Category: Klingon
Klingon K'Vek Class Assault Cruiser |
Well, as it clearly states in the ReadMe, this one is from me. Expect to see a better K'Vek (renamed Kei'Veck) in Zero Hour, but until then, you Kling… |
Transmission 2007-03-16 2.20 MB 817 Comments: 11 | |
Klingon K'vek cruiser |
K'vek strike cruiser by Aad Moerman THis my version of the Klingon k'vek class strike cruiser of Armada II. |
Aad Moerman 2011-07-20 3.84 MB 177 Comments: 0 | |
Klingon Military Freighter v1.1 |
This re-texture of the Cardassian stock freighter is meant to represent the Klingon military freighter often seen in DS9. |
mishkaco 2008-05-12 298.55 KB 359 Comments: 3 | |
Klingon Negh'var |
This is a rebuild of Deemons Negh'Var Class Warship. The model looks pretty much the same, as do the textures, but they're not. |
Aad Moerman 2007-04-02 524.58 KB 222 Comments: 0 | |
Klingon Negh'var class Battleship 2.0 |
A long time ago, Aad Moerman uploaded a Klingon battleship, the Negh'Var / Voodieh / call it what you want class. |
Aad Moerman 2008-12-30 3.69 MB 656 Comments: 6 | |
Klingon Negh'Var Kitbashes |
I have declared march to be "Klingon Awareness Month" and so I'm sending you a package that contains 3 Klingon ships that I have made by kitbashing t… |
Pizza the Hutt 2006-03-03 386.13 KB 522 Comments: 4 | |
Klingon Negh'var Pack |
This is a Negh'var class and Klingon Voodieh Variant in this pack from Supastarash. |
Transmission 2005-08-23 566.52 KB 1,047 Comments: 3 | |
Klingon Raptor from enterprise 1 |
Nice SFC3 port here --be aware of the poly count (over 3000!) when you're using this little puppy. |
mikemckeon007 2008-03-14 731.32 KB 468 Comments: 3 | |
Klingon ship pack |
This folder contains the Klingon mining freighter, cargoship, colonyship, assaultship, repairship and constructionship. |
Aad Moerman 2011-09-21 6.96 MB 378 Comments: 0 | |
Klingon Ship Pack |
A pack of five Klingon ships Avon had laying around. And if this is the stuff he's got "laying around", then I'm totally jealous! These ships are BEAU… |
Avon 2008-03-10 3.44 MB 738 Comments: 13 | |