FI Channel Slovenia
    • TNG: Monday - Thursday 2:10pm and 3:00pm (repeated at 9:00am and 9:50am next day)
    • ENT: Monday - Thursday 5:30pm (repeated at 12:20pm next day)


  • TV4 Science FictionDS9: Monday - Friday 9pm (all the week's episodes repeated Saturday from circa 2:25pm)
  • TV400VOY: Monday - Friday 11pm (two episodes per time around midnight)

United Kingdom/Republic Of Ireland

  • CBS Action
    • TOS: Weekdays at 6pm (repeated at 9am and 12pm on the following weekday; omnibus on Saturday from 9am to 2pm)
    • ENT: Weekdays at 8pm (repeated at 11am and 5pm on the following weekday; omnibus on Sunday from 9am to 2pm)
  • Sky Atlantic
    • VOY: Weekdays at 4pm (repeated at 8am and 12pm on the following weekday; omnibus on Saturday from 9am to 2pm)
    • TNG: Weekdays at 6am and 7am (both episodes repeated at 10am and 11am on the same day; omnibus on Saturday from 4am to 12pm and on Sunday from 6am to 9am)
    • TNG: Weekdays at 8am, 9am and 10am (repeated at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm on the same day)
  • Syfy UK
    • DS9: Weekdays at 6pm
    • TNG: Weekdays at 7pm
  • Horror Channel
    • TOS: Weekdays at 6pm, reruns at 10am next weekday
    • VOY: Weekdays at 7pm, reruns at 9am next weekday


United States


