Memory Alpha on social media.
Memory Alpha on Facebook.
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a text-based chat medium. In short, it is the predecessor to instant messaging clients most people use today. Although somewhat antiquated, it is still in use and is a great alternative to proprietary and closed-off chat media. Memory Alpha has a registered channel on the FreeNode IRC network; for IRC-savvy users, simply join #memory-alpha on irc.freenode.net.
If you are unfamiliar with IRC, or are behind a firewall preventing you using it, visit http://webchat.freenode.net/. Enter a nickname of your choice and enter "#memory-alpha" in the "Channels:" text box. Then click "Connect" after solving the CAPTCHA.
- IRC at Wikipedia
- FreeNode.net
- ChatZilla - an easy-to-use IRC client add-on for Firefox
Memory Alpha on Twitter.