Federation Upgrade (1.0)
Version One of this mod will expand the Federation side for A2. It adds new ships and new stations.
Federation Upgrade Version 1
Mod by: cookuup18
This mod will expand the federation side for armada 2
it will add new ships new stations.
It is the first of 4 mods I am making as I hope to be doing an upgrade for
most of the races the races
I did not make any of the ships I just put them together and done a bit of
odf editing and the tech tree
I hope to be doing the AI for this mod soon so look out for that
the next race i am doing is the romulans so look for that eta end of feb
What this mod includes
Danube Class = Redragon
Blitkrieg = Major A Payne
Sabre class = Redragon & APCM
Sovereign class = Admiral
Ambassador Class = 9 of nine & Porty
Typhoon Class = Major A Payne
Prometheus Class = Deemon
Galaxy X Class = 9 of Nine
Intrepid Class = USS Capital
Challenger Class = J14
Typo Class = VT1032
Centaur Class = Paperstreetsoap
Eximus Class = Cleeve
Highlander Class = APCMmkII
Spacedock = 9 OF NINE
Armada Class = Bryan
Anomie Class = Interstellar Machine
Norway Class = Deemon
Type 6 Shuttle = Neon
Type 9 Shuttle = Neon
Delta Flyer = HeiFi
Steamrunner Class = Michael Kelly
Akira class = Challenger
Deep Space 9 = 9 OF NINE
Sanfrancisco ship yard = captain fingers
Turret 3 = stompawampa
New Orlenas Class = 9 OF NINE
Achilles Class = Major A Payne
Nova Class = 9 Of Nine
With Thanks to all off the people who made these
I Tryed to email every body from this list to get pemishion to use there mods
but i could not get some of there email address so dont blame me i tryed
With thanks to Stan (AKA captain stan) who help me with some problems
I used some Build Buttons and Wireframes from
APCMmkII Buttons & Wireframes pack
Federation Buttonpack by Ch'Yu Chen
* Build reinforcements from the Klingon and Romulan empires
* Different shuttles can be built from the star bases
* New reworked Tech Tree
* Hero Ships for each race
Place all Files in Root Directory
I hope you enjoy this mod as I do
Any problems or suggestions email me
Email : cookuup18@aol.com
Mod by : cookuup18
Version | Author | cookuup18 | Website | ||
Downloads | 9,978 | Size | 10.25 MB | Created | 2004-02-24 |