Category: TNG, DS9, VOY and Future

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Model.png Mamut Class

(21 votes)

This is a shipyard and a ship rolled into one! Very high quality ship and quite a convenience too.

 vt1032 2003-06-20   1.79 MB 2,285 Comments: 31

Model.png Manta Class 2.0

(16 votes)

Well Folks, what we have here is an updated version of the Manta Class posted not that long ago.

 Greathor 2006-01-24   2.96 MB 1,064 Comments: 13

Model.png Manta Class 1.0

(6 votes)

We all like those new designs that we only catch glimpses of in the films/series.

 Greathor 2006-01-22   3.76 MB 370 Comments: 4

Model.png Marco Polo Class

(5 votes)

This update for the stock Federation cargo class gives it some nice new touches.

 Chiletrek 2006-09-01   903.61 KB 614 Comments: 2

Model.png Mars Defense Perimeter Missile & Prod. Structure

(8 votes)

Yay here we got a canon 'ship' that had probally the shortest On-Screen-Time in Star Trek .

 shadow_from_afc 2007-07-22   1.81 MB 564 Comments: 15

Model.png McMillan Class

(4 votes)

This is the McMillan class frigate. This ship is based in the era between TMP and TNG, more commonly known as TLE (The Lost Era).

 FIREBALL_IV 2009-02-15   5.00 MB 308 Comments: 4

Model.png Meatron Class

(8 votes)

This is zeichys first ship, it is no deemon, but for a first ship, he did a good job now, y dont you download

 Zeichy 2002-11-10   1.03 MB 582 Comments: 4

Model.png Melbourne Class

(12 votes)

This is the Melbourne Class converted from Bridge Commander. This ship will replace the stock Nebula CLass in the game.

 Tom Bloomberg 2004-03-15   3.31 MB 1,968 Comments: 9

Model.png Midway Class

(4 votes)

Well, it says in the ReadMe that this is a kitbash of an Excelsior & Sovereign.

 Pizza the Hutt 2006-07-23   2.17 MB 1,018 Comments: 4

Model.png Millennium Class

(2 votes)

Just what A2Files needs.... another 'god' Starfleet vessel. This one promises to do EVERYTHING! It has powerful phasers and Warp 10 and carrier bays a…

 HMS_Frontier 2007-10-29   673.98 KB 449 Comments: 14