Apocalypse Breen
A good Breen ship to add to your collection

Breen Battleship
Original Model Design: Zorg / Morpheus
Original Textures: Zorg / Morpheus
Original Mesh: Zorg / Morpheus
Conversion: Sherman2
Edited Textures: SupaStarAsh (Me)
.ODF: SupaStarAsh (Me)
A2files Nickname: SupaStarAsh
E-mail: ashs87uk@yahoo.co.uk
Version | Author | Transmission | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,289 | Size | 382.93 KB | Created | 2005-05-16 |
They're all high standard, excellent looking models. What particularly grabs my attention is the DS9 and Excelsior models, they are extremely impressive. When I have more time I intend to downaload all these packs and enjoy what could have been an even bigger mod.
It is a shame Apocalypse has been cancelled, but, it shall live on in these very worthy packs, congrats for this man!
No offence taken (yet) and yea, this ship is avaliable here ,but the one avalible previous is green, i have re-worked the textures so that they are grey-ish (more breen-like) if you download the two you will see for yourself!
I'm in teh Credits! w00t!