P81'S Galaxy Class P81'S Galaxy Class

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ISS_Enterprise_D, 2010-04-13

This is a nice job converting the venerable Pneumonic81's Galaxy class model --using a number of texture variations-- by ISS Enterprise-D. One's a Terran Empire version, but all use the same .SOD file.

Note that one of the texture sets contains a pair of 16MB textures! Most users won't be able to run the game with textures THAT excessively big! But since ISS refers to them as the 'creme de la creme' of this mod, they're included.

Worth a look.


P81's USS Enterprise-D Galaxy-Class

The Galaxy-Class exploration cruiser has been my favorite starship in all of Star Trek for as long as I can remember. In my eyes, there is no design more beautiful, majestic, and powerful out there, except for maybe the Sovereign-Class, although she comes second to the Galaxy. :P

Thanks to good ol' Ghost's Comp Mod, I found that the best Galaxy model for A2 was P-81's. It was not terribly high in polys, and it had decent enough textures. After discovering Bridge Commander and all of it's wonders, I stumbled upon a number of re-textures, re-workings, etc. of P-81's model. JetFreak kindly released one of them not terribly long ago here on A2 files.Looking more through BCFiles, I found textures just like the ones Jet had released, but in a much higher resolution. I also discovered Wiley Coyote's re-texture that made the ship into...well, me!! 8D The ISS Enterprise-D.

Being the die-hard of the Galaxy that I am, there were little nitpicks on the textures that I felt needed fixing, and I wasn't prepared to wait the time it would take by sending out some copies to some texture people out there to do it for me. So, I took the only other option other than do nothing:
I did the textures myself. O.o

Yep, that's right. I've taken the liberty of editing the various texture files to add little details here and there that were previously missing. I personally thought I was gonna screw the whole thing up, but the end results were awesome.

And so we come to the release of my first "official" modification on Armada II FileFront:

////////// P-81/Richard Knox's Galaxy-Class Model //////////

-The model itself
-Three texture variants
-Dan1025's Deflector Dish weapon
-Admiral's Log Pic and Build Button

The texture variants are listed below:

-Jetfreak: converted Capt. Elgy's textures from BCFiles, edited to have the registry of the Enterprise-D, minor edits by ISS Ent-D

-BlackRook32/Elminster: edited Capt. Elgy's textures for the GCMP v2.1 mod on BCFiles, conversion and major edits by ISS Ent-D

-Wiley Coyote: re-textured C2X's Galaxy-Class to look like the ISS Enterprise-D, conversion and minor edits by ISS Ent-D

BR32/Elmin's textures were the ones I modified the most, and therefore are the creme de la creme of this mod. They are a higher resolution of JetFreak's already awesome re-texture, and I took the liberty of getting down some of minor details, like correcting the impulse lighting, adding numbers to the shuttlebays, and fix an area where the registry was missing. I'm more than satisfied with the results.

Now for my next project: either re-texture DJ&apos;s Galaxy so it&apos;s more detailed and beautiful than before, or try and re-texture this model with DJ&apos;s textures.....Oy vey..... >.<

I hope you guys enjoy!!!

-ISS Enterprise-D

Credits Time:
P81/Rick Knox: For creating this superb model in the first place
JetFreak: For kindly re-texturing his re-texture for me so it had the registry of the Enterprise
Wiley Coyote: For re-texturing C2X&apos;s Galaxy so it became the ISS Enterprise-D
Captain Elgy: For undertaking the task of enhancing the beauty of P-81&apos;s model with a re-texture and new mesh.
Scotchy: For allowing Capt. Elgy to use his awesome textures in his work
BR32/Elminster: For furthering the work of Capt. Elgy by releasing the GCMP v2.1, which contained 11 stunning Galaxy-Classes
You, YES YOU!!!: For downloading this mod. That&apos;s what makes all this work well worth it.

Activision: For creating Armada 2, which opened up a world of modding of which I am proud to be a part of

Gene Roddenberry: For creating the mutliverse of Star Trek that we all know and love

Version    Author  ISS_Enterprise_D  Website   
Downloads  291  Size  15.21 MB  Created  2010-04-13 



#11 apoclaydon 2010-04-16 04:33
lol i've dne that a few time when i started and agen recently in 3dmax (4 sum reason the model needs to be backwards in their for i to export the correct way) anyway back on topic nice ship

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