Alpha and Beta Quadrant
United Federation of Planets
- See also: Federation colonies
- 'aucdet IX
- Aldebaran III
- Altair IV
- Andor
- Ariannus
- Beta Aquilae II, location of a Starfleet Academy annex
- Beta Ursae Minor II, location of a Starfleet Academy annex
- Brentalia
- Calder II
- Caldik Prime
- Caleb IV
- Corinth IV
- Dalvos Prime
- Decos Prime
- Deriben V
- Draken IV
- Galor IV
- Gravesworld
- Haven, a protectorate of the Federation
- Inferna Prime
- Jaros II, location of a Starfleet stockade
- Lya III
- Memory Alpha
- Merak II
- Nervala IV, location of a Starfleet research station
- Ohniaka III, location of the Ohniaka III Research Station (raided by Borg in 2369)
- Otar II
- Pacifica
- Psi Epsilon III, location of a Starfleet Academy annex
- Psi Upsilon III, location of a Starfleet Academy annex
- Qualor II, the home of Surplus Depot Z15
- Relva VII
- Soltok IV
- Styris IV
- Tarod IX, location of an outpost destroyed by the Borg in 2364
- Vandor IV
- Zayra IV
Breen Confederacy
Cardassian Union
- See also: Cardassian planets
Ferengi Alliance
Klingon Empire
- See also: Klingon planets
Orion Syndicate
Romulan Star Empire
- See also: Romulan planets
Non-Aligned or Undetermined
- Aaamazzara
- Acamar III, the homeworld of the Acamarians
- Achrady VII
- Adigeon Prime
- Agaron, the homeworld of the Agaron natives
- Akaali homeworld, the homeworld of the Akaali
- Aldea, the homeworld of the Aldeans
- Alderaan
- Alpha VII
- Alpha Balder IV
- Alpha Braga VII
- Alpha Carinae I
- Alpha Carinae II
- Alpha Cygnus II
- Alpha Cygnus IX
- Alpha Delphi IX
- Alpha Drapanas
- Alpha Echevarria IV
- Alpha Fernandes III
- Alpha Laputa IV, the homeworld of the Alpha Laputa IV natives
- Alpha Majoris I
- Alpha Roller II
- Alpha Rossi
- Alpha Zayra II
- Altamid, Mining Colony of the Ancient Ones, (Inhabited by Krall and his prisoners)
- Altair VI
- Alture VII
- Amerind, the home of a Human colony established there by the Preservers
- Andros III
- Angel I, the homeworld of the Angel I natives
- Angosia III, the homeworld of the Angosians
- Antede III, the homeworld of the Antedians
- Antica, the homeworld of the Anticans
- Antos IV, the homeworld of the Antos natives
- Argelius II, the homeworld of the Argelians
- Argo, the homeworld of the Aquans
- Arkaria, the homeworld of the Arkarians
- Armus IX
- Arret, formerly inhabited by an advanced species, now extinct
- Arret, a planet in the negative universe, the homeworld of the Arret natives
- Assigners' planet, the homeworld of the Assigners
- Atalia VII
- Atifs IV, the homeworld of the Atifs IV natives
- Atlec, the homeworld of the Atlec inhabitants; affiliated with the Coalition of Madena
- Atrea IV, the homeworld of the Atreans
- Axanar, the homeworld of the Axanars
- B'Saari II, the homeworld of the B'Saari
- Ba'ku planet, a colony of the Ba'ku
- Babel
- Bajor, the homeworld of the Bajorans
- Bajor VIII, colonized by the Bajorans
- Balancar
- Balder's Planet
- Balosnee VI
- Barash's species homeworld, the homeworld of Barash's species
- Barkon IV, the homeworld of the Barkonians
- Barson II
- Barzan II, the homeworld of the Barzans
- Beltane IX
- Benev Selec (Drema IV), the homeworld of the Dremans
- Bernay Prime
- Beta III, the homeworld of the Beta III natives
- Beta Antares IV, the homeworld of the Beta Antares IV natives
- Beta Berman I
- Beta Canopus
- Beta Magdaleno II
- Beta Tottoro IV
- Beta Wiltz III
- Beta'Elan Minor
- Beth Delta I
- Bilana III
- Bokara VI
- Bootes III
- Boreal III
- Bre'el IV, the homeworld of the Bre'el IV natives
- Brekka (Delos IV), the homeworld of the Brekkians
- Bringloid V
- Burala Prime
- Bynaus, the homeworld of the Bynars
- Caere
- Caldonia, the homeworld of the Caldonians
- Calondia IV
- Camor V, the homeworld of the Camorites
- Camus II, the homeworld of the extinct Camus II natives
- Canopus Planet
- Capella IV, the homeworld of the Capellans
- Casperia Prime
- Catulla, the homeworld of the Catullans
- Celes II, the homeworld of the Celes II natives
- Centauri VII
- Cerberus II, the homeworld of the Cerberus II natives
- Ceti Alpha V (abandoned; settled by Humans in an alternate timeline)
- Chalna, the homeworld of the Chalnoth
- Chandra V, the homeworld of the Chandrans
- Chaya VII
- Cheron, the homeworld of the extinct Cheron natives
- Chronister II
- Coopersworld
- Cor Caroli V
- Corvan II
- Cygnet XIV, the homeworld of the Cygnet XIV inhabitants
- Cytherian homeworld, the homeworld of the Cytherians
- Dakala, the homeworld of the Wraiths
- Daled IV, the homeworld for the Daled IV natives
- Danula II
- Daran V
- Davlos III
- Dayos IV
- Dekendi III, the homewold of the Dekendi
- Delb II, the homeworld of the Delb II natives
- Delinia II
- Delios VII, the homeworld of the Delios VII natives
- Delos IV
- Delta IX
- Delta Charnock IX
- Delta Theta III, the homeworld of the Delta Theta III aborigines
- Deneb II
- Deneb V, the homeworld of the Denebians
- Denobula, the homeworld of the Denobulans
- Dessica II
- Devidia II, the homeworld of the Devidians
- Devos II, the location of a Son'a outpost
- Donatu V
- Dramia, the homeworld of the Dramens
- Dramia II, a colony of the Dramens
- Draylax, the homeworld of the Draylaxians
- Draylon II, a colony of the Skrreea
- Dreon VII, a colony of Bajor
- Earth Two, the homeworld of the Onlies
- Edos, the homeworld of the Edosians
- Ekos, the homeworld of the Ekosians
- Elas, the homeworld of the Elasians
- Elaysian homeworld, the homeworld of the Elaysians
- Eminiar VII, the homeworld of the Eminians
- Ennan VI
- Epsilon Ashanti III, the homeworld of the Epsilon Ashanti III natives
- Epsilon Canaris III, the homeworld of the Epsilon Canaris III natives
- Epsilon Hydra VII
- Epsilon Indi II
- Epsilon West IV
- Epsilon Wiltz IV
- Excalbia, the homeworld of the Excalbians
- Exo III, the homeworld of the Old Ones, now extinct
- Galador II, the homeworld of the Galadorans
- Gallos II, the homeworld of the Gallos II natives
- Galvin V, the homeworld of the Galvin V natives
- Gamelan V, the homeworld of the Gamelan V natives
- Gamma Argus II, the homeworld of the Gamma Argus II natives
- Gamma Towles II
- Gamma Trianguli IV
- Gamma Trianguli VI, the homeworld of the Vaalians
- Gamma Vertis IV, the homeworld of the Gamma Vertis IV natives
- Garadius IV
- Gaspar VII, the homeworld of the Gaspar VII natives
- Gedi Prime
- Gemaris V, the homeworld of the Gemarians
- Ghorusda, the homeworld of the Ghorusdans
- Gideon, the homeworld of the Gideons
- Golana, a colony of the Bajorans
- Gosis' species homeworld, the homeworld of the Gosis' species
- Gothos
- Kabatris
- Kaelon II, the homeworld of the Kaelon
- Kalandan homeworld, the homeworld of the Kalandans (extinct)
- Kaldra IV
- Kanda IV
- Kataan, the homeworld of the Kataan natives (extinct)
- Kenda II
- Kesprytt III
- Keto-Enol, the homeworld of the Enolians
- Khefka IV
- Khosla II
- Klaestron IV, the homeworld of the Klaestrons
- Kobliad, the homeworld of the Kobliads
- Koinonian homeworld, the homeworld of the Koinonians and a Non-corporeal lifeform
- Kolarus III
- Korris I
- Kostolain, the homeworld of the Kostolain natives
- Kraus IV
- Kreetassa, the homeworld of the Kreetassans
- Ktaris, the homeworld of the Ktarian
- Kurl, the homeworld of the extinct Kurlans
- Kzin, the homeworld of the Kzinti
- Malcor III, the homeworld of the Malcorians
- Malindi VII, the location of the Darmok
- Magus III
- Malaya IV
- Malkus IX, the homeworld of the Leyrons
- Manark IV
- Manu III
- Marcus II
- Marejaretus VI, the homeworld of the Oolans
- Mariah IV
- Marlonia, the homeworld of the Marlonians
- Matalas
- Mataline II
- Medusan homeworld, the homeworld of the Medusans
- Meldrar I
- Meles II
- Melina II
- Melkotian homeworld, the homeworld of the Melkotians
- Milika III
- Minos, the homeworld of the Minosians
- Mintaka III, the homeworld of the Mintakans
- Mizar II, the homeworld of the Mizarians
- Mordan IV, the homeworld of the Mordanites
- Morikin VII
- Motherlode
- Sahndara, the homeworld of the Platonians, destroyed when its primary Sahndara went nova
- Sakura Prime
- Sappora VII
- Sarona VIII
- Sarpeidon, destroyed in 2269 when Beta Niobe novaed
- Sarthong V
- Scalos, the homeworld of the Scalosians (extinct)
- Selay, the homeworld of the Selay
- Selcundi Drema
- Seldonis IV
- Sentinel Minor IV
- Shantil III
- Sheliak homeworld, the homeworld of the Sheliak
- Sherman's Planet, a world shared by the Federation and the Klingons
- Sigma Iotia II, the homeworld of the Iotians
- Shiralea VI, the location of the Parallax colony
- Sigma Draconis III, the homeworld of the Sigma Draconis III natives
- Sigma Draconis IV, the homeworld of the Sigma Draconis IV natives
- Sigma Draconis VI, the homeworld of the Sigma Draconis VI natives
- Sigma Tama IV, the homeworld of The Children of Tama
- Sirius IX, the homeworld of the Sirius IX natives
- Sirrie IV
- Solais V, the homeworld of the Solari
- Sothis III, the homeworld of the Satarrans
- Stameris
- Suliban homeworld, the homeworld of the Suliban, uninhabitable by the mid-19th century
- T'Lani III
- T'Lani Prime
- T'lli Beta, the homeworld of the T'lli Betans
- Tagus III, the homeworld of the Taguans
- Tau Cygna V, former home of a Federation colony, resettled by the Sheliak Corporate
- Takret homeworld, the homeworld of the Takret
- Talarian homeworld, the homeworld of the Talarians
- Tallonian homeworld, the homeworld of the Tallonians
- Talos III
- Talos IV, the homeworld of the Talosians
- Tandar Prime, the homeworld of the Tandarans
- Tanuga IV, the homeworld of the Tanugans
- Tarellia, the homeworld of the Tarellians
- Tarquin's homeworld
- Tarquin's planet
- Tau Alpha C
- Tau Ceti III
- Taurus I
- Taurus II, the homeworld of the Taurus II anthropoids
- Tavela Minor
- Teerza Prime
- Telfas Primek
- Tessen III
- Tessik Prime
- Thalos VI
- Thalos VII
- Thanatos VII
- Thasus
- Theela's homeworld, the homeworld of Theela's ancestors
- Thelka IV
- Therbia
- Theta Cygni XII
- Theta Zibal II, the homeworld of the Zibalians
- Tiburon, the homeworld of the Tiburonians
- Tilonus IV, the homeworld of the Tilonians
- Tohvun III
- Torman V
- Torna IV
- Triacus, the homeworld of the Triacus marauders
- Triannon, the homeworld of the Triannons
- Trillius Prime
- Triskelion Prime
- Troyius, the homeworld of the Troyians
- Tycho IV
- Tyrellia, the homeworld of the Tyrellians
- Tyrus VII, the homeworld of the Tyrans
Gamma Quadrant
- Argratha, the homeworld of the Argrathi
- Brax, the homeworld of the Braxites
- Ennis and Nol-Ennis homeworld, the planet of origin for the factions Ennis and Nol-Ennis
- Errikang VII, the homeworld of the Errikang VII natives
- Gaia, an alternate timeline colony of Humans
- L-S VI, former home of an unnamed civilization, abandoned by 2370
- Meridian
- Parada II
- Parada IV
- Rakhar, the homeworld of the Rakhari
- Saltah'na homeworld, the homeworld of the Saltah'na (extinct)
- Stakoron II, the homeworld of the Stakoron
Delta Quadrant
Borg Collective
Kazon Collective
Vidiian Sodality
Haakonian Order
Krenim Imperium
- Akritiri, the homeworld of the Akritirians
- Banea, the homeworld of the Banea
- Benthos, the homeworld of the Benthans
- Brunali homeworld, the homeworld of the Brunali
- Cravic homeworld, the homeworld of the extinct Cravic
- Dedestris
- Dinaal, the homeworld of the Dinaali
- Drayan II, the homeworld of the Drayans
- Eblar Prime
- Enara Prime, the homeworld of the Enarans
- Hanon IV, the homeworld of the Hanonians
- Hemikek IV
- Heva VII
- Ilari, the homeworld of the Ilari
- Ilidaria, the homeworld of the Ilidarians
- Inavar Prime
- Kelis' homeworld
- Marayna's homeworld, the homeworld of Marayna's species
- Mislen, the homeworld of the Mislenites
- Mithren
- Norcadia Prime, the homeworld of the Norcadians
- Nygean homeworld, the homeworld of the Nygeans
- Nyria III, a colony of the Nyrians
- Prema II, the site of a Talaxian mining colony
- Rakosa V, the homeworld of the Rakosans
- Salina Prime
- Selek IV
- Selnia Prime
- Sikaris
- Telsius Prime, the homeworld of the Telsians
- Velos, an inhabited planetoid
Andromeda Galaxy