Category: Klingon
bird of victory class 2.0 |
Now the Queh'ral class has a new model and textures, it's now the turn for the Bird of Victory class.I always thought the Kbattle2 a ship in need of b… |
Aad Moerman 2009-08-09 2.36 MB 283 Comments: 2 | |
Brood Class |
A good Klingon ship (We don't see a lot of these ), but the texture could use a bit of work... |
MPenny2 2002-11-03 188.79 KB 1,547 Comments: 2 | |
C8V Carrier and Klingon Fighter 1.0 |
This is an intresting looking Klingon ship that is a port from SFC2, and the model certainly shows it. |
|AXiN| 2004-09-02 280.24 KB 1,597 Comments: 11 | |
C9 Warblood |
Introducing Raven Night’s Klingon Defense Force C-9 “Warblood” (ghob ‘lw) Class Battleship, brought to A2 by Pepperman. |
Pepperman 2009-03-09 10.24 MB 490 Comments: 1 | |
CH'targh class battlecruiser |
The CH'targh class Klingon battlecruiser fills the gap between the K'tinga and the Vor'cha as the primary battlecruiser of the Klingon Empire in the e… |
Pizza the Hutt 2011-12-19 3.36 MB 297 Comments: 2 | |
Chancellor Gowron's Negh'var |
This mod doesn't really change anything on the neg'var class but adds new voice overs to it of Chancellor Gowron. |
ABubba91873 2002-06-28 967.02 KB 1,058 Comments: 1 | |
ChoQ'Batlh Battleship |
Part of Major Payne's ship pack found here,;57245, this is recommended for 56k-ers… |
Major A Payne 2006-02-20 859.84 KB 1,646 Comments: 0 | |
Cmd Kurn's Negh'var |
This is similar to The Gowron Neg'var. It mostly just changes the voice overs with the great Cmd Kurn of the Klingon Empire |
ABubba91873 2002-06-28 704.70 KB 683 Comments: 2 | |
D-16 "KLsarza" Escort |
Well, it's rare to get a single Klingon ship but two at the same time...nice one Terradhyne! Another older design but I belive this is better then the… |
Terradyhne 2006-02-19 742.12 KB 908 Comments: 6 | |
D-7 Class Battle Cruiser 1.0.0 |
The D-7 would become one of the most famous and heavily used vessels in the Empire. It was a ship that would strike fear into foes. |
FIREBALL_IV 2011-02-02 7.64 MB 631 Comments: 6 | |