Starship Registries Starship Registries

(22 votes)
Shadow31, 2006-01-13

Well, no Readme, and a very small file. In basic, it's a list of Borg and Federation Registries (not shipnames). It's ok, though could use a little more work (in terms of a ship name for every NCC-XXXX). Could become useful for some members...

I'll also let the community rate this one. Smile


Author: Shadow31, e-mail:
Added by SSA!

Version    Author  Shadow31  Website   
Downloads  516  Size  289.41 KB  Created  2006-01-13 



#1 Starblade. 2006-01-13 14:48
I was thinking it'd have canon starships with a listing of their registry--- it's just "NCC ####" in a randomized pattern. And some of the registries clearly don't exist, such as "NCC 0977". Not to mention that Next-Generation registries clearly include at least five digits (the Ambassador class USS Excalibur NCC-26517, the Nebula-class USS Endeavour NCC-71805, or the Galaxy-class USS Venture NCC-71854 just off the top of my head). I didn't even look at the Borg registries....

If someone had put together a list of canon ships, as I'd envisioned, that would be, well, quite amazing. It'd save me having to dig through websites.... I could just search one text file. That'd be a cool idea-- but this isn't it. Apologies if I came off a little harsh.... my expectations were momentarily *way* up there.
#2 Transmission 2006-01-14 13:07
You were not alone in your assumptions. When I first saw the file, I though it would be names of ships, with their registries also, turns out I (along with you) were wrong.
#3 Starblade. 2006-01-17 17:41
This file I found scouring the site.... apparently it has the same thing I was looking for--- or it will once I'm done making it what I want---;22107x#272900
#4 insert_name_heer 2007-07-29 04:17
these are just a bunch of numbers, anyone could do this

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