The following is a list of illusory people.

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A Edit

Alaris, Dathan Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2373 Dathan Alaris A hallucination of Dathan Alaris appeared in the dreams of B'Elanna Torres when she relived the memories of Korenna Mirell.
Portrayed by Charles Esten.
VOY: "Remember"

Alice (character) Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2267 Alice, 2267 The fictional protagonist from Alice in Wonderland appeared to Leonard McCoy on the Shore Leave Planet.
Portrayed by Marcia Brown.
TOS: "Shore Leave"
2269 Alice, 2269 Alice appeared once again on the same planet to the crew of the Enterprise.
Voiced by Nichelle Nichols.
TOS: "Once Upon a Planet"

Alice (ship) Edit

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2376 Alice-human A telepathic projection of the alien shuttlecraft Alice in the mind of Tom Paris.
Portrayed by Claire Rankin.
VOY: "Alice"
2376 Alice-alien The projection of Alice in the mind of Abaddon.
Portrayed by Claire Rankin.
VOY: "Alice"

Alison Edit

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2152 Alison, 2152 An hallucation of Crewman Alison appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Carly Thomas.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"

Antonia Edit

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2371 Antonia Captain James Kirk's former love interest appeared to him and Jean-Luc Picard during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Lynn Salvatori.
Star Trek Generations

Archer, Jonathan Edit

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2152 Jonathan Archer illusion 2152 A hallucation of Jonathan Archer appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Scott Bakula.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"
2153 Jonathan Archer illusion 2153 An illusion of Jonathan Archer was projected into Hoshi Sato's mind by Tarquin.
Portrayed by Scott Bakula.
ENT: "Exile"
2154 Jonathan Archer illusion 2154 An illusion of Jonathan Archer was created by Doctor Phlox's mind when he was the only one conscious after the rest of the crew were put in comas to protect them while Enterprise passed through a transdimensional disturbance.
Portrayed by Scott Bakula.
ENT: "Doctor's Orders"
2155 Prime Archer Hallucination A delusional hallucination of Jonathan Archer appeared in the mind of his mirror universe counterpart.
Portrayed by Scott Bakula.
ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"

B Edit

Baird Edit

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2152 Baird, 2152 An hallucation of Crewman Baird appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Morgan H. Margolis.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"

Belar Edit

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2373 Belar An illusion of Belar appeared in a hallucation in the minds of Odo, Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax and Elim Garak.
Portrayed by Victor Bevine.
DS9: "Things Past"

Belar, Joran Edit

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2371 Joran Dax 2371 Joran Belar appeared to Jadzia Dax, the later host of the Dax symbiont in a telepathic vision.
Portrayed by Jeff Magnus McBride.
DS9: "Equilibrium"
2375 Joran belar An illusory Joran Belar appeared to Ezri Dax when the latter performed the Rite of Emergence.
Portrayed by Leigh J. McCloskey.
DS9: "Field of Fire"

Black Knight Edit

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2267 Black Knight The character of the Black Knight appeared on the Shore Leave Planet.
Portrayed by Paul Baxley.
TOS: "Shore Leave"

Bokai, Buck Edit

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2369 Buck Bokai An illusion of Buck Bokai was created by aliens who were on a mission of exploration and had followed a ship through the wormhole to Deep Space 9. They wanted to learn more about humanoids and became interested in the concept of imagination.
Portrayed by Keone Young.
DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses"

Boothby Edit

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2375 Boothby illusion An illusory version of Boothby appeared in Chakotay's "vision quest" when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Played by Ray Walston and his photo double Gene Smith.
VOY: "The Fight"

Broik Edit

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2371 A simulation of Broik was created by the Founders as part of their simulation decipting the outcomes of a possible Dominion takeover of the Alpha Quadrant.
Portrayed by David B. Levinson.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"

Brooks Edit

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2373 Brooks illusion An illusion of Ensign Brooks appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
This illusion was also portrayed by Sue Henley.
VOY: "Coda"

Burleigh, Beatrice Edit

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2372 The Botha induced a hallucination of the holocharacter Beatrice Burleigh in the mind of Captain Kathryn Janeway.
Portrayed by Lindsey Haun.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"

C Edit

Calloway, Maddy Edit

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2370 Worf and Maddy Calloway An illusion of Maddy Calloway and Worf in an hallucination experienced by Deanna Troi when investigating Daniel Kwan's suicide.
Portrayed by Johanna McCloy.
TNG: "Eye of the Beholder"

Chakotay Edit

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2372 Chakotay illusion 2372 The Botha created a hallucation of Chakotay in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Robert Beltran.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"
2373 Chakotay illusion 2373 An illuson of Chakotay appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Robert Beltran.
VOY: "Coda"
2374 Chakotay illusion 2374 A hallucination of Chakotay appeared in the mind of Seven of Nine while the Voyager was passing through a Mutara class nebula.
Portrayed by Robert Beltran.
VOY: "One"
2376 Chakotay illusion 2376 An illusion of Chakotay, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Robert Beltran.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Crusher, Beverly Edit

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2369 Beverly crusher illusion 2369 An illusion of Beverly Crusher, in the mental visions of Commander William T. Riker, caused by the Tilonians.
Portrayed by Gates McFadden.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"
2370 Riker straw An illusion of Beverly Crusher as she drank from Riker's head in Data's nightmare, when interphasic organisms were feeding on the cellular peptides of the crew's cells.
Portrayed by Gates McFadden.
TNG: "Phantasms"

Crusher, Jack Edit

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2368 Corpse of Jack Crusher Jack Crusher appeared in a hallucation of Beverly Crusher caused by Jev.
Portrayed by Doug Wert.
TNG: "Violations"
2370 Vision quest Jack Crusher Jack Crusher appeared in Wesley Crusher's vision quest on Dorvan V.
Portrayed by Doug Wert.
TNG: "Journey's End"

D Edit

Damar Edit

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2374 Damar (illusion) An illusion of Damar was created by Gul Dukat's delusional mind. In the illusion, Damar was attempting to convince Dukat to kill Benjamin Sisko.
Portrayed by Casey Biggs.
DS9: "Waltz"

Davis Edit

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2368 Davis A hallucation of Ensign Davis appeared in the mind of William T. Riker.
Played by Craig Benton.
TNG: "Violations"

Data Edit

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2365 Data nagilum illusion An illusion of Data was created by Nagilum to try and persuade Jean-Luc Picard not to auto-destruct the USS Enterprise-D after Picard had decided to do so, when Nagilum threatened to kill a third of the ship's crew in order to completely understand death.
Portrayed by Brent Spiner.
TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease"
2369 Data illusion 2369 An illusion of Data in the mental visions of Commander William T. Riker caused by the Tilonians.
Portrayed by Brent Spiner.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"

Dax, Jadzia Edit

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2369 Jadzia illusion An illusion of Jadzia Dax was created by aliens who were on a mission of exploration and had followed a ship through the wormhole to Deep Space 9. They wanted to learn more about humanoids and became interested in the concept of imagination. The image was processed from Doctor Julian Bashir's memories and imagination. The illusory Jadzia Dax was madly in love with Julian Bashir.
Portrayed by Terry Farrell.
DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses"
2371 Jadzia dax illusion 2371 An illusion of Jadzia Dax appeared in Julian Bashir's mind, when he was thrown into a state of subconscious realm by Altovar.
Portrayed by Terry Farrell.
DS9: "Distant Voices"

Demelos Edit

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2373 Demelos A hallucination of Demelos appeared in the dreams of B'Elanna Torres when she relived the memories of Korenna Mirell.
Portrayed by Pablo Soriano.
VOY: "Remember"

Doctor, The Edit

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2373 The Doctor illusion 2373 An illusion of The Doctor appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Robert Picardo.
VOY: "Coda"
2375 The Doctor illusion, 2375 An illusory version of The Doctor appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Robert Picardo.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 The Doctor illusion 2376 An illuson of The Doctor appeared in B'Elanna Torres' mind.
Portrayed by Robert Picardo.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Don Juan Edit

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2267 Don Juan The literature character of Don Juan appeared on the Shore Leave Planet.
Portrayed by James Gruzal.
TOS: "Shore Leave"

Dukat, S.G. Edit

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2373 An illusion of Gul Dukat from the time of the Bajoran Occupation appeared in a hallucation of that era in the minds of Odo, Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax and Elim Garak.
Portrayed by Marc Alaimo.
DS9: "Things Past"

E Edit

Eddington, Michael Edit

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2371 Illusory michael eddington An illusion of Lieutenant Commander Michael Eddington was part of the simulation made by the Founders of the Dominion to model a possible diplomatic contact with the United Federation of Planets.
Portrayed by Kenneth Marshall.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"

F Edit

Farran Edit

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2373 Farran A hallucination of Farran appeared in the dreams of B'Elanna Torres when she relived the memories of Korenna Mirell.
Portrayed by an unknown actor.
VOY: "Remember"

Finnegan Edit

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2267 Finnegan James Kirk's Academy mate Finnegan appeared to him on the Shore Leave Planet.
Portrayed by Bruce Mars.
TOS: "Shore Leave"

Fredik Edit

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2373 Fredik A hallucination of Fredik appeared in the dreams of B'Elanna Torres when she relived the memories of Korenna Mirell.
Portrayed by Scott Leva.
VOY: "Remember"

G Edit

Garak, Elim Edit

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2371 An illusion of Elim Garak was created by the Founders as part of a simulation to determinte the outcomes of a possible Dominion foothold in the Alpha Quadrant.
Portrayed by Andrew Robinson.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"
2371 Bashirs birthday in ops An illusion of Garak appeared in Julian Bashir's mind, when he was thrown into a state of subconscious realm by Altovar.
Portrayed by Andrew Robinson.
DS9: "Distant Voices"

Genghis Khan Edit

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2269 Genghis Khan A recreation of Genghis Khan by the Excalbians appeared to the Enterprise crew.
Portrayed by Nathan Jung.
TOS: "The Savage Curtain"

Giddings, Diana Edit

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2369 An illusion of Diana Giddings (in the audience of the play Frame of Mind) appeared when Commander William T. Riker experienced a severe delusional state, kidnapped by the Tilonians.
Portrayed by Lorine Mendell.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"

Gint Edit

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2372 Gint Grand Nagus Gint appeared in Quark's dream, resembling his brother, Rom.
Portrayed by Max Grodénchik.
DS9: "Body Parts"

Green, Phillip Edit

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2269 Phillip Green, TOS A recreation of Colonel Phillip Green by the Excalbians appeared to the Enterprise crew.
Portrayed by Phillip Pine.
TOS: "The Savage Curtain"

Guy of Gisbourne Edit

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2367 Sir Guy of Gisbourne Sir Guy of Gisbourne was a character in the story of Robin Hood, the setting of one Q's tests for Jean-Luc Picard.
Portrayed by Clive Revill.
TNG: "Qpid"

H Edit

Haro, Mitena Edit

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2366 Mitena haro Mitena Haro was the assumed name of an alien in the guise of a Bolian female who, along with two others aliens, kidnapped others as part of an experiment to study the nature of authority, which was a concept unknown to them.
Portrayed by Joycelyn O'Brien.
TNG: "Allegiance"

Haskins, Theodore Edit

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2254 Theodore Haskins An illusion of Doctor Theodore Haskins along with other non-existing survivors of the SS Columbia was projected into the minds of the Enterprise crew by the Talosians.
Portrayed by Jon Lormer.
TOS: "The Cage", "The Menagerie, Part I"

I Edit

J Edit

Jabara Edit

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2371 Jabara (illusion) An illusion of Jabara appeared in Julian Bashir's mind, when he was thrown into a state of subconscious realm by Altovar. Jabara was helping wounded people in a corridor in Bashir's illusion.
Portrayed by Ann Gillespie.
DS9: "Distant Voices"

Janeway Edit

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2373 Janeway (Male Admiral) An unknown alien lifeform projected the illusion of Vice Admiral Janeway, posing in his image, to lure Captain Kathryn Janeway into her own death, after she had crash-landed on a planet with Chakotay. The lifeform wanted to feed on Janeway's cerebral cortex.
Portrayed by Len Cariou.
VOY: "Coda"

Janeway, Kathryn Edit

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2374 Kathryn Janeway illusion 2374 A hallucination of Kathryn Janeway appeared in the mind of Seven of Nine while the Voyager was passing through a Mutara class nebula.
Portrayed by Kate Mulgrew.
VOY: "One"
2375 Kathryn Janeway illusion, 2375 An illusory version of Kathryn Janeway appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Kate Mulgrew.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 Kathryn Janeway illusion 2376 An illusion of Kathryn Janeway, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Kate Mulgrew.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Jareth Edit

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2373 Jareth, Remember A hallucination of Jareth appeared in the dreams of B'Elanna Torres when she relived the memories of Jareth's daughter, Korenna Mirell.
Portrayed by Bruce Davison.
VOY: "Remember"

Johnson, Mark Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2372 An illusion of Mark Johnson appeared as a Botha hallucination to Johnson's fiancée, Captain Kathryn Janeway.
Portrayed by Stan Ivar.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"

K Edit

Kahless Edit

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2269 Kahless the Unforgettable A recreation of Kahless by the Excalbians appeared to the Enterprise crew.
Portrayed by Robert Herron.
TOS: "The Savage Curtain"

Kes Edit

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2373 Kes illusion 2373 An illuson of Kes appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Jennifer Lien.
VOY: "Coda"

Kim, Harry Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2373 Harry Kim illusion 2373 An illuson of Harry Kim appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Garrett Wang.
VOY: "Coda"
2374 Harry Kim illusion 2374 A hallucination of Harry Kim appeared in the mind of Seven of Nine while the Voyager was passing through a Mutara class nebula.
Portrayed by Garrett Wang.
VOY: "One"
2375 Harry Kim illusion, 2375 An illusory version of Harry Kim appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Garrett Wang.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 Harry Kim illusion 2376 An illusion of Harry Kim, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Garrett Wang.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Kira Nerys Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2371 Kira Nerys illusion 2371 An illusion of Kira Nerys appeared in Julian Bashir's mind, when he was thrown into a state of subconscious realm by Altovar.
Portrayed by Nana Visitor.
DS9: "Distant Voices"
2374 Kira Nerys illusion 2374 An illusion of Kira Nerys, created by Gul Dukat's delusional mind.
Portrayed by Nana Visitor.
DS9: "Waltz"

Kolopak Edit

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2372 Kolopak, Basics I Kolopak appeared to his son Chakotay during the latter's vision quest.
Portrayed by Henry Darrow.
VOY: "Basics, Part I"

Kortar Edit

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2376 Kortar An illuson of the mythological Klingon, Kortar appeared in B'Elanna Torres' mind.
Portrayed by Eric Pierpoint.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

L Edit

La Forge, Geordi Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2368 Geordi La Forge illusion 2368 A hallucination of Geordi La Forge appeared in the mind of William T. Riker during a telepathic mind rape by Jev.
Played by LeVar Burton.
TNG: "Violations"
2369 Geordi La Forge illusion 2369 An illusion of Geordi La Forge in the mental visions of Commander William T. Riker caused by the Tilonians.
Played by LeVar Burton.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"
2370 Illusory La Forge, 2370 An illusion of Geordi La Forge in one of Data's nightmares.
Played by LeVar Burton.
TNG: "Phantasms"

Lemli, Roger Edit

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2268 Roger Lemli, illusory Created by the Vians along with illusions of Montgomery Scott, and an unnamed security guard in 2268, to lure Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Gem into a trap on Minara II.
Portrayed by Roger Holloway.
TOS: "The Empath"

Libby Edit

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2372 The Botha induced a hallucation of Libby in the mind of her boyfriend, Harry Kim.
Portrayed by Jennifer Gatti.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"

Lincoln, Abraham Edit

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2269 Abraham Lincoln A recreation of Abraham Lincoln by the Excalbians appeared to the Enterprise crew.
Portrayed by Lee Bergere.
TOS: "The Savage Curtain"

Lo-Tarik, Trajis Edit

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2374 Trajis Lo-Tarik Trajis Lo-Tarik was an imaginary, hallucinated character created by the mind of Seven of Nine while the Voyager was passing through a Mutara class nebula.
Portrayed by Wade Williams.
VOY: "One"

M Edit

MacAlister Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2375 MacAlister illusion An illusory version of Ensign MacAlister appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Played by Sylvester Foster.
VOY: "The Fight"

Mayweather, Travis Edit

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2152 Travis Mayweather illusion 2152 A hallucination of Travis Mayweather appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Anthony Montgomery.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"

McCoy, David Edit

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2287 David McCoy An illusion of David McCoy appeared to his son, Leonard McCoy as Sybok telepathically "removed his pain".
Portrayed by Bill Quinn.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Mendez, José I. Edit

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2267 José I. Mendez in dress uniform An illusion of Commodore José I. Mendez was part of the secret plot of Spock and the Talosians to take the injured Fleet Captain Christopher Pike to Talos IV. Since a general court martial required three command rank individuals to be present, this illusion of "Mendez" "fulfilled" the requirements and allowed Spock's plan to unfold successfully.
Portrayed by Malachi Throne.
TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II"

Miral Edit

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2376 Miral An illuson of Miral appeared in her daughter, B'Elanna Torres' mind.
Portrayed by Karen Austin.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Murphy Edit

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2373 An illuson of Ensign Murphy appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by an unknown actor.
VOY: "Coda"

N Edit

Nechayev, Alynna Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2371 Alynna Nechayev and Borath An illusion of Vice admiral Alynna Nechayev was part of the simulation made by the Founders of the Dominion to model a possible diplomatic contact with the United Federation of Planets.
Portrayed by Natalia Nogulich.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"

Neelix Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2372 Neelix illusion 2372 The Botha created a hallucation of Neelix to confront Kes.
Portrayed by Ethan Phillips.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"
2373 Neelix illusion 2373 An illuson of Neelix appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Ethan Phillips.
VOY: "Coda"
2375 Neelix illusion, 2375 An illusory version of Neelix appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Ethan Phillips.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 Neelix illusion 2376 An illusion of Neelix, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Ethan Phillips.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Nozawa, Kashimuro Edit

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2373 An illuson of Kashimuro Nozawa appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by John Tampoya.
VOY: "Coda"

O Edit

O'Brien, Miles Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2371 Miles O'Brien illusion 2371 An illusion of Chief Miles O'Brien appeared in Julian Bashir's mind, when he was thrown into a state of subconscious realm by Altovar.
Portrayed by Colm Meaney.
DS9: "Distant Voices"

Odo Edit

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2371 Odo illusion 2371 An illusion of Odo, created by Altovar in Julian Bashir's mind.
Portrayed by Rene Auberjonois.
DS9: "Distant Voices"
2373 Odo, 2366 An illusion of Odo from the time of the Bajoran Occupation appeared in a hallucation of that era in the minds of himself, Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax and Elim Garak.
Portrayed by Rene Auberjonois.
DS9: "Things Past"

P Edit

Paris, Owen Edit

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2372 Owen Paris (hallucination) An illusion of Vice Admiral Owen Paris appeared as a Botha hallucination to Lieutenant Tom Paris and the Voyager crew.
Portrayed by Warren Munson.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"

Paris, Tom Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2372 Tom Paris illusion 2372 The Botha created an illusion of an injured Tom Paris in the mind of Kes.
Portrayed by Robert Duncan McNeill.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"
2373 Tom Paris illusion 2373 An illusion of Tom Paris appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Robert Duncan McNeill.
VOY: "Coda"
2374 Tom Paris illusion 2374 A hallucination of Tom Paris appeared in the mind of Seven of Nine while the Voyager was passing through a Mutara class nebula.
Portrayed by Robert Duncan McNeill.
VOY: "One"
2375 Tom Paris illusion, 2375 An illusory version of Tom Paris appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Robert Duncan McNeill.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 Tom paris illusion 2376 An illusion of Tom Paris, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Robert Duncan McNeill.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Phlox Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2152 Phlox illusion 2152 A hallucation of Phlox appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by John Billingsley.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"
2153 Phlox illusion 2153 An illusion of Phlox was projected into Hoshi Sato's mind by Tarquin.
Portrayed by John Billingsley.
ENT: "Exile"

Picard, Elise Edit

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2371 Elise Picard Jean-Luc Picard's illusory wife during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Kim Braden.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, Jean-Luc Edit

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2368 Jean-Luc Picard, 2350s A hallucation of Jean-Luc Picard from 2354 appeared in the mind of Beverly Crusher, caused by the telepathic mind rapes of Jev.
Played by Patrick Stewart.
TNG: "Violations"
2369 Picard illusion 2369 An illusion of Jean-Luc Picard in the mental visions of Commander William T. Riker caused by the Tilonians.
Played by Patrick Stewart.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"
2370 Picard illusion, 2370 An illusion of Jean-Luc Picard in the subconsciousness of Lwaxana Troi, created to protect her dark memories.
Played by Patrick Stewart.
TNG: "Dark Page"

Picard, Madison Edit

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2371 Madison Picard Jean-Luc Picard's illusory daughter during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Madison Eginton.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, Matthew Edit

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2371 Matthew Picard Jean-Luc Picard's illusory son during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Matthew Collins.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, Maurice Edit

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2369 Maurice Picard Maurice Picard appeared to his son, Jean-Luc Picard in an illusory "afterlife" created by Q.
Portrayed by Clive Church.
TNG: "Tapestry"

Picard, Mimi Edit

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2371 Mimi Picard Jean-Luc Picard's illusory daughter during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Mimi Collins.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, Olivia Edit

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2371 Olivia Picard Jean-Luc Picard's illusory daughter during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Olivia Hack.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, René Edit

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2371 Rene Picard, 2371 An illusion of René Picard, who had died recently, during Jean-Luc Picard's Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Christopher James Miller.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, Thomas Edit

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2371 Thomas Picard Jean-Luc Picard's illusory son during his Nexus experience.
Portrayed by Thomas Dekker.
Star Trek Generations

Picard, Yvette Edit

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2364 Yvette An illusion of Yvette Picard appeared to his son, Jean-Luc Picard when the Enterprise crossed into a distant section of the universe where thought and matter converged.
Portrayed by Herta Ware.
TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before"

Pike, Christopher Edit

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2254 Christopher pike illusion On Talos IV, Captain Pike existed in facsimile, created in the mind of Vina by the Talosians, after Pike left that world.
Portrayed by Jeffrey Hunter.
TOS: "The Cage"

Q Edit

Quark Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2371 Quark illusion 2371 An illusion of Quark, part of the Founders' simulated scenario of a possible Dominion contact with the Alpha Quadrant.
Portrayed by Armin Shimerman.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"
2373 Quark illusion 2373 An illusory version of Quark during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor.
Portrayed by Armin Shimerman.
DS9: "Things Past"

Queen of Hearts Edit

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2269 Queen of Hearts The character from Alice in Wonderland appeared on the Shore Leave Planet.
Voiced by Majel Barrett.
TAS: "Once Upon a Planet"

R Edit

Reed, Malcolm Edit

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2152 Malcolm Reed illusion 2152 A hallucation of Malcolm Reed appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Dominic Keating.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"

Riker, William T. Edit

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2368 Mental Rape Riker A hallucation of William Riker appeared in the dreams of Deanna Troi when Jev attempted several mental rapes on her.
Portrayed by Jonathan Frakes.
TNG: "Violations"
2370 Riker straw An illusion of Riker as Beverly Crusher drank from his head in Data's nightmare, when Interphasic organisms were feeding on the cellular peptides of the crew's cells.
Portrayed by Jonathan Frakes.
TNG: "Phantasms"

Ruth Edit

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2267 Ruth (amusement park planet) James Kirk's old flame, Ruth appeared to him on the Shore Leave Planet.
Portrayed by Shirley Bonne.
TOS: "Shore Leave"

S Edit

Saavdra Edit

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2376 Saavdra A hallucination of Nakan military commander Saavdra appeared in the mind of various Voyager crewmembers when they encountered the synaptic transmitter on the site of the Nakan colonist massacre.
Portrayed by L.L. Ginter.
VOY: "Memorial"

Sarek Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2287 Sarek and Spock, The Final Frontier An illusion of Sarek appeared to his son, Spock as his older son, Sybok tried to telepathically "remove Spock's pain".
Portrayed by Jonathan Simpson.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Sato Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2152 Sato A hallucation of Sato appeared during her daughter, Hoshi Sato's "daydream" while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Keone Young.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"

Sato, Hoshi Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2154 Hoshi Sato illusion 2154 An illusion of Hoshi Sato created by Doctor Phlox's mind when he was the only one conscious after the rest of the crew were put in comas to protect them while Enterprise passed through a transdimensional disturbance.
Portrayed by Linda Park.
ENT: "Doctor's Orders"

Scott, Montgomery Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2268 Illusory montgomery scott empath Created by the Vians along with illusions of Roger Lemli, and an unnamed security guard in 2268, to lure Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Gem into a trap on Minara II.
Portrayed by James Doohan.
TOS: "The Empath"

Seven of Nine Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2375 Seven of Nine illusion, 2375 An illusory version of Seven of Nine appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Jeri Ryan.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 Seven of nine illusion 2376 An illusion of Seven of Nine, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Jeri Ryan.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

Sharr Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2375 Sharr illusion An illusory version of Crewman Sharr appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Played by L.J. Dougherty.
VOY: "The Fight"

Sisko, Benjamin Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2369 Benjamin Sisko, illusory An illusory Benjamin Sisko was created as part of an experiment conducted by aliens who wanted to see what imagination was really about in an attempt to learn more about humanoids.
Portrayed by Avery Brooks.
DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses"
2371 Benjamin Sisko illusion 2371 An illusion of Benjamin Sisko appeared in Julian Bashir's mind, when he was thrown into a state of subconscious realm by Altovar.
Portrayed by Avery Brooks.
DS9: "Distant Voices"

Sisko, Jake Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2371 Jake sisko dominion simulation 2371 An illusion of Jake Sisko, part of the Founders' simulated scenario of a possible Dominion contact with the Alpha Quadrant.
Portrayed by Cirroc Lofton.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"

Sloan, Jessica Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2375 Jessica Sloan Jessica Sloan appeared in the mind of Luther Sloan, encountered by Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien.
Portrayed by Jacqueline Schultz.
DS9: "Extreme Measures"

Soong, Noonian Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2369 Soong young Noonian Soong appeared to his creation, Data in a dream sequence.
Portrayed by Brent Spiner.
TNG: "Birthright, Part I"

Surak Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2154 Surak The image of Surak appeared in a vision by Jonathan Archer when he possessed the ancient Vulcan philosopher's katra.
Portrayed by Bruce Gray.
ENT: "Awakening"
2269 Surak TOS A recreation of Surak by the Excalbians appeared to the Enterprise crew.
Portrayed by Barry Atwater.
TOS: "The Savage Curtain"

T Edit

T'Pel Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2372 T'Pel A hallucation of T'Pel appeared in the mind of her husband, Tuvok induced by the Botha.
Portrayed by Marva Hicks.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"
2375 T'Pel, Bliss Another hallucation of T'Pel appeared in Tuvok's mind induced by the telepathic pitcher plant.
Portrayed by Kimber Lee Renay.
VOY: "Bliss"

T'Pol Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2152 T'Pol illusion 2152 A hallucation of T'Pol appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Jolene Blalock.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"
2154 T'PolPhloxEngineering An illusion of T'Pol created by Doctor Phlox's mind when he was the only one conscious after the rest of the crew were put in comas to protect them while Enterprise passed through a transdimensional disturbance.
Portrayed by Jolene Blalock.
ENT: "Doctor's Orders"

Templeton, Mrs. Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2372 The Botha created a hallucation of the holocharacter Mrs. Templeton in the mind of Captain Kathryn Janeway.
Portrayed by Carolyn Seymour.
VOY: "Persistence of Vision"

Thompson Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2375 Thompson illusion An illusion of Thompson was part of Commander Chakotay's hallucination while experiencing a vision quest influenced by an alien species.
Played by Peter Harmyk.
VOY: "The Fight"

Thrax Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2373 Thrax An illusion of Thrax appeared in a hallucation in the minds of Odo, Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax and Elim Garak.
Portrayed by Kurtwood Smith.
DS9: "Things Past"

Timor Landi Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2373 Timor Landi An illusion of Timor Landi appeared in the mind of Odo.
Portrayed by an unknown performer.
DS9: "Things Past"

Torres, B'Elanna Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2373 B'Elanna Torres illusion 2373 An illusion of B'Elanna Torres appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Roxann Dawson.
VOY: "Coda"
2375 B'Elanna Torres illusion, 2375 An illusory version of B'Elanna Torres appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Roxann Dawson.
VOY: "The Fight"

Troi, Deanna Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2365 Deanna Troi illusion An illusion of Deanna Troi was created by Nagilum to persuade Captain Picard not to auto-destruct the Enterprise-D after Picard decided to do so, so that Nagilum could not perform any more experiments on the crew.
Played by Marina Sirtis.
TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease"
2369 Deanna troi illusion 2369 An illusion of Deanna Troi in the mental visions of Commander William T. Riker, caused by the Tilonians
Played by Marina Sirtis.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"
2370 Deanna Troi cake An illusion of Deanna Troi as a cake in one of Data's nightmares.
Played by Marina Sirtis.
TNG: "Phantasms"

Troi, Ian Andrew Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2370 Ian Andrew Troi An illusion of Ian Andrew Troi was seen by his daughter, Deanna Troi during a telepathic vision.
Portrayed by Amick Byram.
TNG: "Dark Page"

T'Rul Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2371 An illusion of T'Rul, part of the Founders' simulated scenario of a possible Dominion contact with the Alpha Quadrant.
Portrayed by Martha Hackett.
DS9: "The Search, Part II"

Tucker, Charles III Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2152 Trip Tucker illusion 2152 A hallucation of Charles Tucker III appeared in the mind of Hoshi Sato while she was trapped inside the transporter pattern buffer.
Portrayed by Connor Trinneer.
ENT: "Vanishing Point"
2154 Trip Tucker illusion 2154 An illusion of Charles Tucker III created by Doctor Phlox's mind when he was the only one conscious after the rest of the crew were put in comas to protect them while Enterprise passed through a transdimensional disturbance.
Portrayed by Connor Trinneer.
ENT: "Doctor's Orders"

Tuvok Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2373 Tuvok illusion 2373 An illusion of Tuvok appeared in the mind of Kathryn Janeway, induced by an unknown alien species during her near-death experience.
Portrayed by Tim Russ.
VOY: "Coda"
2374 Tuvok illusion 2374 A hallucination of Tuvok appeared in the mind of Seven of Nine while the Voyager was passing through a Mutara class nebula.
Portrayed by Tim Russ.
VOY: "One"
2375 Tuvok illusion, 2375 An illusory version of Tuvok appeared in Chakotay's mind when the Voyager was caught in chaotic space.
Portrayed by Tim Russ.
VOY: "The Fight"
2376 Tuvok illusion 2376 An illusion of Tuvok, in the mind of B'Elanna Torres.
Portrayed by Tim Russ.
VOY: "Barge of the Dead"

U Edit

V Edit

W Edit

Weyoun 5 Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2374 Weyoun (illusion) An illusion of Weyoun was created by Gul Dukat's delusional mind. In the illusion, Weyoun was asking what Dukat was going to do with Benjamin Sisko.
Portrayed by Jeffrey Combs.
DS9: "Waltz"

White Rabbit Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2267 White Rabbit, 2267 The character of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland appeared to Leonard McCoy on the Shore Leave Planet.
Portrayed by William Blackburn.
TOS: "Shore Leave"
2269 White Rabbit, 2269 The same character also appeared on the Shore Leave Planet two years later.
Voiced by James Doohan.
TAS: "Once Upon a Planet"

Worf Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2369 Worf illusion 2369 An illusion of Worf in the mental visions of Commander William T. Riker, caused by the Tilonians.
Played by Michael Dorn.
TNG: "Frame of Mind"
2370 Illusory Worf, 2370 An illusion of Worf in Data's nightmare when interphasic organisms were feeding on the cellular peptides of the crew's cells.
Played by Michael Dorn.
TNG: "Phantasms"
2370 Worf and Maddy Calloway An illusion of Worf and Ensign Maddy Calloway in an hallucination experienced by Deanna Troi when investigating Daniel Kwan's suicide.
Played by Michael Dorn.
TNG: "Eye of the Beholder"
2375 Illusory Worf 2375 An illusion of Worf appeared when Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien linked minds with the dying Luther Sloan via a multitronic engrammatic interpreter in order to find a cure for Odo's illness which was created by Section 31.
Played by Michael Dorn.
DS9: "Extreme Measures"

X Edit

Y Edit

Z Edit

Ziff, Anaanda Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2370 AnaandaZiff It is uncertain whether Anaanda Ziff actually existed, as her appearance occurred during a dream sequence. TNG: "Eye of the Beholder"

Zora Edit

Date Image Note Reference
2269 Zora A recreation of Zora by the Excalbians appeared to the Enterprise crew.
Portrayed by Carol Daniels DeMent.
TOS: "The Savage Curtain"

Appendices Edit

See also Edit