Nava was a 24th century Ferengi businessman.

In 2369, Nava took over the arcybite mining refineries in the Clarius system.

That year, Nava was also invited to a very important conference with Grand Nagus Zek held aboard Deep Space 9. There, Zek saluted Nava for his recent accomplishments in the Clarus system.

Following the supposed death of Zek, Nava purchased a disc of his vacuum dessicated remains for twenty bars of gold pressed latinum.

Having felt that he had done all that he could do in the field of gouge mining, Nava approached Zek's Nagal replacement, Quark, to request the opportunity to introduce synthehol to the Gamma Quadrant. Quark, who was not pleased with Nava's reaction to the announcement of Quark as Nagus, indicated that he would not pass such a lucrative offer off to Nava. Attempting to bargin, Nava offered to split the profits with Quark fifty-fifty, an offer Quark quickly snatched up. (DS9: "The Nagus")

Nava was played by actor Barry Gordon.

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