Mobara was a Bajoran and former member of the Shakaar resistance cell.
After the Occupation ended in 2369, he lived at an university, where he attended an engineering school, in Musilla Province. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
In 2371, he was detained by the Bajoran Militia and questioned for any information related to Shakaar Edon, who was a fugitive at the time. (DS9: "Shakaar")
He was murdered by Silaran Prin in 2373 via a micro-explosive, probably implanted by a hunter probe behind Mobara's right ear. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
The character appears in the Star Trek: Terok Nor novels Night of the Wolves and Dawn of the Eagles.
According to the script for "The Darkness and the Light", Mobara was pronounced as "MOE-bar-ruh".
External link
- Mobara at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works