Apocalypse .ODF & in-game files
This file enables you to use my SSA Apocalypse Packages. You may be required to download all ofthe packages in order for this to work, this should be ok as the packages are not too large.
Required Files
Shipyard Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseShipyards;42790
Son'a Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseSona;41840
Breen Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseBreen;41846
Cardassian Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseCardassian;41845
Romulan Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseRomulan;42811
Klingon Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/_SSAApocalypseKlingon;42809
ENT Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/_SSAApocalypseENT;42812
TOS Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseTOS;42813
TNG Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseTNG;41839
DS9 Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseSTDS9;41844
Miranda Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseMirandas;42789
Excelsior Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseExcelsiors;41843
Akira Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseAkirazip;42788
Prometheus Pacakge: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypsePrometheus;41841
SSA Packages (.odf & in-game files)
This file enables you to use my SSA Apocalypse Packages.
You may be required to download all ofthe packages
in order for this to work, this should be ok as the
packages are not too large.
If you have any problems, please contact me.
Installation Instructions:
Firstly, in order to get my Apocalypse Items to work,
you MUST download all of the other packages first.
Once done, you must then unzip and copy to the specific
ODF Files - C://Program Files/Activision/Star Trek Armada II/ODF
SOD Files - C://Program Files/Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD
etc etc...
Once you have downloaded and added those packages to the game,
you must then download this one, and unzip files to specific area.
Note, these .odf files are filled in, thus they will overwrite the older ones,
of which are not filled in (hence the reason this download is avaliable).
All items (ships and stations) will not overwrite anything stock.
All the packages (including this one) have been designed to simply add to the game
rather than to replace any items.
Note, this may mess up other MOD's of which you have installed, so please back up you're files.
All ships and stations have been set up to fit in-game.
IE: The Negh'Var is about the same strength as the stock Negh'Var.
Required to Play: If possible, could an Admin attack URL's to these...
Shipyard Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseShipyards;42790
Son'a Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseSona;41840
Breen Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseBreen;41846
Cardassian Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseCardassian;41845
Romulan Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/SSAApocalypseRomulan;42811
Klingon Package: http://armada2.filefront.com/file/_SSAApocalypseKlingon;42809
* I am using the same Image both for Build Buttons and Wireframes (Ship Icons).
* All ship & station stats are as resonably close to the stock units.
* All ships and stations have been resized to how i believe they should be.
* All relivant HP's have been put into the .odf files.
* I have also added a little tech to the package,
IE, you can't build a Nor type Station until you have the Upgrade Centre.
* There are a few 'jokes' within this (try and find them) :)
*There is an issue with the BoP Build Buttons / Ship Icons,
they don't seem to show up and i can't find the problem.
*There is an issue with the D6 & K't'inga Build Button / Ship Icon,
again can't find the problem. (you should get one for each ship,
but it seems they are both using the same one).
*DS9 / Nor Type Station is somewhat weak
(although I have set the stats above you're stock Cardassian Starbase),
again, something i can't figure out.
*Some of the weapons are a little tough, for example,
a Daedalus Class can take out Three TOS Romulan BoP's.
Edited Textures: SupaStarAsh (Me)
.ODF: SupaStarAsh (Me)
Build Buttons: SupaStarAsh (Me) & KaBoom1701
A2files Nickname: SupaStarAsh
E-mail: ashs87uk@yahoo.co.uk
Version | Author | Transmission | Website | ||
Downloads | 956 | Size | 16.87 MB | Created | 2005-09-16 |