Federation Shipscale Federation Shipscale

(5 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2004-08-31

This is an intresting ship scale that covers the most popular ships in A2 in a grid format for generale scaleSOD ideas. In later editions, all of the ships are planed.

This is a project my son and I started to give a visual cue as we rescale ships to
appropriate size for the Armada 2, to enhance the realism.Sheet 1 is Federation vessels,
the most popular in the game, including several addon ships we find fun to play with.
Annotated by each vessel is the length as noted in the Starfleet Ship Database.

Version  1.0  Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  708  Size  709.94 KB  Created  2004-08-31 



#1 steel2 2004-08-31 11:27
i'm gonna dl this just 2 see what it is
#2 STGamerNew2002 2004-08-31 11:54
Well, it's OK, but missing the Ambassador-Class ship. I would rather stick to the 'www.usmiranda.com' site instead(my choice).
#3 Guest 2004-08-31 13:54
USS Miranda is very inacurrate, they scaled the sov at 900M of all things
#4 rparnelltx 2004-08-31 20:36
The Ambassador is on Sheet 2 (Soon to be released) I only posted it because some of the folks that multi-play with us suggested I do so. The entire Federation set takes up 5 sheets.
#5 Greathor 2004-09-01 06:25
Isnt the Sabre class slightly too big. I just thought that it was slightly larger than the defiant, not the Constitution.

There are tons of scaling diagrams, the one in the Star Trek Encyclopedia is different than the Star Trek the Magazine one, and they are both different than this.
#6 Guest 2004-09-02 08:06
wow, that pic is way off of the actual sizes
#7 Lt_Commander 2004-09-02 09:54
It's streched for the thumbnail. Press the pic to look at a preview.
#8 draconis_sharp 2004-09-10 07:03
I don't like it. Some of the ships aren't even drawn correctly (sabre for example, if that is what it is).

#3 - Uh... The USS Miranda website clearly is more accurate than your vision. It says Length : 680 m; not 900 m (Sovereign that is).

#5 - The sabre is much too big. The Constitution Class is roughly twice the size of a Sabre Class. The Constitution also has a larger crew compliment (that should be one give away).
#9 lostmyunimatrix 2004-09-12 19:58
To be honest, I'd say the Sovereign Class is 685m... at least it is according to LCARS Terminal

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