Space Transformation Pack Space Transformation Pack

(18 votes)
Yacuzza, 2006-01-12

Well boys and girls, something we don’t seem to get much of these days: Map Objects! This MOD (for sure) is going to turn that around, especially the Backgrounds & Suns (along with the new moons).

I’ve used this earlier in the week due to having access of it through Yacuzza, and I can tell you from personal use, it is something breathtakingly good Wink – If we had more people who had this kind of talent, Armada II would be something of the future

Anyhow, download is a must!


Space Transform Pack modder relese

--Graphy production company--


Terms of Use for this Pack.

This pack is made for you to use in your personal or publick mods.

Only two player maps are 100% finished and created with new map itms.

other maps can be edit and created by you for your mods as this is modder relese pack.

This pack is made to change few things in Armada2 normal space

Info :

This release also contains the upgraded planets textures(textures were originally created by Rassilon)
which were released originally with the Borg Incursion 2 project by Major A Payne
From Major A Payne BI3 Borg Module.

Special thanks :

To Major A Payne & Rassilon for Borg Incursion 2 project upgraded planets textures
he let use of from his BI projects.

--Graphy production company--


Version    Author  Yacuzza  Website   
Downloads  1,586  Size  20.48 MB  Created  2006-01-12 



#11 Yacuzza 2006-02-07 01:20
modneadsto be installed on all PC that are playing in multyplayer !
#12 DARK_HUNTER335 2006-02-07 19:59
Well I do not understand, I want to know how to Install these Textures onto your game without adding any new scripts to make it non-playable in Multiplayer!! I love these textures, yes I do but I need to know how can I get these to work on Multiplayer.... :o
#13 AdmarilRyan 2006-09-02 02:51
you can't, the only way this could be used in multi-player is if the other players also have this installed. If you are a good modder you can take out somethings from this mod and use them while still been compatible with the stock A2, however if you are after improved graphics but still multi player compatability then you really need to get the A2 upgrade Project instead.
#14 Chiletrek 2006-09-20 23:38

This mod pack is wonderful, I will try it and see how the game is enhanced. Great job!! Keep it up!!


P.S: Yacuzza, I need to talk with you about Species8472. Can you send me an E-mail? because I don't think this is the place to talk about a mod I want to do. Thank you
#15 bumting 2006-11-16 16:05
Who ever said space was dull :-) im useing this baby in my persnol(damn forgot how to spell it) mod thanks Yacuzza

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