TNG Romulan Ship Pack TNG Romulan Ship Pack

(11 votes)
Pepperman, 2010-12-19

Everyone who has been involved in the Star Trek modding world is well acquainted with the name Atolm as he is one of the premier artists who spends a significant amount of time and effort designing ships and the like. This ship pack releases some of his unique Romulan designs to the Armada community. The user will need to create build buttons, wireframes and odf files to properly use these ships. A rough odf file is provided to orient the user to respective hardpoint locations.

* TNG Romulan Ship Pack
* Period: Post Nemesis Era
* Game: Star Trek Armada
* Model Credits:
* - Design/Mesh Developer: Atolm (aka Azel) (
* - Texture Developer: Atolm (aka Azel) ( and Tus
* Conversion Credits: Peppperman
* Note: The user will need to create build buttons, wireframes and odf files to properly use these ships. A rough odf file is provided to provide locations of respective hardpoints.
D'Kazanak Class

The D'Kazanak-class was a special type of warbird starship constructed within the Romulan Star Empire. They
were built in secret with only rumors of their capabilities. It is said that no one knew anything about these ships and those that attempted to breathe a word about the specifications would suffer under the penalty of death. Even the location where these ships were being constructed was not known.

Ael� Hatham (Winged Predator) Class

reated to replace the aging D'deridex class as the frontline and flag ship of the fleet. Though it was thought that the Valdore would do this job, it was found that though newer, it still was not an adequete replacement to the D'deridex. The Ael' Hatham Class, whose size is only matched by her shear ferocity, is more than capable of taking on its counterparts in the other empires, if not easily. Her purpose, to be a the Romulan Star Empire's primary fighting vessel as well as ensuring the security and preservance of her borders.

Ael Ra'kholh Class

Designed to carry out Interdiction and interception roles with space superiorty in mind. She is a capable fighting machine and more powerful than vessels of similar classifications. Her unusual configuration for a warbird allows for better manuverabilty and higher speeds giving her the edge in a closely matched fire fight.

Enarrain Class

Falcata Class

The primary purpose of this warbird was to meet and counter the increasing threat of more capable combat vessels from the surrounding empires. The goal for this ship was to easily be able to mass produce smaller fleet ships to aid in support roles around the empire and to increase the leathality of its larger, more capable vessels.

Mogai' Hvei'khenn Class

This ship was designed to allow the empire the ability to have sturdy vessel capable of standing up against other ships of its class and have a vessel that it could produce quickly. Though not as powerful as the as the capitol ships, these ships are on par with most of the bordering empires.

Ra'Tar Class

Use Policy:

You may use this ship in you mods providing you give proper credit. If you wish to change or alter this model, please contact Atolm for his permission. Textures may be altered at users discretion but please contact Atolm for final approval before release.
Legal Stuff

This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material
is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you
(the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no
responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.

Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right reserved. All other trademarks
and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
Contact Info

Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you thought of the addon.

Version  1.0  Author  Pepperman  Website   
Downloads  839  Size  14.43 MB  Created  2010-12-19 



#1 Jetfreak 2010-12-19 19:43

Thanks for these! DL'ing now. Rock
#2 Terra_Inc 2010-12-19 22:11
Yay, awesome designs. DLing right now. Rock
#3 k_merse 2010-12-20 00:15
I always thought that these designs are for the far future. At least I use them for that.

But it's nice to see that someone else has ported them as well ;-)
#4 frostmourn4 2010-12-20 22:16
I can't believe that this has actually been released! Downloading now!
#5 pepperman 2010-12-23 06:02
Can some of you guys check these in Storm 3d viewer for me...somrthing wierd appaers to be going on.
#6 Jetfreak 2010-12-24 03:03
They look OK in my install.

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