Negh'Var Disruptor Mod Negh'Var Disruptor Mod

(8 votes)
thunderfoot006, 2007-07-21

Introducing a really decent weapon upgrade for the Klingons, this is a Disruptor and Photon weapons refit for the Negh'Var Class and B'rel Class by Thunderfoot006. Following on from his Vor'cha Disruptor Mod, this mod adds the same type of disruptor to the Negh'Var. Also the Klingon Battle Photon which is used on the Negh'Var is enhanced aswell.

Included is a copy of thunderfoot's ODF for both Tycoon's SSA Apocalypse - Klingon for the Negh'Var and Elevatormusic's Random Textures which were both used in this mod respectively.

Another inclusion is the weapons odf for K7A's Dogs of War K'Vort which was used with this weapons mod.

All-in-all this is a cool weapon's mod especially the sleak look of the disruptor which feels like a canon Klingon disruptor. A small mod but those are the ones that sometimes make a huge difference in gameplay. Nice work Wink


Disruptors and Photons for the Negh'Var and B'Rel by Thunderfoot006

Qa'pla, warriors! Again, you honour my House! I did this Disruptor Mod for the Vor'Cha and now it is time for the same for the Negh'Var. This mod replaces the stock Negh'Var(kbattle) phasers with Klingon disruptors a la SFC3 and also improves the kbattlephoton. This was developed with elevatormusic's random weapon's textures installed. I use Ash's Apocalypse Negh'Var in my game because I've always liked the way it looks, and it looks magnificent! As with the Vor'Cha, the ship isn't mine, it is Ash's work. I've included the odf I use with the Negh'Var and with Martok's Neh'Var(which I have renamed the IKS Honour's Burden), so the weapons' fire comes off the model in the right places. If you want to use these on a different ship, you will need either the HP map or add and test one weapon at a time, to keep them from firing thru the hull to a target on the opposite side.

To Install
1) Copy the current kbattle and Kmartok ODF files installed and place them somewhere on the desktop case you do not like this mod.

2) Place the 'kling_disruptor.wav in the Sounds/Effects folder.

3) Place the 'kbattlephot' and 'kbattlephotono' in the ODF/Weapons/Photons folder.

4) Place the 'kb1pulse' and the 'kb1pulseo' in the ODF/Weapons/Pulse folder

5) Open the kbattle and kmartok ODFs and click on Edit. Replace 'kbphas' with 'kb1pulse'

Remember to change the numbers on the 'weapon' line and 'weaponhardpoints' line to reflect where you put the weapon. Please be careful not to delete ANY of the " marks as then you will get the 'out of memory: Increase file swap size.' error message.

That's it! You are done adding the mod!

I have included a copy of my ODF for Tycoon's SSA Apocalypse - Klingon. This odf and the weapons have only been tested against stock ships. They may be a little weak against some installed mods. Here are where you will find this ship and elevatormusic's random texture mod on A2 Files.;42809 - for the Negh'Var;79547 - for the textures

Bonus Ship!
I've included the odf, disruptors and photons I use with K7A's Dogs of War K'Vort which I as a replacment for the B'Rel(kdestroy) in my game. As with the Vor'Cha, the ship isn't mine, it is K7A's work. This is a magnificent looking ship and far and away my favourite Bird of Prey mod.
If you want to use these on a different ship, you will need either the HP map or add and test one weapon at a time, to keep them from firing thru the hull to a target on the opposite side.

To Install
1) Copy the current kdestroy, kdphot, kdphotono, kdpulse, kdpulseo ODF files installed and place them somewhere on the desktop case you do not like this mod.

2) Place the 'kling_disruptor.wav in the Sounds/Effects folder.

3) Place the 'kdphot' and 'kdphotono' in the ODF/Weapons/Photons folder. When prompted to overwrite, click on 'Yes'.

4) Place the 'kdpulse' and the 'kdpulseo' in the ODF/Weapons/Pulse folder. When prompted to overwrite, click on 'Yes'.

That's it! Your Bird of Prey is now a hunter once more!

This odf and the weapons have only been tested against stock ships. They may be a little weak against some installed mods. Here are where you will find this ship on A2 Files:;70150

Potential Problems
This mod has been tested only within the SP Campaign and Instant Action vs. the 'puter. I do not know if it will work in online Multiplayer.
As always, I accept no responsibility for your 'puter or your game. This file was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it doesn't work right the first time, please go back and read the directions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the directions.

Gene Roddenberry, for giving us such a cool place to play.
Paramount, Activision & Mad Doc for making and putting out Armada I and II
Tycoon(AKA SupaStarAsh) for the SSA Apocalypse mod
elevatormusic for the random textures mod.
K7A for the Dogs of War K'Vort mod
YOU, for D/L'ing this mod.

Release Info.
If you want to use elevatomusic's random texture mod, Tycoon's SSA Apocalypse - Klingon mod, or K7A's DoW K'Vort mod you will have to get permission from them. I have them installed and like them alot. As to this weapon mod, you may use it any way you see fit in anything you might be making. Permission for the weapon mod only is granted prior to you asking me. You Do Not have to give me credit for the Negh'Var Disruptor mod if you use it somewhere else. You can even pretend it is all your own work. We will always know the truth, won't we?


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail or PM me from here

I am not responsible for any type of damage to your 'puter from misuse of this mod.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version    Author  thunderfoot006  Website   
Downloads  401  Size  2.21 MB  Created  2007-07-21 



#1 elevatormusic 2007-07-21 17:27
Although I appreciate the mention, since neither this, nor the previous file includes any of my textures, there's really no need to include me in the credits or read me.

Always nice to see the little things improved upon, keep it up...

And if you plan on doing a similar mod in regards to 9of9s Defiant, let me know... I've got that set up really nice.
#2 Chiletrek 2007-07-21 17:35

I was waiting to see this mod uploaded :D , and you deserve credits Elevatormusic, because you'r awesome weapons pack was is an inspiration to many of us Rock

A great mod, and it's in my hands now! :-) 10/10
#3 thunderfoot006 2007-07-21 18:11
elevatormusic, the Readme states I have your random textures mod installed on my game. I tried this with the stock textures and the whole thing just looked awful.

Your pulse weapons textures are in there, I promise. ;-) Since I had your mod installed and it was the principal inspiration for this mod, it is entirely fitting that you get some credit here. :-)
#4 Majest 2007-07-21 18:15
From those pics looks like the disruptors fire in all directions, I would restrict the firing arc if I was you. ;-)
#5 thunderfoot006 2007-07-21 18:58
That is an excellent idea, Majest. Except I am not sure which arc covers what part of the ship. The only one I am sure of is 1, the one for the front. Does anyone know about the rest?
#6 elevatormusic 2007-07-21 19:47
I realize you have them installed, I meant that since the download doesn't contain any of my textures there's no need to include my name in the read me, although I appreciate it and am glad to see people like my stuff.

Fire Arcs are HP dependent, not oriented to the whole ship, it's the field of fire the weapon is capable of. 1 just means the weapon will always fire forwards.
#7 Doom369 2007-11-23 03:17
How do I ask you for permissions with out an E-mail?

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