Category: Celestial Bodies

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CelestalBody.png SFC3 Planets

(5 votes)

One of the best Planet makers strikes again, this time with conversions of the planets in Starfleet Command 3.

 Atlantis 2003-01-20   1.85 MB 1,136 Comments: 3

CelestalBody.png Ship Wreckage 1.0

(5 votes)

A map needs a background, planets, nebulae, ships, stations, and of course, wreckage.

 Transmission 2005-03-17   215.60 KB 792 Comments: 3

CelestalBody.png Slightly Better Asteroid Fields

(6 votes)

Awesome work here by thunderfoot006 and starfox1701, giving the stock asteroid fields a more field-like appearance in game, by shrinking them, then ad…

 thunderfoot006 2008-10-19   5.91 KB 253 Comments: 1

CelestalBody.png Slightly Better Starfields

(1 vote)

This is a pretty nice set of modified starfields for A2 that doesn't require a complete rewrite of your build in order to work.

 thunderfoot006 2008-10-04   12.47 KB 258 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png Solar System

(27 votes)

This is by far the best planet/map mode i have seen! It includes all 9 planets in corret sizes with a few f there most popluar moons.

 Rassilon 2002-06-07   2.36 MB 2,398 Comments: 19

CelestalBody.png Space Transformation Pack

(18 votes)

Well boys and girls, something we don’t seem to get much of these days: Map Objects! This MOD (for sure) is going to turn that aroun…

 Yacuzza 2006-01-12   20.48 MB 1,586 Comments: 15

CelestalBody.png Stock Planets Mod

(1 vote)

From the Readme: For modders who wish to do planet stuff, they'll've realised that the texturing for planets is set up in the .odf file, and is impos…

 Atlantis 2002-12-21   1.26 MB 445 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png Sun Class A

(5 votes)

This is a new sun by Rabb that looks like our sun

 Micheal Raab 2002-09-10   92.00 KB 323 Comments: 3

CelestalBody.png Sun Class G

(2 votes)

Almost the same as a class A, but a little brighter.

 Micheal Raab 2002-09-10   112.02 KB 298 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png Sun Class K

(2 votes)

This sun is more orange then the rest of them.

 Unknown / Anonymous 2002-09-10   82.98 KB 302 Comments: 0