C8V Carrier and Klingon Fighter C8V Carrier and Klingon Fighter

(3 votes)
|AXiN|, 2004-09-02

This is an intresting looking Klingon ship that is a port from SFC2, and the model certainly shows it. It also includes a new speical weapon that is a Klingon version of the Cardassian Drones. This is a great ship to add to your Klingon armada .

This is the Starfleet Command 2 C8V Carrier and Klingon Fighter.

All credits go to Taldren, except for the actual conversion from MOD to SOD, which was done by me - |AXiN|

to install:
put kcv.odf into the /odf/ships folder
put kfighters.odf into the /odf/special_weapons folder
put kft.tga, kcv.tga, kcvwire.tga and gbkcv.tga into the textures/rgb folder.
put kft.sod and kcv.sod into the SOD folder.
copy and paste the following into kyard2.odf:
builditem8 = "kcv"

copy and paste the following into your gui_global file under romulan build buttons:

b_kcv gbkcv 0 0 64 64

copy and paste the following into your gui_global file under romulan wire frames:

kcvw1 kcvwire 0 0 48 48
kcvw2 kcvwire 48 0 48 48
kcvw3 kcvwire 96 0 48 48
kcvw4 kcvwire 144 0 48 48
kcvw5 kcvwire 192 0 48 48

open tech1.tt file in the techtree folder. add this to the Klingon section:

kcv.odf 1 kresear2.odf // C8V class Carrier

add this line to fulltech.tt under the romulan section

kcv.odf 0

Version  1.0  Author  |AXiN|  Website   
Downloads  1,597  Size  280.24 KB  Created  2004-09-02 



#11 jlp47at 2007-10-21 19:56
I remember this from Starfleet Command 2, nice!

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