Image Converter Image Converter

(5 votes)
rcx11, 2006-10-23

A handy little program that converts .TGA files to .BMP files without the use of any expensive program.


Image Converter Utility for Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II .tga Texture Files

This is a rather simple command prompt utility. It converts the .tga files used for the ship textures to .bmp
files for easy editing in MS-Paint allowing the user to not have to download or purchase additional
image editing software.


Place tgatobmp.exe, bmptotga.exe, and alleg40.dll in the same folder somewhere. Navigate in command prompt to
the folder containing this utility or add to the PATH variable by typing in the command line:


where untilitylocation is the absolute pathname of the folder containing the utilities.

Converting .tga to .bmp:

tgatobmp tgafile bmpfile

where tgafile is the file name and/or location of the .tga file you wish to convert and bmpfile is the file name
and/or location of the .bmp destination file

Converting .bmp to .tga:

bmptotga bmpfile tgafile

where bmpfile is the file name and/or location of the .bmp file you wish to convert and bmpfile is the file name
and/or location of the .tga destination file

This utility does not have any error checking ability. Improper source file names will result in an error. It
also cannot convert any images larger than 640x480. This shouldn't be an issue sinces the texture files are
rather small. If you have any issues or wish to obtain the source code, email rcx11 AT yahoo DOT com

Version    Author  rcx11  Website   
Downloads  968  Size  298.65 KB  Created  2006-10-23 



#1 FUNimations 2006-10-23 12:24
as A1 and A2 use TGA files, wouldn't it be better that it converted from BMP to TGA??
#2 Cylon54 2006-10-23 14:58
i supose it lets u view the textures that armada 2 has
#3 Chiletrek 2006-10-23 17:25

Cylon54 is right, this program is quite helpful to better view Armada's textures, then you can make any changes you like for retextures purposes or for a new model and then you may ask a modder (if you don't have the proper programs) to reconvert the files back to TGA and re-applying the alpha-textures (for A2 files).

Nice program, well done
#4 IKS_Yo_Mama 2006-10-24 15:50
or just download corel photoshop X or XI for a 30 day free trial and renew the trial period with your product key everytime it expires?
#5 Freyr 2006-10-24 16:42
or you could just download GIMP ( which is free and does the same job.
#6 IKS_Yo_Mama 2006-10-25 13:44
Off Topic: cool software, Freyr, try this screen video capture software it's really cool -
#7 FahreS 2006-10-26 04:02
good work mate, but i dont need it because i have allready a freeware tga viewer and saver.

But does this support lightmaps?

And is it correct, that it cant im/export 512x512pxl images?
#8 rcx11 2006-11-08 07:48
This is actually a set of two programs. It can convert from .tga to .bmp for editing original textures. It can then take those textures or any new .bmp that are 640x480 or smaller and convert them back to .tga. The idea was so that people like me who have a very slow internet connection that can't be devoted to downloads for (i.e. dial-up on the only phoneline in the house) hours could just as easily work with textures.

And as of right now, the program does not support 512x512. I didn't realize there were textures of that size, if any, so i just stuck with the 640x480. I could easily update the programs to support 800x600. I don't want to go larger because on some machines that might be larger than the graphics card allows.
#9 Kanix 2007-11-16 22:09
Thanks rcx11, I had no Idea that you did this, amaaaaaaaazing. I should have thought of this, just like that pic I found from the louver, ya know YMCA Christ... anyway.... back on topic. It's great to see that your education has not been in vain...
#10 Mikeism60 2008-08-22 16:57
This program is a need for me but I have no real knowledge of what (Navigate in command prompt to

the folder containing this utility or add to the PATH variable by typing in the command line) means. So I cant use it. Can someone help?

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