Valiant Class for STA 1 Valiant Class for STA 1

(2 votes)
FallenGraces, 2009-03-09

After a long while sitting on my one my comp i decided to wrap this up and ship it out. So with permission From DJ, K_merse, and some serious help from Pepperman (as if i could convert this, ha) I present the Valiant class. With everything you need to add it to your personal install. BB, Wireframes,of,sod,textures,and readme are all included but it does not come with a SF installer seeing as how some people don't like them. The file uses all stock A1 weapon names. The Century class will be coming along by Monday (as some bugs have come along)

~~*Federation Valiant Class*~~
1. ~Background (K_merse)~
"The Valiant is the successor of the Defiant Class. No dubt, this is the best destroyer-sized starship in the Alpha Quadrant. It has four pulse phaser turrets and two quantum torpedo launchers with forward and aft tubes for quick and deadly attacks, and three short-ranged phaser arrays for defence. This weaponry and the incredible maneuverability make this sihp a deadly enemy for anyone who is careless enough to attack it."

**This was the original intent for the Model. In this release for A1 it is actually a powerful destroyer armed.Though I did not include Hardpoints for the phasers nor the aft tubes in order to keeps some stock balance.**

2. Installation
~Addons (ODF ONLY) to...... Addon folders
~TGAs to......... Texture/Rgb folder
~SOD to.......... SOD Folder

Uses a modified Fdestroy odf. Stock weapon names used

Contains wireframes (A2 type) and a build button. The wireframes are weird in that when a system of a ship is damaged the entire ship wll turn red. I did not fix this seeing as I actually like it.

~STBC Model~
Original Model Design: DJ Curtis
Original Textures: DJ Curtis

~A2 model~
Armada 2 Model Design: k_merse
Edited Textures: k_merse

~A1 model~
A1 model conversion: Pepperman
A1 texture conversion: Pepperman
Buildbutton: Fallengraces
ODF/Wireframes/Readme: Fallengraces

6. Installation
~Addon Folder Edits~
-Extract Fcentury odf to Addon folder
-Open Fyard2.odf add line

buildItemX = "fvaliant"
*Where X is the next avaible construction slot (1-9)*

-Open tech folders and add

fvaliant.odf 0
*fvaliant.odf 2 fyard.odf fyard2.odf*

~Sprite folder Edits~
-Open the Sprites Folder in your Armada Directory and then gui_global
-Under Federation Build Buttons add under @reference=64

b_fvaliant gbfval 0 0 64 64

-Scroll down to

# Ship Wireframes

under the Federation ships

and add

fvaliantw1 FWfval 40 0 40 40
fvaliantw2 FWfval 0 40 40 40
fvaliantw3 FWfval 40 40 40 40
fvaliantw4 FWfval 80 0 40 40
fvaliantw5 FWfval 0 0 40 40

~Installation Complete~

Please do not modify or include in a mod neither the ship nor the other files without permission from K_merse or DJ Curtis

You can contact me (Fallengraces) via e-mai ( or on ( Best shot is through in the forums or PMs as well as as I check in at least twice a day.

*******Copyright Acknowlegdement*******


Star Trek, Star Trek: Armada, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures.
No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended.

Version  1.0  Author  FallenGraces  Website   
Downloads  437  Size  377.03 KB  Created  2009-03-09 



#1 frostmourn4 2009-03-09 14:04
I discovered a problem. The origin for the val1.tga and val3.tga textures is in the bottom left instead of the top left. This can easily be corrected with a texturing program, but other than that it's great!
#2 charlesb924 2009-03-12 11:32
it crashed until i flipped the textures vertically, but now the textures are all off
#3 frostmourn4 2009-03-12 11:46
Flip them vertically again. Trust me, it works.
#4 charlesb924 2009-03-12 12:38
i tried that, then i just replaced them with the A2 version's textures, renamed though, works perfect now

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