Premonition Mod Premonition Mod

(2 votes)
anarchyfan, 2009-07-28

The very idea of a buildable Premonition (the hero ship in A1) sits uneasily with me. After all, the Premonition's very existence dates from an unspecified future, its heroic rarity is essential in many missions, and its temporal abilities really best suited to its intended single ship role. A whole formation of these vessels could really play havoc with game balance, but then, that's how some people like it. It's hard to understand if you're not one of those people, since mighty weapons that guarantee victory also take the fun out of winning when it happens the same way every time. Still, that's the only way some know how to win.

This ODF mod includes all the files and proper instructions to make the Premonition Class starship buildable in your Advanced Shipyard. However, it also includes a new special weapon (the temporal inversion beam) and is intended for A1. It'd probably work the same way in A2 since the Premonition files are in there, too-- and if not there are more than enough Premonition mods kicking around to throw it in anyway. As "first mod" efforts around here go, though, the attention to detail and the outcome of the efforts made by anarchyfan promise much for the future, at least for A1.

Note that the instructions are excessively long and perhaps not as helpful as they were intended. A note to anarchyfan for next time: take a look at how Dan1025 or FahreS write their installation instructions, will you? Clearly written instructions mean the difference between mods that work and mods that frustrate people.


Legal- Section One
Credits and Such- Section Two
Installation- Section Three
Trouble Shooting- Section Four

You may distribute this mod freely to whomever, provided full credit is given to anyone involved in the creation or modification originally or hereafter.
If during the installation or modification of these files you somehow delete or incorrectly modify necessary game files, irreparably, I nor others involved in the creation of these files are responsible other than you.
This mod is not functional in campaign and may not work in multiplayer.
I am not affiliated with [SE]FC Odyssey, nor is he with I. I just borrowed his modifications and applied them.
Credits and Such-

-Temporal inversion beam and Photon torpedoes developed by [SE]FC Odyssey
-Creation of fprembui.odf by Anarchyfan
-Appropriate modification of yard2 and fprembui ODF files by Anarchyfan
-Appropriate additions to gui_global.spr and by Anarchyfan
The order of these steps does not matter, provided they are all completed before the usage of the mod.

-open the zipped folder entitled: Premonition Mod
-right click on the start menu and select explore
-type this in the address bar: C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaAddon
*NOTE: If you installed STarmada to a different folder you may have to manually find it or type a different location
-open the folder in the premonition mod file called: addon
-drag these files over to your C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaAddon that you opened previously.

-type this in the address bar: C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaSOD
-open the file in the premonition mod file called: SOD
-drag this file over to your C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaSOD that you opened earlier (surely you see how this is going? Don't jump ahead ,though, it changes).

-type this in the address bar: C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaTexturesRGB
-open the file in the premonition mod file called: RGB
-drag these files over to your C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaTexturesRGB

Now it gets a little tricky!

If you have not installed a mod to STarmada before this than open the file in the premonition mod file called no mod and drag the file: fyard2 into C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaAddon that you opened previously.

If you do have a mod ignore the previous instruction and follow this set of commands:

Type this in the windows explorer (we'll call this WE from hence forth) address bar: C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaAddon
find the file fyard2, if you have extensions visible than it'll show up as fyard2.odf- NOTE: if the file is not in there then you have not modded the file and can use the nonmodded installation
open the fyard2 file and scroll down untill you find a section that looks like this:


//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fspecial"
buildItem1 = "fbattle"

Note: if what your shipyard builds has been changed this setup may look a little different.
Copy/paste or type this line: buildItem2 = "fprembui"
under: buildItem1 = "fbattle"
The setup should now look like this:


//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fspecial"
buildItem1 = "fbattle"
buildItem2 = "fprembui"
For every item that the shipyard is supposed to build, the number at the end of the build command (for example: buildItem0) increases by one. Also the "Item" in buildItem0 must be in all lowercase letters EXCEPT THE I IN ITEM.

Now it's time to edit the sprite files.
NOTE: I reccomend you create a folder called backup and place this in your list of sprites and then copy/paste the file we are editing in there so if anything goes wrong you don't screw up your game and have to reinstall it.

Type this in the WE address bar: C:Program FilesStar Trek - ArmadaSprites
Next the premonition's special photon torpedo has to be written into the game.
Open the file called weapon.
Scroll down until you get to these lines of text;
# Borg Photon torpedo
bphoton wbtorp1 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
Above these lines add these lines:
# Federation Photon torpedo
fchronoton wchronoton 0 0 32 32 @anim=photanim

Now open the file called gui_global (or gui_global.spr if you have extensions enabled)
Scroll down the page until you find a section called federation build buttons (If you are using WordPad then you can just click the binoculars and type it in)
Once you've found it, there should be a wall of text that looks like this:
# Federation build buttons
b_fbase gbfbld300 0 0 64 64
b_fbattle gbfbld100 0 0 64 64
b_fconst gbfbld100 64 0 64 64
b_fcruise1 gbfbld200 64 0 64 64
b_fcruise2 gbfbld100 0 64 64 64
b_fdestroy gbfbld100 64 64 64 64
b_ffreight gbfbld200 0 0 64 64
b_fmining gbfbld300 64 0 64 64
b_fscout gbfbld200 0 64 64 64
b_fsensor gbfbld300 0 64 64 64
b_fspecial gbfbld200 64 64 64 64
b_fyard gbfbld300 64 64 64 64
b_fedpod1 gbfpod100 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod2 gbfpod100 64 0 64 64
b_fedpod3 gbfpod100 0 64 64 64
b_fedpod4 gbfpod100 64 64 64 64
b_fedpod5 gbfpod200 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod6 gbfpod200 64 0 64 64
b_fedpod7 gbfpod200 0 64 64 64
b_fedpod8 gbfpod200 64 64 64 64

b_fedpod9 gbfpod900 0 0 64 64
b_fedoff gbfoffq 0 0 64 64
b_fresear gbfrsrch00 0 0 64 64
b_fsuperbl gbfsuper00 0 0 64 64
b_fresear2 gbfrsrch200 0 0 64 64
b_fturret gbfturret00 0 0 64 64
b_fturret2 gbfturret200 0 0 64 64
b_fyard2 gbfyard200 0 0 64 64

THAT IS ALOT OF TEXT! Luckily you don't have to change any of it, in fact all you have to do here is add this line of text to the end:
b_fprembui gbfprembui 0 0 64 64

After that scroll down untill you find a section called # Special Weapon Buttons, it should look like this:
# Special weapon buttons
b_gtempor gbtmpdis00 0 0 64 64
b_gbholeg gbbhole00 0 0 64 64
b_grwave gbripple00 0 0 64 64
b_grfield gbrwave00 0 0 64 64
b_gposijam gbsensjam00 0 0 64 64
b_gplasmac gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_gshieldh gbshieldd00 0 0 64 64
b_ggrvmine gbgrvmine00 0 0 64 64
b_gionstm gbionstm00 0 0 64 64
b_gdchant gbdchant00 0 0 64 64
b_gshieldi gbshieldi00 0 0 64 64
b_gesconv gbenrcvr00 0 0 64 64
b_gkcteam gbkcteam00 0 0 64 64
b_gmicro gbmicro00 0 0 64 64
b_goverrid gbcompovr00 0 0 64 64
b_gpdlaser gbpdl00 0 0 64 64
b_gromspy gbromspy00 0 0 64 64
b_gborgbor gbbaabore00 0 0 64 64
b_gwcover gbengovr00 0 0 64 64
b_gmyotron gbmyotron00 0 0 64 64
b_gripple gbripple00 0 0 64 64
b_gselfdes gbselfdes00 0 0 64 64
b_gcloak gbcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_grcloak gbcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_gkcloak gbkcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_gmastran gbmastran00 0 0 64 64
b_gtracbm gbtrcbm00 0 0 64 64
b_gtracbmo gbtrcbm00 0 0 64 64
b_gholdbm gbholdbm00 0 0 64 64
b_gchainp gbchnrxn00 0 0 64 64
b_gamine gbamine00 0 0 64 64
b_gremod gbremod00 0 0 64 64
b_gfeedbk gbfdbk00 0 0 64 64
b_gcorbom gbcorbom00 0 0 64 64
b_gmanheim gbmanheim00 0 0 64 64
b_hamine gbamine00 0 0 64 64
b_hcorbom gbcorbom00 0 0 64 64
b_hcloak gbcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_hmanheim gbmanheim00 0 0 64 64
b_hplasmac gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_hshieldi gbshieldi00 0 0 64 64
b_hholdbm gbholdbm00 0 0 64 64
b_hwcover gbengovr00 0 0 64 64
b_hplasma2 gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_gomegbm gbotrcbm00 0 0 64 64
b_hmicro gbmicro00 0 0 64 64
b_hpoleron gbpolrntrp00 0 0 64 64
b_hshieldh gbshieldd00 0 0 64 64
b_gdetect2 gbtachyon00 0 0 64 64
b_gdetect3 gbbsensary00 0 0 64 64
b_gpcloak gbpcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_gnanites gbnanite00 0 0 64 64
b_gtwarpd gbtwarpd00 0 0 64 64
b_gregen gbregen00 0 0 64 64
b_gpsyblst gbpblast00 0 0 64 64
b_gholoemt gbholoem00 0 0 64 64
b_gutribm gbutritium00 0 0 64 64
b_gpoleron gbpolrntrp00 0 0 64 64
b_gfedrep gbfrepair00 0 0 64 64
b_gnttblst gbpblast00 0 0 64 64
b_gfcloak gbfcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_gdeflect gbengovr00 0 0 64 64
b_gcobalt gbcobalt00 0 0 64 64
b_gplasma gbplasmab00 0 0 64 64
b_gioncnn gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_hioncnn gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_hdeflect gbengovr00 0 0 64 64

In between these two lines of text:
b_hioncnn gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_hdeflect gbengovr00 0 0 64 64; copy and paste this line:
b_gtcann gbtcann00 0 0 64 64

Your result should be arranged like this:
b_hioncnn gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
b_gtcann gbtcann00 0 0 64 64
b_hdeflect gbengovr00 0 0 64 64

Now scroll down until you find a section called wireframes, it should be right under the special weapons and look like this:
# Wireframes
# ----------


# Ship Wireframes
bbattlew1 bwbattle 40 0 40 40
bbattlew2 bwbattle 0 40 40 40
bbattlew3 bwbattle 40 40 40 40
bbattlew4 bwbattle 80 0 40 40
bbattlew5 bwbattle 0 0 40 40
bbattle2w1 bwbattle 40 0 40 40
bbattle2w2 bwbattle 0 40 40 40
bbattle2w3 bwbattle 40 40 40 40
bbattle2w4 bwbattle 80 0 40 40
bbattle2w5 bwbattle 0 0 40 40
bconstw1 bwconst 40 0 40 40
bconstw2 bwconst 0 40 40 40
bconstw3 bwconst 40 40 40 40
bconstw4 bwconst 80 0 40 40
bconstw5 bwconst 0 0 40 40
bcruise1w1 bwcruise1 40 0 40 40
bcruise1w2 bwcruise1 0 40 40 40
bcruise1w3 bwcruise1 40 40 40 40
bcruise1w4 bwcruise1 80 0 40 40
bcruise1w5 bwcruise1 0 0 40 40
bcruise2w1 bwcruise2 40 0 40 40
bcruise2w2 bwcruise2 0 40 40 40
bcruise2w3 bwcruise2 40 40 40 40
bcruise2w4 bwcruise2 80 0 40 40
bcruise2w5 bwcruise2 0 0 40 40
bdestroyw1 bwdestroy 40 0 40 40
bdestroyw2 bwdestroy 0 40 40 40
bdestroyw3 bwdestroy 40 40 40 40
bdestroyw4 bwdestroy 80 0 40 40
bdestroyw5 bwdestroy 0 0 40 40
bfreightw1 bwfreight 40 0 40 40
bfreightw2 bwfreight 0 40 40 40
bfreightw3 bwfreight 40 40 40 40
bfreightw4 bwfreight 80 0 40 40
bfreightw5 bwfreight 0 0 40 40
blocutusw1 bwbattle 40 0 40 40
blocutusw2 bwbattle 0 40 40 40
blocutusw3 bwbattle 40 40 40 40
blocutusw4 bwbattle 80 0 40 40
blocutusw5 bwbattle 0 0 40 40
bscoutw1 bwscout 40 0 40 40
bscoutw2 bwscout 0 40 40 40
bscoutw3 bwscout 40 40 40 40
bscoutw4 bwscout 80 0 40 40
bscoutw5 bwscout 0 0 40 40
bspecialw1 bwspecial 40 0 40 40
bspecialw2 bwspecial 0 40 40 40
bspecialw3 bwspecial 40 40 40 40
bspecialw4 bwspecial 80 0 40 40
bspecialw5 bwspecial 0 0 40 40

fbattlew1 fwbattle 40 0 40 40
fbattlew2 fwbattle 0 40 40 40
fbattlew3 fwbattle 40 40 40 40
fbattlew4 fwbattle 80 0 40 40
fbattlew5 fwbattle 0 0 40 40
favengerw1 fwdestroy 40 0 40 40
favengerw2 fwdestroy 0 40 40 40
favengerw3 fwdestroy 40 40 40 40
favengerw4 fwdestroy 80 0 40 40
favengerw5 fwdestroy 0 0 40 40
fconstw1 fwconst 40 0 40 40
fconstw2 fwconst 0 40 40 40
fconstw3 fwconst 40 40 40 40
fconstw4 fwconst 80 0 40 40
fconstw5 fwconst 0 0 40 40
fcruise1w1 fwcruise1 40 0 40 40
fcruise1w2 fwcruise1 0 40 40 40
fcruise1w3 fwcruise1 40 40 40 40
fcruise1w4 fwcruise1 80 0 40 40
fcruise1w5 fwcruise1 0 0 40 40
fcruise2w1 fwcruise2 40 0 40 40
fcruise2w2 fwcruise2 0 40 40 40
fcruise2w3 fwcruise2 40 40 40 40
fcruise2w4 fwcruise2 80 0 40 40
fcruise2w5 fwcruise2 0 0 40 40
fdestroyw1 fwdestroy 40 0 40 40
fdestroyw2 fwdestroy 0 40 40 40
fdestroyw3 fwdestroy 40 40 40 40
fdestroyw4 fwdestroy 80 0 40 40
fdestroyw5 fwdestroy 0 0 40 40
fentdw1 fwentd 40 0 40 40
fentdw2 fwentd 0 40 40 40
fentdw3 fwentd 40 40 40 40
fentdw4 fwentd 80 0 40 40
fentdw5 fwentd 0 0 40 40
fentew1 fwbattle 40 0 40 40
fentew2 fwbattle 0 40 40 40
fentew3 fwbattle 40 40 40 40
fentew4 fwbattle 80 0 40 40
fentew5 fwbattle 0 0 40 40
ffreightw1 fwfreight 40 0 40 40
ffreightw2 fwfreight 0 40 40 40
ffreightw3 fwfreight 40 40 40 40
ffreightw4 fwfreight 80 0 40 40
ffreightw5 fwfreight 0 0 40 40
fgalaxyw1 fwentd 40 0 40 40
fgalaxyw2 fwentd 0 40 40 40
fgalaxyw3 fwentd 40 40 40 40
fgalaxyw4 fwentd 80 0 40 40
fgalaxyw5 fwentd 0 0 40 40
fpremw1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
fpremw2 fwprem 0 40 40 40
fpremw3 fwprem 40 40 40 40
fpremw4 fwprem 80 0 40 40
fpremw5 fwprem 0 0 40 40
fpremneww1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
fpremneww2 fwprem 0 40 40 40
fpremneww3 fwprem 40 40 40 40
fpremneww4 fwprem 80 0 40 40
fpremneww5 fwprem 0 0 40 40
fscoutw1 fwscout 40 0 40 40
fscoutw2 fwscout 0 40 40 40
fscoutw3 fwscout 40 40 40 40
fscoutw4 fwscout 80 0 40 40
fscoutw5 fwscout 0 0 40 40
fspecialw1 fwspec 40 0 40 40
fspecialw2 fwspec 0 40 40 40
fspecialw3 fwspec 40 40 40 40
fspecialw4 fwspec 80 0 40 40
fspecialw5 fwspec 0 0 40 40

kbattlew1 kwbattle 40 0 40 40
kbattlew2 kwbattle 0 40 40 40
kbattlew3 kwbattle 40 40 40 40
kbattlew4 kwbattle 80 0 40 40
kbattlew5 kwbattle 0 0 40 40
kconstw1 kwconst 40 0 40 40
kconstw2 kwconst 0 40 40 40
kconstw3 kwconst 40 40 40 40
kconstw4 kwconst 80 0 40 40
kconstw5 kwconst 0 0 40 40
kcruise1w1 kwcruise1 40 0 40 40
kcruise1w2 kwcruise1 0 40 40 40
kcruise1w3 kwcruise1 40 40 40 40
kcruise1w4 kwcruise1 80 0 40 40
kcruise1w5 kwcruise1 0 0 40 40
kcruise2w1 kwcruise2 40 0 40 40
kcruise2w2 kwcruise2 0 40 40 40
kcruise2w3 kwcruise2 40 40 40 40
kcruise2w4 kwcruise2 80 0 40 40
kcruise2w5 kwcruise2 0 0 40 40
kdestroyw1 kwdestroy 40 0 40 40
kdestroyw2 kwdestroy 0 40 40 40
kdestroyw3 kwdestroy 40 40 40 40
kdestroyw4 kwdestroy 80 0 40 40
kdestroyw5 kwdestroy 0 0 40 40
kfreightw1 kwfreight 40 0 40 40
kfreightw2 kwfreight 0 40 40 40
kfreightw3 kwfreight 40 40 40 40
kfreightw4 kwfreight 80 0 40 40
kfreightw5 kwfreight 0 0 40 40
kscoutw1 kwscout 40 0 40 40
kscoutw2 kwscout 0 40 40 40
kscoutw3 kwscout 40 40 40 40
kscoutw4 kwscout 80 0 40 40
kscoutw5 kwscout 0 0 40 40
kspecialw1 kwspec 40 0 40 40
kspecialw2 kwspec 0 40 40 40
kspecialw3 kwspec 40 40 40 40
kspecialw4 kwspec 80 0 40 40
kspecialw5 kwspec 0 0 40 40
ksuperw1 kwsuper 40 0 40 40
ksuperw2 kwsuper 0 40 40 40
ksuperw3 kwsuper 40 40 40 40
ksuperw4 kwsuper 80 0 40 40
ksuperw5 kwsuper 0 0 40 40
ktoralw1 kwbattle 40 0 40 40
ktoralw2 kwbattle 0 40 40 40
ktoralw3 kwbattle 40 40 40 40
ktoralw4 kwbattle 80 0 40 40
ktoralw5 kwbattle 0 0 40 40
kmartokw1 kwbattle 40 0 40 40
kmartokw2 kwbattle 0 40 40 40
kmartokw3 kwbattle 40 40 40 40
kmartokw4 kwbattle 80 0 40 40
kmartokw5 kwbattle 0 0 40 40

rbattlew1 rwbattle 40 0 40 40
rbattlew2 rwbattle 0 40 40 40
rbattlew3 rwbattle 40 40 40 40
rbattlew4 rwbattle 80 0 40 40
rbattlew5 rwbattle 0 0 40 40
rdestroyw1 rwdestry 40 0 40 40
rdestroyw2 rwdestry 0 40 40 40
rdestroyw3 rwdestry 40 40 40 40
rdestroyw4 rwdestry 80 0 40 40
rdestroyw5 rwdestry 0 0 40 40
rconstw1 rwconst 40 0 40 40
rconstw2 rwconst 0 40 40 40
rconstw3 rwconst 40 40 40 40
rconstw4 rwconst 80 0 40 40
rconstw5 rwconst 0 0 40 40
rcruise1w1 rwcrus1 40 0 40 40
rcruise1w2 rwcrus1 0 40 40 40
rcruise1w3 rwcrus1 40 40 40 40
rcruise1w4 rwcrus1 80 0 40 40
rcruise1w5 rwcrus1 0 0 40 40
rcruise2w1 rwcrus2 40 0 40 40
rcruise2w2 rwcrus2 0 40 40 40
rcruise2w3 rwcrus2 40 40 40 40
rcruise2w4 rwcrus2 80 0 40 40
rcruise2w5 rwcrus2 0 0 40 40
rfreightw1 rwfrght 40 0 40 40
rfreightw2 rwfrght 0 40 40 40
rfreightw3 rwfrght 40 40 40 40
rfreightw4 rwfrght 80 0 40 40
rfreightw5 rwfrght 0 0 40 40
romegaw1 rwomega 40 0 40 40
romegaw2 rwomega 0 40 40 40
romegaw3 rwomega 40 40 40 40
romegaw4 rwomega 80 0 40 40
romegaw5 rwomega 0 0 40 40
romegaonw1 rwomega 40 0 40 40
romegaonw2 rwomega 0 40 40 40
romegaonw3 rwomega 40 40 40 40
romegaonw4 rwomega 80 0 40 40
romegaonw5 rwomega 0 0 40 40
rscoutw1 rwscout 40 0 40 40
rscoutw2 rwscout 0 40 40 40
rscoutw3 rwscout 40 40 40 40
rscoutw4 rwscout 80 0 40 40
rscoutw5 rwscout 0 0 40 40
rselaw1 rwbattle 40 0 40 40
rselaw2 rwbattle 0 40 40 40
rselaw3 rwbattle 40 40 40 40
rselaw4 rwbattle 80 0 40 40
rselaw5 rwbattle 0 0 40 40
rspecialw1 rwspec 40 0 40 40
rspecialw2 rwspec 0 40 40 40
rspecialw3 rwspec 40 40 40 40
rspecialw4 rwspec 80 0 40 40
rspecialw5 rwspec 0 0 40 40
rsuperw1 rwsuper 40 0 40 40
rsuperw2 rwsuper 0 40 40 40
rsuperw3 rwsuper 40 40 40 40
rsuperw4 rwsuper 80 0 40 40
rsuperw5 rwsuper 0 0 40 40

zcardbatw1 cwbattle 40 0 40 40
zcardbatw2 cwbattle 0 40 40 40
zcardbatw3 cwbattle 40 40 40 40
zcardbatw4 cwbattle 80 0 40 40
zcardbatw5 cwbattle 0 0 40 40

zcarddesw1 cwdestroy 40 0 40 40
zcarddesw2 cwdestroy 0 40 40 40
zcarddesw3 cwdestroy 40 40 40 40
zcarddesw4 cwdestroy 80 0 40 40
zcarddesw5 cwdestroy 0 0 40 40

zentityw1 entityw 40 0 40 40
zentityw2 entityw 0 40 40 40
zentityw3 entityw 40 40 40 40
zentityw4 entityw 80 0 40 40
zentityw5 entityw 0 0 40 40

zferengiw1 ferengiw 40 0 40 40
zferengiw2 ferengiw 0 40 40 40
zferengiw3 ferengiw 40 40 40 40
zferengiw4 ferengiw 80 0 40 40
zferengiw5 ferengiw 0 0 40 40

zjembatw1 jwbattle 40 0 40 40
zjembatw2 jwbattle 0 40 40 40
zjembatw3 jwbattle 40 40 40 40
zjembatw4 jwbattle 80 0 40 40
zjembatw5 jwbattle 0 0 40 40
zjemdestw1 jwdestroy 40 0 40 40
zjemdestw2 jwdestroy 0 40 40 40
zjemdestw3 jwdestroy 40 40 40 40
zjemdestw4 jwdestroy 80 0 40 40
zjemdestw5 jwdestroy 0 0 40 40

zbreenw1 zwbreen 40 0 40 40
zbreenw2 zwbreen 0 40 40 40
zbreenw3 zwbreen 40 40 40 40
zbreenw4 zwbreen 80 0 40 40
zbreenw5 zwbreen 0 0 40 40

zmamaw1 mamaw 40 0 40 40
zmamaw2 mamaw 0 40 40 40
zmamaw3 mamaw 40 40 40 40
zmamaw4 mamaw 80 0 40 40
zmamaw5 mamaw 0 0 40 40

zsonbatw1 swbattle 40 0 40 40
zsonbatw2 swbattle 0 40 40 40
zsonbatw3 swbattle 40 40 40 40
zsonbatw4 swbattle 80 0 40 40
zsonbatw5 swbattle 0 0 40 40
zsondestw1 swdestroy 40 0 40 40
zsondestw2 swdestroy 0 40 40 40
zsondestw3 swdestroy 40 40 40 40
zsondestw4 swdestroy 80 0 40 40
zsondestw5 swdestroy 0 0 40 40

# Building Wireframes
bbasew1 bwbase 40 0 40 40
bbasew2 bwbase 0 40 40 40
bbasew3 bwbase 40 40 40 40
bbasew4 bwbase 80 0 40 40
bbasew5 bwbase 0 0 40 40
bminingw1 bwmining 40 0 40 40
bminingw2 bwmining 0 40 40 40
bminingw3 bwmining 40 40 40 40
bminingw4 bwmining 80 0 40 40
bminingw5 bwmining 0 0 40 40
bomegaw1 bwomega 40 0 40 40
bomegaw2 bwomega 0 40 40 40
bomegaw3 bwomega 40 40 40 40
bomegaw4 bwomega 80 0 40 40
bomegaw5 bwomega 0 0 40 40
bresearw1 bwrsear1 40 0 40 40
bresearw2 bwrsear1 0 40 40 40
bresearw3 bwrsear1 40 40 40 40
bresearw4 bwrsear1 80 0 40 40
bresearw5 bwrsear1 0 0 40 40
bresear2w1 bwrsear2 40 0 40 40
bresear2w2 bwrsear2 0 40 40 40
bresear2w3 bwrsear2 40 40 40 40
bresear2w4 bwrsear2 80 0 40 40
bresear2w5 bwrsear2 0 0 40 40
bsensorw1 bwsensor 40 0 40 40
bsensorw2 bwsensor 0 40 40 40
bsensorw3 bwsensor 40 40 40 40
bsensorw4 bwsensor 80 0 40 40
bsensorw5 bwsensor 0 0 40 40
bsuperblw1 bwsuper 40 0 40 40
bsuperblw2 bwsuper 0 40 40 40
bsuperblw3 bwsuper 40 40 40 40
bsuperblw4 bwsuper 80 0 40 40
bsuperblw5 bwsuper 0 0 40 40
bturretw1 bwturret1 40 0 40 40
bturretw2 bwturret1 0 40 40 40
bturretw3 bwturret1 40 40 40 40
bturretw4 bwturret1 80 0 40 40
bturretw5 bwturret1 0 0 40 40
bturret2w1 bwturret2 40 0 40 40
bturret2w2 bwturret2 0 40 40 40
bturret2w3 bwturret2 40 40 40 40
bturret2w4 bwturret2 80 0 40 40
bturret2w5 bwturret2 0 0 40 40
byardw1 bwyard 40 0 40 40
byardw2 bwyard 0 40 40 40
byardw3 bwyard 40 40 40 40
byardw4 bwyard 80 0 40 40
byardw5 bwyard 0 0 40 40
byard2w1 bwyard2 40 0 40 40
byard2w2 bwyard2 0 40 40 40
byard2w3 bwyard2 40 40 40 40
byard2w4 bwyard2 80 0 40 40
byard2w5 bwyard2 0 0 40 40

fbasew1 fwbase 40 0 40 40
fbasew2 fwbase 0 40 40 40
fbasew3 fwbase 40 40 40 40
fbasew4 fwbase 80 0 40 40
fbasew5 fwbase 0 0 40 40
fbasehqw1 fwbasehq 40 0 40 40
fbasehqw2 fwbasehq 0 40 40 40
fbasehqw3 fwbasehq 40 40 40 40
fbasehqw4 fwbasehq 80 0 40 40
fbasehqw5 fwbase 0 0 40 40
fminingw1 fwmining 40 0 40 40
fminingw2 fwmining 0 40 40 40
fminingw3 fwmining 40 40 40 40
fminingw4 fwmining 80 0 40 40
fminingw5 fwmining 0 0 40 40
fresearw1 fwrsear1 40 0 40 40
fresearw2 fwrsear1 0 40 40 40
fresearw3 fwrsear1 40 40 40 40
fresearw4 fwrsear1 80 0 40 40
fresearw5 fwrsear1 0 0 40 40
fresear2w1 fwrsear2 40 0 40 40
fresear2w2 fwrsear2 0 40 40 40
fresear2w3 fwrsear2 40 40 40 40
fresear2w4 fwrsear2 80 0 40 40
fresear2w5 fwrsear2 0 0 40 40
fsensorw1 fwsensary 40 0 40 40
fsensorw2 fwsensary 0 40 40 40
fsensorw3 fwsensary 40 40 40 40
fsensorw4 fwsensary 80 0 40 40
fsensorw5 fwsensary 0 0 40 40
fsuperblw1 fwsuperbl 40 0 40 40
fsuperblw2 fwsuperbl 0 40 40 40
fsuperblw3 fwsuperbl 40 40 40 40
fsuperblw4 fwsuperbl 80 0 40 40
fsuperblw5 fwsuperbl 0 0 40 40
fturretw1 fwturret 40 0 40 40
fturretw2 fwturret 0 40 40 40
fturretw3 fwturret 40 40 40 40
fturretw4 fwturret 80 0 40 40
fturretw5 fwturret 0 0 40 40
fturret2w1 fwturret2 40 0 40 40
fturret2w2 fwturret2 0 40 40 40
fturret2w3 fwturret2 40 40 40 40
fturret2w4 fwturret2 80 0 40 40
fturret2w5 fwturret2 0 0 40 40
fyardw1 fwyard 40 0 40 40
fyardw2 fwyard 0 40 40 40
fyardw3 fwyard 40 40 40 40
fyardw4 fwyard 80 0 40 40
fyardw5 fwyard 0 0 40 40
fyard2w1 fwyard2 40 0 40 40
fyard2w2 fwyard2 0 40 40 40
fyard2w3 fwyard2 40 40 40 40
fyard2w4 fwyard2 80 0 40 40
fyard2w5 fwyard2 0 0 40 40

kbasew1 kwbase 40 0 40 40
kbasew2 kwbase 0 40 40 40
kbasew3 kwbase 40 40 40 40
kbasew4 kwbase 80 0 40 40
kbasew5 kwbase 0 0 40 40
kminingw1 kwmining 40 0 40 40
kminingw2 kwmining 0 40 40 40
kminingw3 kwmining 40 40 40 40
kminingw4 kwmining 80 0 40 40
kminingw5 kwmining 0 0 40 40
kresearw1 kwresear1 40 0 40 40
kresearw2 kwresear1 0 40 40 40
kresearw3 kwresear1 40 40 40 40
kresearw4 kwresear1 80 0 40 40
kresearw5 kwresear1 0 0 40 40
kresear2w1 kwresear2 40 0 40 40
kresear2w2 kwresear2 0 40 40 40
kresear2w3 kwresear2 40 40 40 40
kresear2w4 kwresear2 80 0 40 40
kresear2w5 kwresear2 0 0 40 40
ksensorw1 kwsensor 40 0 40 40
ksensorw2 kwsensor 0 40 40 40
ksensorw3 kwsensor 40 40 40 40
ksensorw4 kwsensor 80 0 40 40
ksensorw5 kwsensor 0 0 40 40
ksuperblw1 kwsuperbl 40 0 40 40
ksuperblw2 kwsuperbl 0 40 40 40
ksuperblw3 kwsuperbl 40 40 40 40
ksuperblw4 kwsuperbl 80 0 40 40
ksuperblw5 kwsuperbl 0 0 40 40
kturretw1 kwturret 40 0 40 40
kturretw2 kwturret 0 40 40 40
kturretw3 kwturret 40 40 40 40
kturretw4 kwturret 80 0 40 40
kturretw5 kwturret 0 0 40 40
kturret2w1 kwturret2 40 0 40 40
kturret2w2 kwturret2 0 40 40 40
kturret2w3 kwturret2 40 40 40 40
kturret2w4 kwturret2 80 0 40 40
kturret2w5 kwturret2 0 0 40 40
kyardw1 kwyard 40 0 40 40
kyardw2 kwyard 0 40 40 40
kyardw3 kwyard 40 40 40 40
kyardw4 kwyard 80 0 40 40
kyardw5 kwyard 0 0 40 40
kyard2w1 kwyard2 40 0 40 40
kyard2w2 kwyard2 0 40 40 40
kyard2w3 kwyard2 40 40 40 40
kyard2w4 kwyard2 80 0 40 40
kyard2w5 kwyard2 0 0 40 40

rbasew1 rwbase 40 0 40 40
rbasew2 rwbase 0 40 40 40
rbasew3 rwbase 40 40 40 40
rbasew4 rwbase 80 0 40 40
rbasew5 rwbase 0 0 40 40
rminingw1 rwmining 40 0 40 40
rminingw2 rwmining 0 40 40 40
rminingw3 rwmining 40 40 40 40
rminingw4 rwmining 80 0 40 40
rminingw5 rwmining 0 0 40 40
rresearw1 rwrsear1 40 0 40 40
rresearw2 rwrsear1 0 40 40 40
rresearw3 rwrsear1 40 40 40 40
rresearw4 rwrsear1 80 0 40 40
rresearw5 rwrsear1 0 0 40 40
rresear2w1 rwrsear2 40 0 40 40
rresear2w2 rwrsear2 0 40 40 40
rresear2w3 rwrsear2 40 40 40 40
rresear2w4 rwrsear2 80 0 40 40
rresear2w5 rwrsear2 0 0 40 40
rsensorw1 rwsensor 40 0 40 40
rsensorw2 rwsensor 0 40 40 40
rsensorw3 rwsensor 40 40 40 40
rsensorw4 rwsensor 80 0 40 40
rsensorw5 rwsensor 0 0 40 40
rsuperblw1 rwsuperbl 40 0 40 40
rsuperblw2 rwsuperbl 0 40 40 40
rsuperblw3 rwsuperbl 40 40 40 40
rsuperblw4 rwsuperbl 80 0 40 40
rsuperblw5 rwsuperbl 0 0 40 40
rturretw1 rwturret 40 0 40 40
rturretw2 rwturret 0 40 40 40
rturretw3 rwturret 40 40 40 40
rturretw4 rwturret 80 0 40 40
rturretw5 rwturret 0 0 40 40
rturret2w1 rwturret2 40 0 40 40
rturret2w2 rwturret2 0 40 40 40
rturret2w3 rwturret2 40 40 40 40
rturret2w4 rwturret2 80 0 40 40
rturret2w5 rwturret2 0 0 40 40
ryardw1 rwyard 40 0 40 40
ryardw2 rwyard 0 40 40 40
ryardw3 rwyard 40 40 40 40
ryardw4 rwyard 80 0 40 40
ryardw5 rwyard 0 0 40 40
ryard2w1 rwyard2 40 0 40 40
ryard2w2 rwyard2 0 40 40 40
ryard2w3 rwyard2 40 40 40 40
ryard2w4 rwyard2 80 0 40 40
ryard2w5 rwyard2 0 0 40 40

zjemyardw1 jwyard 40 0 40 40
zjemyardw2 jwyard 0 40 40 40
zjemyardw3 jwyard 40 40 40 40
zjemyardw4 jwyard 80 0 40 40
zjemyardw5 jwyard 0 0 40 40

zclonfacw1 clonfacw 40 0 40 40
zclonfacw2 clonfacw 0 40 40 40
zclonfacw3 clonfacw 40 40 40 40
zclonfacw4 clonfacw 80 0 40 40
zclonfacw5 clonfacw 0 0 40 40

podallw1 clonfacw 40 0 40 40
podallw2 clonfacw 0 40 40 40
podallw3 clonfacw 40 40 40 40
podallw4 clonfacw 80 0 40 40
podallw5 clonfacw 0 0 40 40

# Other Wireframes
mdmoonw1 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoonw2 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoonw3 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoonw4 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoonw5 mwdmoon 0 0 40 40

mmooninfw1 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mmooninfw2 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mmooninfw3 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mmooninfw4 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mmooninfw5 mwdmoon 0 0 40 40

mdmoon1w1 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon1w2 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon1w3 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon1w4 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon1w5 mwdmoon 0 0 40 40

mdmoon2w1 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon2w2 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon2w3 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon2w4 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon2w5 mwdmoon 0 0 40 40

mdmoon3w1 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon3w2 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon3w3 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon3w4 mwdmoon 40 0 20 20
mdmoon3w5 mwdmoon 0 0 40 40

gpod1 zpodall 40 0 20 20
gpod2 zpodall 40 0 20 20
gpod3 zpodall 40 0 20 20
gpod4 zpodall 40 0 20 20
gpod5 zpodall 0 0 40 40

Intimidating isn't it? This is a list of every selectable object in the game. Well, it's much more than a list, it tells the game what files have the shapes of the stars, ships, stations, planets, nebulae, and technology that appear in the game.
All you have to do is copy and paste these lines of text (make sure you change the color back to black otherwise you could mess up the game):
fprembuiw1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
fprembuiw2 fwprem 0 40 40 40
fprembuiw3 fwprem 40 40 40 40
fprembuiw4 fwprem 80 0 40 40
fprembuiw5 fwprem 0 0 40 40
Above this line of text (Don't fret, it's towards the top of satan's wall of endless words ;D ) :
fpremw1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
The end result should look like this:
fentew1 fwbattle 40 0 40 40
fentew2 fwbattle 0 40 40 40
fentew3 fwbattle 40 40 40 40
fentew4 fwbattle 80 0 40 40
fentew5 fwbattle 0 0 40 40
ffreightw1 fwfreight 40 0 40 40
ffreightw2 fwfreight 0 40 40 40
ffreightw3 fwfreight 40 40 40 40
ffreightw4 fwfreight 80 0 40 40
ffreightw5 fwfreight 0 0 40 40
fgalaxyw1 fwentd 40 0 40 40
fgalaxyw2 fwentd 0 40 40 40
fgalaxyw3 fwentd 40 40 40 40
fgalaxyw4 fwentd 80 0 40 40
fgalaxyw5 fwentd 0 0 40 40
fprembuiw1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
fprembuiw2 fwprem 0 40 40 40
fprembuiw3 fwprem 40 40 40 40
fprembuiw4 fwprem 80 0 40 40
fprembuiw5 fwprem 0 0 40 40
fpremw1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
fpremw2 fwprem 0 40 40 40
fpremw3 fwprem 40 40 40 40
fpremw4 fwprem 80 0 40 40
fpremw5 fwprem 0 0 40 40
fpremneww1 fwprem 40 0 40 40
fpremneww2 fwprem 0 40 40 40
fpremneww3 fwprem 40 40 40 40
fpremneww4 fwprem 80 0 40 40
fpremneww5 fwprem 0 0 40 40

That wasn't too hard was it? You have one thing left to do and that is to add the premontion and its special weapon to the techtree.

Type this in your WE address bar: C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek - ArmadaAddon
Now Find the file:; and open it
This is an unorganized file that shows what ship/station/technology is required to build which ship/ station/technology
Type this line of text at the top of the file: fprembui.odf 1 fsuperbl.odf
Now Scroll down until you get to the second break in text and type this line right above it:gtcann.odf 0


Trouble Shooting-

While making this mod i ran into a few glitches that you should look out for after you have first built the premonition:
Selected Ship layouts not appearing/loading on the user interface
Selected Ship command buttons not appear/loading on the user interface/in the main commands menu
Game crashing after the premonition's main command menu has be accessed
Strange Languages appearing in the scoring menu when the game has ended
Labels disappearing from the main menu

If you run into any of these or other problems contact me at either my filefront account or my email:
FF acount: Anarchyfan

Version  for A1  Author  anarchyfan  Website   
Downloads  556  Size  216.50 KB  Created  2009-07-28 



#1 Adm_Zaxxon 2009-07-28 18:26
Ooh, thats neat. Especially for a first mod. Really likeing the weapon too.

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