Neral was a male Romulan politician and praetor in the 24th century Romulan Star Empire.
Early life and interests
His immediate family was killed in a Klingon raid in 2350.
Early in this career, Neral served in the Romulan Guard, where he had attained a rank of at least uhlan. After becoming the proconsul in 2368, he would come to claim that he had never liked titles ever since he had been a "lowly uhlan". (TNG: "Unification II")
By 2375, his personal interests included archaeology and sociology. His favorite food was Delvan pudding, and he owned a pet set'leth named Pensho. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
Political career
Neral served as the proconsul in the 2360s and 2370s. During 2368, he entered into a plot with Commander Sela and Senator Pardek to attack Vulcan. Through Pardek, he communicated his willingness to meet with Ambassador Spock on the idea of reunification with the Vulcans. The intention was to use Spock's presence on Romulus to provide a pretext for a Romulan invasion force. He met Spock in his office, seeming to be a relatively young and idealistic man who was receptive to the idea. After the meeting, he left Sela and Pardek to capture Spock and Starfleet officers Jean-Luc Picard and Data who were with him to carry out their plan of either having Spock or a holographic program of himself read a fake peace statement next to Neral. During the transmission, however, the group cut off the communication and escaped. (TNG: "Unification I", "Unification II")

A wanted criminal
From 2369 to 2370, Neral was considered a criminal, whose wanted poster was displayed in Constable Odo's security office aboard Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Vortex", "If Wishes Were Horses", "The Forsaken", "Dramatis Personae", "Duet", "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Sanctuary")
During 2374, still as proconsul, he considered Senator Vreenak was one of his most trusted advisors until his death that year. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")
In 2374, Neral ascended to the position of praetor. The following year he presided over the Continuing Committee that tried Senator Kimara Cretak for accessing a secured Tal Shiar database. Despite Cretak's testimony that she thought she was saving Koval's life through information gained from Julian Bashir, Koval's testimony from interrogating Luther Sloan prompted Neral to find Cretak guilty. Neral allowed Bashir to go free and imprisoned Sloan for further questioning. However, Sloan struggled and quickly was killed by Koval. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
By 2379, Neral had been succeeded as praetor by Hiren. (Star Trek Nemesis)
Praetors of the Romulan Star Empire |
Colius • Unnamed (c. 2266) • Neral (c. 2374) • Hiren (c. 2379) • Shinzon (c. 2379) |
Background information
Neral was played by Norman Large in "Unification I" and "Unification II", and by Hal Landon, Jr. in "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges". When asked why Large was not sought to reprise his role, Ronald D. Moore remarked, "We did consider it, but decided to go in another direction." (AOL chat, 1999)
The script for "Unification II" describes Neral as "an energetic, handsome man in his late forties, a Romulan Bobby Kennedy." The script for "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" further describes Neral as "a seasoned politician, a ruthless in-fighter who's survived more than one coup attempt. He's a man who seldom lets anything get in his way."
According to the short story "Requital" contained in Tales of the Dominion War, Neral is present aboard Deep Space 9 for the signing of the Treaty of Bajor, during the events of "What You Leave Behind".
External link
- Neral at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works