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texts texts 74,754
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Date Published
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by João Batista Araujo e Oliveira
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Seminario sobre Prospectiva de la Educación en la Región de América Latina y el Caribe. UNESCO/OREALC, Santiago de Chile, 23 al 25 de agosto del 2000 (coordinación: Simon Schwartzman)
Topic: Secondary Education
Topic: Counseling in secondary education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Simon Schwartzman
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Paper prepared for the International Seminar on Best Practices of Secondary Education (IDB/OCED/Ministry of Education), Brasilia, May 3-4, 2010. Professional education cannot become a second-rate alternative for those unable to follow the academic curriculum, and it is not possible to come back to the old segmented systems which, even in the best cases, divide the students along stratified study tracks, strongly correlated to their family's social origins. The experiences of comprehensive...
Topics: Brazil, Secondary Education
Entrevista, Globo Educação, 6/8/2011. Aos 15 anos de idade o aluno já está em uma boa época para fazer opções. Não opções profissionais, mas certas opções que ele acaba fazendo na prática. Ninguém aprende tudo aos 15 anos de idade: geografia, física, história, química, biologia, sociologia... O aluno pode dedicar os três anos para aprofundar uns três temas. Temas de interesse do próprio aluno. A escola também vai se especializar naquilo que ela é mais capaz de dar. Se eu...
Topics: Brazil, Secondary education
Three distinct concepts are included in the report and addendum. The report itself documents two projects conducted under an Office of Education grant. The addendum is a four-page report of the research grant expenditures. The first report, "Unifying a Career Development Theme...," covers the five goals of the study conducted in Mason City, Iowa, from February 4, 1972 to February 3, 1973, the procedures used, and its results. It was concluded that the study must proceed from career...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Secondary Education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Ivan Marsiglia, Simon Schwartzman
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Entrevista a Ivan Marsiglia, O Estado de São Paulo, 14 de novembro de 2010. A questão é: precisamos de um Enem desse tipo? Na experiência de outros passes, existe algo semelhante? A resposta é não. Em sua origem, nos anos 90, o Enem era uma maneira de obter um padrão de referência para o ensino médio. Um teste de competência, não de conhecimento - em que se analisa nos alunos a capacidade de raciocínio, o uso da língua, a capacidade de expressão e a de resolver questões. Mas se...
Topics: Brazil, secondary education, ENEM
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Cláudio de Moura Castro, João Batista Araujo e Oliveira, Simon Schwartzman
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O Estado de São Paulo, Opinião, 6 de fevereiro de 2012. Há um abismo separando o ensino médio no Brasil do que se faz no resto do mundo. Exemplo dessa distância é a Resolução 2, de 30 de Janeiro de 2012, do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE). Ali se alarga o fosso que existe entre as elites brasileiras e o mundo das pessoas que dependem de suas decisões.
Topics: Brazil, secondary education
Community Texts
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Keele, B. J. (2012). Review of Copyright for Teachers & Librarians in the 21st Century. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 38(4), 248.
Topics: copyright, teachers, secondary education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Sebastião de Amorim
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O Estado de São Paulo, no. 20 de abril (2007). Apresentado como subsídio para o Grupo de Estudos da Academia Brasileira de Ciências sobre Enino de Ciências e Educação Básica (Ernst Wolfgang Hamburger, Fernando Galembeck, Joao Lucas Marques Barbosa, Keti Tenenblat (Coordenadora), Luiz Davidovich, Paulo Sergio Lacerda Beirão, Simon Schwartzman)
Topics: Secondary Education, Brazil
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
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Simon Blog, agosto de 2016 No Brasil, a adoção das ideias de Gramsci se corporificou no conceito de “politecnia”, que resume esta ideia de união entre o trabalho intelectual e o trabalho manual. Este conceito foi adotado sobretudo por educadores associados às escolas técnicas federais, que podiam assim reivindicar para si o mesmo prestígio, e as mesmas condições salário e trabalho, que os professores das universidades federais, sem abandonar uma postura política radical. Foi uma...
Topics: Brazil, secondary education, Gramsci
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
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Schwartzman, S. (2015). Em João Paulo dos Reis Velloso, O Brasil que queremos. Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Nacional de Altos Estudos: 183-196.Não seria uma simples mudança de legislação que resolveria os problemas do ensino médio, mas o atual formato institucional é um forte obstáculo para que ele se desenvolva e amplie como deveria. Existem muitas propostas de reformulação do ensino médio sendo discutidas, muitas delas tendo o objetivo de reduzir o número de disciplinas...
Topics: Brazil, secondary education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Patricia McLuchlan de Arregui (coordinadora), Ernesto Melgar, Ivan Montes, Simon Schwartzman, Juan Fidel Zorrilla
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Lima, Ministerio de Educacion, Programa Especial de Mejoramiento de la educacion peruana (MECEP), Documento de Tabajo 4, 2001
Topics: Peru, Secondary Education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro, Sergio Tiezzi
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Em Colin Brock e Simon Schwartzman, Os desafios da educação no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira, 2005, pp. 119-152
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Topics: Brazil, Secondary Education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Simon Schwartzman
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"O ensino médio no Brasil é formal, acadêmico, voltado para o vestibular. Não atende jovens com outros interesses". Entrevista, Revista Ensino Superior Unicamp, ano 1, n. 2, pp. 16-25., 07/06/2010
Topics: Brazil, Secondary Education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
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Seminario sobre Prospectiva de la Educación en la Región de América Latina y el Caribe. UNESCO/OREALC, Santiago de Chile, 23 al 25 de agosto del 2000 (coordinación: Simon Schwartzman) (background paper). O presente artigo aborda duas questões interrelacionadas: que políticas educacionais são mais justas e eficientes para os alunos mais pobres, políticas que estendem a escolaridade sem assegurar qualidade ou políticas que priorizam a qualidade? E, no caso específico dos alunos que...
Topic: Secondary Education, Brazil
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Simon Schwartzman
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Texto preparado para o seminario "Como aumentar a audiencia do ensino medio?" - Instituto Unibanco, Sao Paulo, 25-26 de novembro, 2010. O ensino médio brasileiro tem duas grandes anomalias. A primeira é a presunção de que todas as pessoas deveriam completá-lo seguindo em grande parte o mesmo programa de formação. Ao contrário da maioria dos outros países, só cerca de 8% dos estudantes de nível médio têm formação técnica. A segunda anomalia é que seu currículo é...
Topics: Brazil, secondary education
Estes dados, combinados com as informações sobre as características socioeconômicas dos estudantes de nível médio, sugerem que a pressão da educação média sobre o ensino superior nos próximos anos não deverá ser muito grande, e que atual oferta de vagas, se bem distribuida, já seria suficiente para atender a esta demanda (os 3.8 milhões anuais de inscrições incluem muitas pessoas que se candidatam a vários vestibulares, e demanda represada em alguns setores). Isto significa...
Topics: Brazil, secondary Education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
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Texto preparado para apresentação na Audiência Pública da Comissão Especial para Reformulação do Ensino Médio – CEENSI da Câmara de Deputados. Brasília, 13 de agosto de 2013
Topics: Brazil, secondary education, vocational education
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Simon Schwartzman, João Batista Araujo e Oliveira
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Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 16 de março de 2016. Em boa hora, o Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Educação decidiu questionar o projeto da Base Nacional Curricular do MEC em relação ao ensino médio.  As propostas do CONSED representam um avanço importante, mas precisam ser aperfeiçoadas.
Topics: Brazil, secondary education, core curriculum
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Paulo Renato de Souza
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The Reform of Secondary Education in Brazil. Document prepared in June, 2003 for the Human Development Network. World Bank. Apresentado como Subsídio para o Grupo de Estudos da Academia Brasileira de Ciências Sobre Ensino de Ciências e Educação Básica (Ernst Wolfgang Hamburger, Fernando Galembeck, Joao Lucas Marques Barbosa, Keti Tenenblat (Coordenadora), Luiz Davidovich, Paulo Sergio Lacerda Beirão, Simon Schwartzman). Rio de Janeiro, 2003.
Topics: Educational policy, secondary education, Brazil
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Simon Schwartzman
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Published in "The Forefront of International Higher Education - a Festschrift in Honor of Philip G. Altbach", edited by Alma Maldonado-Maldonado and Roberta Malee Bassett, 67-78: Springer. The problems related to academic drift are only part of a broad, multifaceted array of issues in Brazilian education; still, academic drift strongly limits what can and should be done to improve education quality. Throughout the world, countries are looking for solutions that can help them to manage...
Topics: Brazil, Secondary Education, Academic Drift
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Simon Schwartzman
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Versão ampliada de artigo publicado no O Estado de São Paulo, 17 de outubro de 2015
Topics: Brazil, Education Assessment, Secondary Education
Kansas State University Theses
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This volume was digitized and made accessible online due to deterioration of the original print copy.
Topic: Counseling in secondary education--Kansas
Community Texts
by Haritz Ferrando; Diana González; Antoni Paris
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Este material forma parte de un proyecto pedagógico, integral y transversal, que tiene como objetivo fomentar el uso de la bicicleta entre estudiantes de Secundaria, y jóvenes en general, para desplazarse habitualmente por la ciudad y, en especial, hasta el instituto. Se trata de un manual con unidades de conocimiento y recursos pedagógicos y prácticos que se enmarcan en el currículo de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y pretenden motivar al estudio, conocimiento y uso de la bicicleta...
Topics: Cycling mobility, Secondary education, Promotion
GRADES OR AGES: Grades 9-13. SUBJECT MATTER: French (for French-speaking students). ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The guide is in French. It is divided into five sections--spoken language, grammar, spelling, composition, and "explication de texte." Within each section a curriculum is outlined for 2-, 3-, 4-year programs at each grade level. The guide is offset printed and staple-bound with a paper cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: No objectives are mentioned. General...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Curriculum Guides, French, Secondary Education
In attracting a good staff, one should stress the characteristics of a small district that might be attractive to recruits: a low teacher-pupil ratio, more opportunities to take leadership roles, opportunity to give more individual attention to students, a greater oppportunity to be part of the community, ability to be closer to one's own children's involvements and needs, and a community bond. Keeping good staff can mean involving the staff in as many things as possible, keeping the staff...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Small Schools
The 12 extensively annotated articles and documents included in this collection range from analyses of what is wrong with alternative schools to procedures for their development. (IRT)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Nontraditional Education
Topics: Counseling in secondary education, Counseling, Sex discrimination
This is a report on the first year of a pilot program for building reading comprehension in all subject areas, conducted in six school districts located in a rural area near Phoenix, Arizona, during the school year 1972-1973. Over 50 percent of the high school students were bilingual or bi-cultural. In order to remedy reading retardation, teachers were asked to identify and define difficult vocabulary items and idiomatic phrases and to make copies available to the students. The idea was to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Secondary Education, Vocabulary Development
Click here to view the University of Florida catalog record
Topics: Counseling in secondary education, Counseling, Developmental psychology
The thirty papers in this Annual Proceedings of the Western College Reading Association (WCRA) were originally delivered at the Sixth Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Topics covered include self-programed control, increasing study-concentration behavior, individualizing a college reading program, human options for human beings, technological alternatives in learning, the reading program at Metropolitan State College, data collection, the use of behavioral contracts, outreach...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Secondary Education, Study Skills, Kerstiens, Gene, Ed.
High school students should be given the opportunity to do improvised duet acting, and criteria for evaluation of performances of improvised duet acting should be established. Although planning and prepared work should be discouraged as much as possible, because of the time limitations for the performance, it is good for the performers to know where they are going. In other words, they should know before performing what point "A" (the conflict), point "B" (the climax), and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Acting, Creative Dramatics, Dramatics, Evaluation, Pantomime, Secondary Education
The Arts and Humanities Center, located in the Memorial Arts Center in Atlanta, Georgia, must develop its specific objectives consistent with, but not overlapping, the philosophy and function of the total center. The staff of each of the units involved in work with children plan together; have frequent communication regarding plans, policies, and programs; and cooperate in many ways to provide services to a broad cross section of the children of the Atlanta community. There has been no...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Arts Centers, Elementary Secondary Education, Evaluation
The focus of the Project on Asian Studies in Education (PASE) is assistance to teachers in secondary schools and two and four year colleges in the Midwest to improve their instruction of Asian Studies through better teacher training and guidance in selecting educational materials. This is to be accomplished by: 1) providing a Resource Center with a coordinator and library of materials to aid teachers in planning their curricula; 2) in-service training for secondary school and college...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Secondary Education, Social Studies, Teacher Education, Textbook Selection
This report summarizes the provisions of the Education Amendments of 1978, Public Law 95-561. This legislation extends generally through fiscal year 1983 and amends the major federal programs of aid to elementary and secondary schools including those under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Impact Aid acts, the Emergency School Aid Act, the Adult Education Act, the Indian Education Act, and related legislation. (Author/LD)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Legislation, Elementary Secondary Education, Federal Legislation
This document contains a bibliography of over 1,000 publications relating to the teaching of science to students with disabilities. Entries cover such topics as teaching the blind, the hearing-impaired, the educable-mentally retarded, and the autistic student. The areas in science education for students with disabilities include computer-assisted instruction, elementary science, mainstreaming handicapped students into science, counseling of the handicapped, urban and rural science education....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education, Science Instruction
The Chairperson of the National Commission on Excellence in Education addresses his remarks to participants of the National Forum on Excellence in Education. Specifically, the speaker lists ways educators express high expectations of students and enumerates contrasting educational practices through which educators express low expectations. Portions of the Commission's final report dealing with standards are reiterated, and the importance of standards for attaining excellence is illustrated. (RH)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Improvement, Elementary Secondary Education, Standards
Montana State Government Information
by Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education
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Description based on: [Volume 1, number 1 (October 1973)]; title from cover
Topics: Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education, Education, Higher
Montana State Government Information
by Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education
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Description based on: [Volume 1, number 1 (October 1973)]; title from cover
Topics: Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education, Education, Higher
Invitational education is a theory of practice designed to create a total school environment that intentionally summons people in schools to realize their relatively boundless potential. It addresses the global nature of schools, the entire gestalt. Its purpose is to make schooling a more exciting, satisfying and enriching experience for everyone involved in the educative process. Its method is to offer a guiding theory, a common language of improvement, and a practical means to accomplish its...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Theories, Elementary Secondary Education, Theory Practice Relationship
Community Texts
by Public Law
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This law is the largest federal aid to K-12 schooling. When people speak of the No Child Left Behind Act, they are speaking of the 2002 revision of this 1965 law.For further information on federal education policy, see
Topics: Education, No Child Left Behind, Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) has gained increasing importance in language studies as well as languageeducation. In particular, the Hallidayan school has received increased academic attention in Hong Kong at both universitiesand community colleges. Drawing on the experience of the author’s capacity as the syllabus writer of a subject Analysis ofEnglish Grammar (AEG), which is based on SFL, as well as subject leader of the course at Hong Kong CommunityCollege (HKCC), this paper aims to...
Topics: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Post-Secondary Education, Functional Grammar
Developed for a high school quinmester unit on the romantic hero, this guide contains teaching strategies for a study of the characteristics of the romantic hero as he appears in various literary selections. Several major literary works are analyzed and discussed in comparison with popular culture heroes, and the portrayal of the romantic hero in the literature of western cultures is traced from the Greek culture to the present. The subject matter includes an identification of the elements of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Romanticism, Secondary Education, Teaching Guides, Western Civilization
This bibliography lists material published on principals and vice-principals since the first bibliography on this topic was published in February. The entries cover 95 books and pamphlets, 194 articles, and 82 theses. A list is provided of the Federation's publications in this series. (MLF)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Assistant Principals, Bibliographies, Elementary Secondary Education, Principals
The report describes the development and evaluation of an instructional program in tangible graph interpretation for braille readers. Because graphs frequently appear in textbooks and in other printed sources, lack of appropriate translation for blind persons can be a significant educational obstacle. Based on anlyses of typical graph reading tasks, skills and concepts fundamental to the graph reading process were identified and then incorporated into a logically sequenced instructional...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Blindness, Braille, Elementary Secondary Education, Graphs, Tactile Adaptation
The Hubble Space Telescope, the most complex and sensitive optical telescope ever made, was built to study the cosmos from low-Earth orbit for 10 to 15 years or more. The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory is a complex spacecraft fitted with four different gamma ray detectors, each of which concentrates on different but overlapping energy range and was designed to help astronomers learn about the most powerful celestial bodies and events in the universe. This educational product for grades 5 and up...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Aerospace Education, Secondary Education, Space Sciences
GRADES OR AGES: No mention. SUBJECT MATTER: Physical education. ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The guide is divided into several color-coded sections covering different aspects of the program. It is mimeographed and spiral-bound with a paper cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: Activities are listed under the qualities or parts of the body they are expected to develop. Sample headings are speed and endurance, power, and strength of abdominal and trunk muscles. Although some mention is made...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Curriculum Guides, Elementary Education, Physical Education, Secondary Education
Statistics Canada, Statistique Canada
by G.A. Mori and B. Burke.
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Census Year 1986
Topics: Education, Students, Higher education, Secondary education, Student aspirations, Census 1986
Source: upload
Collected texts of Simon Schwartzman
by Barjas Negri, Haroldo de Gama Torres e Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro
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Organizadores: Barjas Negri, Haroldo de Gama Torres e Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro. Coordenação técnica de Gilda Figueiredo Portugal Gouveia.SUMÁRIO:APRESENTAÇÃO: Barjas NegriINTRODUÇÃO: Gilda Figueiredo Portugal Gouvea, Haroldo da Gama Torres e Maria Helena Guimarães de CastroParte I – Impactos do Fundef e Fundeb na educação básica no Brasil e no Estado de São PauloCapítulo 1 – O Financiamento Público da Educação Básica no Brasil: 1988-2012. Barjas NegriCapítulo 2...
Topics: Brazil, Secondary Education, São Paulo, Brazil, São Paulo
The presentation addresses ways in which appropriate criteria for behavioral objectives with the severely handicapped are developed. Two kinds of criteria--those that established specified units and those that provide a standard to determine when the student has completed work on a specific objective--are identified. Specific considerations in selecting criteria are discussed and examples given for each: functionality, safety, social acceptability, normalization, accuracy, evaluability (all...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Behavioral Objectives, Criteria, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education
The catalogue describes approximately 180 products developed by the Regional Resource Centers (RRCs), a network of centers designed to provide technical assistance to state education agencies in serving handicapped children and youth. Information on the products includes title, author/editor/preparer, date, page numbers, language, publication type, subject descriptors (from the ERIC Thesaurus), abstract, publisher, and credits. Frequently information is also included on availability and related...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education, Special Education, Technical Assistance
This guide is intended to assist the trainer in planning and conducting leadership training for charter-school founders and operators. There are five core content areas for leadership development: Start-Up Logistics, Regulatory Issues, Assessment and Accountability, Governance and Management, and Community Relations. Suggestions and activities for conducting training in these areas are provided here, as well as generic training tips. The guide suggests conducting a needs assessment of the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Administrator Education, Charter Schools, Elementary Secondary Education, Training
This bibliography of 85 items is intended to help parents and professionals identify books that are written about or include characters who have a disability. The bibliography begins with a list of other resource guides to disability literature. The list of children's literature is then presented, grouped according to the following disabilities: attention deficit disorder, blindness, cerebral palsy, deafness, Down syndrome, learning disabilities, serious or life-threatening conditions, physical...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Bibliotherapy, Childrens Literature, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education
GRADES OR AGES: Grades 7-12. SUBJECT MATTER: Physical Education. ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The guide is divided into several straight-text chapters interspersed with lists and diagrams. It is mimeographed and spiral-bound with a paper cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: No specific objectives are mentioned. The major portion of the guide consists of lists and detailed descriptions of activities for each grade level. Activities include games, gymnastics, and dance. INSTRUCTIONAL...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Curriculum Guides, Physical Education, Secondary Education
Montana State Government Information
by Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education
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Description based on: [Volume 1, number 1 (October 1973)]; title from cover
Topics: Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education, Education, Higher
As a supplement to "What You Need To Know About Riding The School Bus," this booklet answers some of the most common questions concerning transportation for students with special needs. Using a simple question/answer format, the booklet addresses 22 issues regarding scheduling, the duties and responsibilities of the driver/aide, parent responsibility, behavior, and other topics. Questions include: (1) How soon after placement will a child's transporation be arranged? (2) Can...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Bus Transportation, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education, School Buses
Young black males in contemporary American society face major challenges to their development and well-being. Social, cultural, and economic forces have combined to keep black males from assuming traditional masculine roles. Counselors committed to the cause of black male empowerment can play an active role in promoting developmental initiatives at both the elementary and secondary level. Empowerment interventions for young black males must take into account African and African/American culture...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Black Students, Counselor Role, Elementary Secondary Education, Males
This report presents New Hampshire survey data, methodology, and the survey instrument used to measure a school's physical quality and educational effectiveness. The survey instrument collects data in the following categories: school site; building; building systems; building maintenance; building safety and security; space adequacy; and building environment for learning. Questions addressed in each category are included. Survey results from 391 New Hampshire schools are included along with a...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Public Schools, Surveys
Focused state efforts have helped teacher salaries in Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) states move toward the national average. Preliminary 2000-01 estimates put SREB's average teacher salary at its highest point in 22 years compared to the national average. The SREB average teacher salary is approximately 90 percent of the national average. Delaware and Maryland have average teacher salaries above the national average. Many SREB states have adopted goals to raise teacher pay over...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Teacher Salaries, Gaines, Gale F.
The speaker describes the El Paso approach to grade reports. The district has several different methods of reporting student progress. They include report cards every six weeks, an interim progress report for students who are doing unsatisfactory work or work that is not as good as could be expected, and parent conferences. (IRT)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Grading, Program Descriptions, Report Cards
This publication is the result of a study undertaken by the National Energy Information Center (NEIC) to provide its customers with a list of generally free or low-cost energy-related educational materials available for students and educators. Each entry includes the address, telephone number, and description of the organization and the energy-related materials available. Where available, Internet and electronic mail addresses are included. (JRH)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Resources, Elementary Secondary Education, Energy Education
The paper presents an annotated bibliography of children's books (1975-1984) designed to promote understanding of handicapped children. Books were gathered from searches of the literature as well as Books In Print. Selection criteria are described. Entries are presented alphabetically by author, within disability groups (visually handicapped, hearing impaired, speech impaired, orthopedically impaired, specific learning disability, mentally retarded, and multiply handicapped). A final category,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Childrens Literature, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education, Student Attitudes
The booklet lists special education materials rated effective by the Teacher Initiated Materials Evaluation (TIME) process. Six hundred eleven special educators completed report forms identifying effective materials. The contents are organized by exceptionality area, level and curricular area. The exceptionality area is broken into the following categories: preschool handicapped; mildly mentally handicapped; moderately mentally handicapped; severely/profoundly mentally handicapped; speech,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Disabilities, Elementary Secondary Education, Instructional Materials, Media Selection
Community Texts
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Dr. Maria Montessori's discussion of secondary and tertiary education and the Montessori method.
Topics: Montessori, Erdkinder, adolescent, education, secondary education, university education
The digest explores the nature of the creative process. It begins with background information which notes the importance of seeing the familiar in a new light and the possibility on non-acceptance of the creative act. Four basic abilities necessary for creativity and problem solving are identified: (1) fluency, (2) flexibility, (3) elaboration, and (4) originality. Guidelines are offered parents and teachers regarding ways to foster creativity, including allowing flexibility in scheduling,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Creative Development, Creative Thinking, Creativity, Elementary Secondary Education
The amount of paperwork in teaching often seems overwhelming. This being the case, organization is essential for effective teaching. Several ideas for dealing with paper flow are useful. Box file folders or durable plastic file cases, plus an ample supply of file folders, are excellent for storing papers. Papers used in a particular class can be categorized into helpful categories: attendance; grades; handouts; plans for the next class meeting; materials that must be returned to students; class...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Class Organization, Higher Education, Instructional Effectiveness, Secondary Education
A call for the results of needs assessment studies conducted in fourteen states in or near the Appalachian Region brought over fifty responses. Analysis of these responses showed that more needs assessment is carried out by bureaus or divisions of research, planning, and evaluation than by central administration or other programmatic divisions. As the intent of most studies was to determine the current status of educational needs, tests and questionnaires served as the prevailing methodologies....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Bibliographies, Elementary Secondary Education, Needs Assessment, Research Methodology
Developing an effective school or district academic competition program that highlights as many academic areas as possible while showcasing the achievements of individual students requires thoughtful assessment and planning. The School Academic Competition Inventory provides a way to determine the potential for such a program. If the potential exists, school leaders must determine (1) the event's main focus--an interdisciplinary emphasis would have the greatest overall impact; (2) the kinds of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Ability, Academic Achievement, Competition, Elementary Secondary Education
GRADES OR AGES: Secondary grades. SUBJECT MATTER: Latin and Greek. ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The guide is divided into seven chapters, each of which is in straight-text or list form. It is offset printed and staple-bound with a paper cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: General objectives for the 3-year course are outlined in a brief introductory chapter. Other short sections describe types of activities that might be used, such as study of Roman life, reading, oral work, and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Curriculum Guides, Greek, Languages, Latin, Secondary Education
GRADES OR AGES: Grade 13. SUBJECT MATTER: Typing manuscripts and reports. ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The introductory material contains general instructions on spacing, margins, and paging. The main text contains 32 manuscripts which are varied according to arrangement and length. The guide is lithographed and spiral bound with a soft cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: The objectives for the guide are given on page one. The activities are specified on the work sheets dividing the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Business Education, Curriculum, Curriculum Design, Secondary Education, Typewriting
The module is intended to help educators understand the components of school climate and its influence on the integration of students with handicaps. Three competencies are addressed: (1) to develop an understanding of the concept of school climate, identify its components and analyze its relationship to educational goals; (2) to develop an awareness of one's level of influence, the capacity to effect change, and the relationship of others' level of influence; and (3) to develop an awareness of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Change Agents, Disabilities, Educational Environment, Elementary Secondary Education
Staff at the Maryland State Department of Education annually summarize the enrollment statistics for nonpublic schools in the state under state authorization. Each August, enrollment surveys are sent to nonpublic school systems registered with the state. In 1997, the response was 97.4%. The list of schools surveyed includes both accredited and church exempt entities serving children in prekindergarten through grade 12. It does not include schools providing only religious education, day care...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Enrollment, Private Schools, Tables (Data)
To assess whether verbal perseverations were used with communicative intent, 15 persons with autism (9-26 years old) were observed throughout four composite school or work days. Data were collected using an event-sampling procedure, with utterances coded according to function, setting, and response of listeners. Among results were that approximately 17% of the total number of utterances observed were verbal perseverations; and the majority of all utterances were used with communicative intent;...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Autism, Communication Skills, Elementary Secondary Education
As the public becomes more aware of the health and environmental risks pesticides may pose, its interest in seeking the use of equally effective alternative pest control methods increases. School administrators and other persons who have pest control decision-making responsibilities for school buildings and grounds can use this guide to become aware of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a pest control method that may be an alternative to scheduled spraying of pesticides. Each step in a...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Environmental Education, Pesticides, School Buildings
Montana State Government Information
by Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education
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Description based on: [Volume 1, number 1 (October 1973)]; title from cover
Topics: Montana. Commission on Post-secondary Education, Education, Higher