Plegg's fake remains.
Plegg was a great Ferengi orator and entrepreneur.
In 2370, Quark attempted to sell the desiccation discs of Plegg aboard Deep Space 9 for three strips of latinum. Odo approached Quark, feigning interest in purchasing a disc. When Odo questioned the authenticity of the discs, Quark pointed out the Ferengi Seal of Dismemberment, which described the contents as the remains of Plegg.
Odo then revealed to Quark that those remains were not those of Plegg, and that, in fact, Plegg was still quite alive and currently residing on Khosla II. When Odo contacted Plegg about Quark's scheme, Plegg found it quite amusing.
Quark then claimed that he was the victim, and that the five thousand discs of Plegg he had in his storeroom were bought in good faith. Once the question arose regarding who the remains belonged to, Quark demanded an investigation, which was promised to him. (DS9: "The Alternate")