Armada ODF Editor v Beta 1.0 Armada ODF Editor v Beta 1.0

(6 votes)
Talyn2k5, 2005-12-08

This is the Beta 1.0 release. It is as foolproof as possible but since this is a beta release there might be some bugs here and there. If you find any please let the author know.

Armada 2 ODF Editor by Talyn2k5

This is the Beta 1.0 release of my ODF Editor. I have designed it to be as foolproof as possible but bear in mind that this is a Beta release so there are still some minor bugs, these are listed below. I am attempting to resolve these bugs and as soon as I do, I will do another Beta release.

Known bugs:
1. Problem reading in some craft names when there is more than one space after the equals sign. eg.
Works "possibleCraftNames = "
Doesn't work "possibleCraftNames = "

2. Location of last opened file is not remembered so you must navigate from the root directory every time you open a file.

3. After saving a file and then re-opening it, the list of craft names sometimes does not update, or reverts any altered craft names to how there were before you edited it before the last save. This is despite the fact that the changes seem to have been applied to the file itself.
I`m not terribly sure why this happens so this bug may be one of the last to be resolved!

4. When inserting a property from the library, it is possible to insert a property multiple times, resulting in a malformed ODF document.

These are the bugs that have been discovered during testing on a WinXP Professional computer running version 1.1.4322.573 of the .Net framework.

Please report any additional bugs to with "ODF Editor bug report" in the subject line. Please state the nature of the error and what you were doing at the time. Also include the ODF file you were editing (if possible). Reporting errors will help me to improve the program and make this program as useful as possible for the Armada community.

Any suggestions for improvements or new features for the program should be posted in the following thread on the FileFront forums:

Thankyou for using the ODF Editor.



You will be requested to open a file at startup. Select the file you wish to open and it will be loaded into the main screen. In the left list all properties in the file except for craft names will be displayed. Craft names appear in the list on the right.
To edit a property in the left-hand list just select the property, click "Edit Value", make your changes, then click "Apply Value".
To edit a craft name, click on it in the list and change it in the form that pops up, and press Ok to apply.
The buttons along the bottom of the form are as follows:
1. Open existing file
2. Backup open ODF file (the backup copy will be placed in the BACKUP directory of the editor.
3. Save open ODF file (self explanatory)
4. Library (open the property library, you can add any of the properties in the list to the ODF file that is currently open. To add new properties to this list, just edit the properties.xml file in the editor's directory.
5. Exit (again, self explanatory)

The grey label in the bottom right hand corner will display the help for each property as you edit it. Note: Help is not available for all properties (yet)

Redistribution: This program can be redistributed anywhere as long as it is not modified and a link is given to the page where it is hosted on armada files. I have worked very hard to make this program so please do not try to claim it as your own!

Version  1.0  Author  Talyn2k5  Website   
Downloads  1,124  Size  368.13 KB  Created  2005-12-08 



#11 draconis_sharp 2005-12-16 20:09
This is definitely a good start.

Stfcbc, you should not advertise your work in someone else's file comments. If you really feel it's necessary, put the link with one of your own files.
#12 Talyn2k5 2005-12-23 15:34
Just an update for everyone, I am hoping to get a Beta 1.1 release in early January so if anyone with suggestions/unknown bugs could get those in before January 5th that would be of tremendous help to me.

I`m hoping to have a dozen official Beta testers for the next release so if anyone is willing could you please email me at the address listed in the readme. Your job will basically be to do everything you can to break the program!

Updates in the new release at the moment are as follows:

Problem reading possibleCraftNames where extra spaces exist after the '=' sign has been solved.

Remembering of last visited directory bug has been solved.

Ability to add a property from the library has been partially solved, full details will be given in the readme of the new Beta.

I've made some minor cosmetic changes and added a bit more error checking. Will be adding more properties to the library before the release.

Thankyou to everyone who has used the program, the feedback I have received has been of great use to me.

After Beta 1.1, I will release the program as a full Alpha release as it should be fully functional by that point.

Until next year


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