Brood Class
A good Klingon ship (We don't see a lot of these

//////////////////////////////The Klingon heavy cruiser//////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////The Brood Class/////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////By Mpenney2////////////////////////////////////////////
This is one of many klingon ships i have recently made. I hope you enjoy using it.
Put the .sod file in the /sod directory
put the .odf file in the /odf/ships directory
put the .tga file in the /textures/rgb directory
put this in gui_global:
# Klingon build buttons
b_kbrood gbkbrood 0 0 64 64
In the put this:
kbrood.odf 1 kyard.odf
Add this to kyard.odf:
buildItemX = "kbrood"
(x being the number in the list)
Made by Mpenney2
Converted by Bryan
hps added by Bryan
Supported by the GenoMteaM (
Any queries email me at
This is in no way endorsed by paramount and activision. I tak no responsibility for any damage caused by these files.
Version | Author | MPenny2 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,547 | Size | 188.79 KB | Created | 2002-11-03 |