The Andorian Empire was the Andorian state and a founding member of the United Federation of Planets in 2161.
- Main articles: Andorian history and Federation history
The Andorian Empire was one of the allies of United Earth during the Earth-Romulan War and had previously assisted Earth during the Xindi crisis. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II", "Zero Hour")

The border between Vulcanian space and the Andorian Empire in 2154.
The Andorian Empire spanned the Andorian system and included other planets such as Weytahn. (ENT: "Cease Fire", "Kir'Shara")
As of 2154, the Andorian Empire employed listening posts to guard its borders. Regulus was the closest accessible star known to be outside the maximum range of those listening posts. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")
Relative to the planetoid Babel, Tellar Prime was located on the far side of the Andorian Empire. (ENT: "Babel One")
The Andorian government was led by a chancellor. The Andorian chancellor maintained diplomatic relations with the Aenar race, following their contact in the early-22nd century. (ENT: "The Aenar")
The military branch of the Andorian Empire was known as the Andorian Imperial Guard, which operated both starships and infantry forces. (ENT: "Cease Fire", "Proving Ground")
In the Star Trek: Typhon Pact novel Paths of Disharmony, the Andorian government formally secedes from the Federation in 2382 following the controversy over revelations made by the Tholians that the Federation classified records roughly a century prior that the Andorians would come to believe possibly held a key to aiding them in a reproductive crisis brought on by the need for four genders to procreate. The crisis had been exacerbated by the Federation's war with the Borg, and the subsequent damage to Andor, that was the focus of the Star Trek: Destiny trilogy.
External link
- Andorian Empire at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works