Mars Defense Perimeter Missile & Prod. Structure
Yay here we got a canon 'ship' that had probally the shortest On-Screen-Time in Star Trek

Well, this pack includes the 'Mars Defense Perimeter Missile' as seen in the TNG episode 'Best of Both Worlds' Part 2. You could see 3 of them for few seconds while the Borg Cube was passing Mars (but the big boy took care of the missiles very quickly

Additionally you are getting a new armed production structure for the missiles. Both models have a high poly count.
- TParis
this package is made for Armada2 only. It contains the Mars Defense Perimeter Missile and its Production Facility.
The missile was on screen during the first borg incursion when three of them tried to stop the cube of locutus.
It was also used as the SolitonWave-Rider.
I made it as exact as possible, therefore the sod has a relatively high poly count (1614 polys).
The production facility is of my imagination, I tried to keep it in line with other star trek buildings.
fprodfac.sod is a high poly model, due to the external storage tanks it has 3614 polys
I made the model of the Defense Perimeter Missile following the photos that you can find on the net. If you want to see some reference go to
This package was released before in 2005 at AFC. But in the meantime I learned a thing or two on textureing, so this version has new texture files and retextured sods.
I f you have the old version redownload. I think you will like it.
Should any problem arise with this package, you can send me a PM on, or post a message here.
My work can be used in other persons mods if they give proper credit in the read me, under the condition that this mod stays non commercial and is not uploaded to a paysite.
There are only 2 websites where I publish my work.
You may not upload my work to any other website as singular files.
Copy all .tga-files into Armada2 / Textures / RGB
Copy the .sod-file into Armada2 / SOD
Copy the .odf-file into Armada2 / ODF / Stations
or respectively
Copy the .odf-file into Armada2 / ODF / Ships
Copy the .bmp-file into Armada2 / bitmaps / Admiralslog / Shipimages
Go to Armada2 / techtree
Open and and insert:
fprodfac.odf 0
fmarsdef.odf 0
Go to Armada2 / Sprites
Open gui_global.spr
Insert the lines
# Federation build buttons
b_fprodfac gbfprodfac 0 0 64 64
b_fmarsdef gbfmarsdef 0 0 64 64
# Ship Wireframes
fprodfacw1 fprodfacwf 0 0 80 80
fprodfacw2 fprodfacwf 80 0 80 80
fprodfacw3 fprodfacwf 160 0 80 80
fprodfacw4 fprodfacwf 0 80 80 80
fprodfacw5 fprodfacwf 80 80 80 80
fmarsdefw1 fmarsdefwf 0 0 80 80
fmarsdefw2 fmarsdefwf 80 0 80 80
fmarsdefw3 fmarsdefwf 160 0 80 80
fmarsdefw4 fmarsdefwf 0 80 80 80
fmarsdefw5 fmarsdefwf 80 80 80 80
Have fun Shadow.
Version | Author | shadow_from_afc | Website | ||
Downloads | 564 | Size | 1.81 MB | Created | 2007-07-22 |
Insecure??? Why???
2. Check the station / ship odf for unknown entries see # 8
3. Follow the read me
4. Add the entry for the station to the odf of your construction ship. Take care that the list of your build items is not to long. This list can have only 14 entries.
5. Your done.
Play and have fun.
Where is the problem?
Just a question: did you ever mod the game?
What do you mean with demo ?
Are you talking about this?;2859
If so, the demo version should use the same internal structure as the stock version that you can buy. Or could buy ; I dont know if it is still available in your area. I guess there is just the material for the other races missing.I never used this version.
All info that you need to install has been given.
I also recommend that you take a look at this:;8835
Fmarsdef.odf is referencing some files used by the cardassian side.
Go to: Armada2 / ODF / special_weapons
Look for: gcDreadnaught.odf and gcDreadnaughto.odf
Go to: Armada2 / ODF / other
Look for : scsuperphys.odf
If these files are present you should be able to use it, if not: sorry pal its not going to work for you.