The IKS Somraw in the atmosphere of a gas giant
Enterprise moves through the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere in an alternate version of 1944
An atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet or moon, held in place by gravity. On M-class planets, the lowest layer of the atmosphere is called the troposphere.
The atmosphere of Earth was primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, with notable amounts of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and noble gases.
- In an alternate version of 1944, the NX-class starship Enterprise entered Earth's atmosphere in order to destroy a Na'kuhl temporal conduit. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
In 1986, as the HMS Bounty was approaching Earth, James T. Kirk asked Spock in what time period they had arrived at. Upon scanning the planet, Spock informed Kirk that based off the pollution content in the atmosphere that they had arrived at the late 20th century. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
In 2152, while sending a shuttlepod to meet with the mining colonists of Paraagan II, Captain Jonathan Archer and Lieutenant Malcolm Reed apparently ignited the tetrazine-filled atmosphere, wiping out the entire colony. (ENT: "Shockwave")
In 2161, Ensign Travis Mayweather piloted Shuttlepod 2 from Enterprise to Rigel X, a planet in the Rigel system. Upon entering the planet's troposphere, he warned the shuttlepod's occupants, an away team from Enterprise, that the craft might experience some minor turbulence. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")
In 2269, Doctor Leonard McCoy discovered that the former immortal Flint had lost his immortality because he had left the Earth's atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere is what had made it possible for Flint to have instant tissue regeneration that made him, on Earth, immortal. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah")
In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D was able to defeat a cloaked drone of the Echo Papa 607 weapons system by luring it into the atmosphere of Minos, where it became visible. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")
In 2369, the space station Deep Space 9 lost its atmosphere due to several power failures. Commander Benjamin Sisko ordered the decompression protocol and Chief Miles O'Brien stabilized the systems. (DS9: "Q-Less")
In 2372, a Karemma vessel attempted to hide from two Jem'Hadar attack ships in the atmosphere of a gas giant. The USS Defiant followed and was able to destroy both Jem'Hadar ships, despite its systems being compromised by the ambient conditions. (DS9: "Starship Down")
In 2376, Captain Rudy Ransom of the USS Equinox evaded the USS Voyager by taking his ship into the atmosphere of an M-class planet. (VOY: "Equinox, Part II")
The graviton ellipse, discovered by the crew of Voyager in 2376 was found to have a primitive atmosphere. However, according to Ensign Tom Paris, it wasn't anything anybody would want to breathe in. (VOY: "One Small Step")
Atmospheric technologies
- Atmospheric airscoop
- Atmospheric condenser
- Atmospheric probe
- Sikarian atmospheric sensor
- Universal atmospheric element compensator
Atmospheric phenomenon
Structure and layers of an atmosphere |
Planetary: Troposphere • Stratosphere • Thermosphere • Exosphere Ozone layer • Ionosphere • Magnetosphere • Mesosphere |
Solar: Photosphere • Chromosphere • Corona |