Humanoid brain schematic

A medical scan of a Humanoid brain

Vulcan brain soval

A medical scan of a Vulcan brain.

"Brain and brain! What is brain?"

The brain is the part of the central nervous system that is the center for regulation and control of the body.

The workings of the brain Edit

Borg brain

An open Borg skull showing the brain of a Borg drone

Banea brain graphic

A graphic of a brain on Banea

Tom Paris brain graphic

A status of Tom Paris' brain in 2371

The brain is made up of neurons that make use of chemical reaction and electricity by way of neurotransmitters to function. Each brain has a unique circuitry pattern.

The mind is also the house of consciousness, subconscious, metaconscious, thought, memory, emotion, the ability to dream and the powers of extrasensory perception by way of psionic energy.

See: Emergent property

The brain can have extremely powerful effects on a person's body. Under certain circumstances, medical patients have been known to alter their own blood pressure, lower their body temperature and even manifest a tumor in response to psychological stimuli. The Clown, an artificial being which depended on input from living brains, used this to his advantage in keeping several members of Viorsa's species, and later Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres, captive. When an individual tried to leave the Clown's artificial environment, he would begin to raise their noradrenaline levels by pretending to cut off their heads with his guillotine. With enough stress, he could induce a heart attack and literally scare the individuals to death. (DS9: "Things Past"; VOY: "The Thaw")

A hard blow to the neck from an opponent in a boxing match will collapse the carotid artery and stop the flow of blood to the brain. (VOY: "The Fight")

Dopterians, Breen and Ferengi have a four lobed brain structure, which can not be read by telepathic species. (TNG: "The Loss"; DS9: "The Forsaken")

In many, but not all species, hallucination is a sign that the brain is malfunctioning. Many cultures purposely alter their perceptions of reality for spiritual or recreational reasons. The Denobulans, for example, hallucinate to reduce stress. Some Native American cultures self-induce hallucinations to experience a vision quest.

The Banea have the ability to place memory engrams inside a person's brain. This method is incompatible with Human brain physiology. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")

Parts of the brain Edit

Energies of the mind Edit

Brain technologies Edit

Cortical node

A Cortical node on a Borg drone

Brain scanners and probes Edit

Mind control technology Edit

Technologies of repair Edit

Interface and communication technology Edit

Procedures for the brain Edit

In 2253, Leonard McCoy developed a medical procedure involving brain tissue engrafting. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

Spock's brain was removed by the Eymorg in 2268. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")

Julian Bashir performed brain surgery on Bareil Antos in 2371. Parts of his brain were replaced artificially. It allowed Bareil to live long enough to help Winn Adami sign the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty. (DS9: "Life Support")

Mental Hospitals and Institutes Edit

See: Mental Hospitals and Institutes

Disorders of the brain Edit

Psychological disorders Edit

Neurological trauma and disorders Edit

Mind altering substances and phenomenon Edit

Many cultures purposely alter their perceptions of reality for spiritual or recreational reasons. Religious examples include Bajorans, Nechani, Vulcans and Human cultures such as Native Americans.

Other brains Edit

External linksEdit