Tribble Launcher Tribble Launcher

(7 votes)
Cygnis Prime, 2002-08-13


This weapon fires tribbles!!!

One of the best of Cygnis's weapons so far, this is a very cool weapon thats worth a download

Thank you for downloading my mod. First, I would like to explain what this file IS exactly, To be honest... I hate tribbles. So, I made a mod to apply to armada that would let someone launch a furry tribble at an enemy ship. Thus the \"Tribble Launcher.\"
Second, here is the path you need to follow to fling these... \"things\" into the vacuum of space:

1.) Place all the .odf files in the:
Star Trek Armada II\\odf\\weapons\\photon folder
2.) Place all the .tga files int he:
Star Trek Armada II\\textures\\rgb folder
3.) Place the .WAV file in the:
Star Trek Armada II\\sounds\\effects folder

(now for the tricky part)
4.) Place the weapon.spr file in the:
Star Trek Armada II\\Sprites folder
If you have altered or replaced the weapon.spr file before, DO NOT REPLACE IT AGAIN! If you do, you will loose all other weapons you have installed...
Open the weapon.spr file and locate the line:

# Federation Photon torpedo
//quantum torpedo only
wbluephoton wfbluetorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

DIRECTLY under this line place this:

# Tribble Launcher
tribblelaun tribble 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

So it SHOULD look like this:

# Federation Photon torpedo
//quantum torpedo only
wbluephoton wfbluetorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Tribble Launcher
tribblelaun tribble 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

5.) Open the .odf of the ship you want to launch the tribbles out of,
and add to the weapons section:

weapon# = \"triblela\"
weaponHardpoints# = \"hp01\"
(Be sure to replace the # with the correct weapon number.)

That\'s it!

Any questions/troubles?

~ Cygnis Prime ~

(p.s. Sorry the sound doesn\'t work as well as it should. But hey, it\'s the thought that counts right?)

Version    Author  Cygnis Prime  Website   
Downloads  611  Size  27.86 KB  Created  2002-08-13 



#11 Thun 2003-03-27 20:07
Hey guys Wuz opposite 'o down... Whats a tribble?

Serious... Tell me...

This Mod is excellent, and a Neelix launcher would be technically of great advantage, although there would be no precise and exlcusive reason on why to expend much of human time in this "MOD" but I believe It will be a "comical" addition and a worthy program download. -Data style lol
#12 Borg131 2003-04-04 18:26
Well, you need to see the Star Trek Episode, i forgot what it's called, the original Star Trek, With Kirk and Spock and Scotty and the rest.
#13 Padawan_Raynor 2003-04-09 14:51
Bonus vs Klingons...
#14 Captain_Reisen 2003-04-09 20:18 that they're born pregnant.

The episode*****le is termed, appropriately enough, "The Trouble with Tribbles". There was a 30th anniversary tribute in a DS9 episode called "Trials and Tribbilations" that's worth a look.
#15 draconis_sharp 2004-04-20 09:55
tribles are those little fuzzy things from star trek the original series. there kinda like... ummm... furbies, yeah i remember furbies too.

the weapon really should be like a transporter type of thing where if you have tribles you have to give them to someone else to get rid of them.


the tribles cause damage to the ship over time and damage and/or disable ship systems


it could disable life support to simulate loss of food due to tribles :donut: :donut: :donut: (though it shouldn't be a problem for modern starships, but would be best for anyone making a TOS or TMP conversion for armada 2).
#16 rocketracer94 2006-04-27 01:21
NOOOOOOO NOT MY PET TRIBBLES... huh? They just blew up a fusion cube?

#17 undedavenger 2008-10-07 17:20
How about an attack like scotty did in "the trouble with tribbles? It is a transporter attack much like the iwo jima. However, you just transported a crapton of tribbles into their engine room. After transport, you hear tribbles cooing and a klingon scream.... and the targeted ship's engines start dropping.
#18 Ncc1701A 2010-05-08 02:46
the weapon should disable all systems since that would be a simulation of the tribbles eating the wires and conduits

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