Stargate Stargate

(3 votes)
Lord_Agros, 2007-02-02

And here we go again, with *another* update of the Stargates. To be honest, whilst nice, these are beginning to get a little irritating, it would be nice to have a *vinal* version sometime, rather than countless updates after update etc. Regardless, once again, a nice modification that (as it has been said in every release so far) should be downloaded by stargate fans.

- Ash

Thanks for downloading Lord Agros Stargate V1.4, i hope you have as much fun with this as i have
Firstly a little about this mod
This is a sized up version of the standard stargate, It uses a modified trans warp portal, can build ships and can be tractor-beamed around the map.
This mod will replace the transwarp porthole color from green to blue
The gate is on it's back however, Since space has no true 0 axis this is not a problem for me
If you want to use this with your mod PLEASE credit me for my work otherwise feel free.
Most the files are all uniquely named so as to not destroy your previously modded game However allways doubble check, as it's not impossible you may have named something the same as i have.

Version History
1.0 Creation, basic, unfinished public test.
1.1 You realy dont want to know it crashed the game so i skiped and remade as 1.2
1.2 Reduced textures used, cleaned up mod (the locks are more streamlined and the wormhole opens backwards to path ships better. Also for those MAC in the box users, i have Ziped it rather than RAR, I mean u cant help beaing handycaped :P ;)
1.3 Added the pegasis stargate due to popular demand, it has the same charactoristics as the milky way gate.
1.4 Added Build buttons, Changed texture of trans warp porthole it's now STARGATE blue, Added some neat stargate sounds.

Still no wireframes yet.... I realy should do that
The stargates may not show up when building it but once built it's fine.

Build buttons
go to the
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites
directry open
# Federation build buttons

and add the following line below this

b_starg sgbut1 0 0 64 64
b_stargpeg sgbut2 0 0 64 64

(agros short turtorial on button's)
For those who are not modders This is the build button information to associate to the
gate b_ = "build"
starg = Name of the ODF file
gbtwgate = the name of the TGA button picture file in the textures/rgb directory
0 0 64 64 = Horozontal Vertical Width Height (Grid refrence numbers they refer to the location and size of the button texture)

If prompted to overright anything MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP FIRST.
Place the SOD folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
Place the RGB folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\
Place the ODF folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
place the splash file in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
place the sound folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\

Now to build this device do the following
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree
add the lines
starg.odf 0
stargpeg.odf 0
Somewhere in the file

now open
add the lines
starg.odf 0
stargpeg.odf 0
Somewhere in the file

C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships
To add it to your construction ship (be it federation, borg, romulian, cardasian, klingon) "8472 is diffrent"
open the apropriate construction ship
federation fconst.odf
borg bconst.odf
romulian rconst.odf
cardasian cconst.odf
klingon kconst.odf
8472 8472_mothership.odf (as i said diffrent)

Find the text that says buildItem
they will be in sequance with a maximum of 13 buttons
add the following line
buildItem13 = "starg"
change 13 as apropriate (just experement)
NOTE: With 8472 the gate will appear below the mother, it's not stationary so move the mother ship, unless you turned that option off.

to make the gate build ships like a ship yard do the following
open C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships
open starg.odf or stargpeg.odf
Go down to
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "301"
buildItem1 = "302"
buildItem2 = "f303"
buildItem3 = "f304"
buildItem4 = "jumper"
buildItem5 = "aurora"
buildItem6 = "beliskner"
buildItem7 = "fasgard"
buildItem8 = "ori2"
buildItem9 = "repshiz"
buildItem10 = ""
buildItem11 = ""
buildItem12 = ""
buildItem13 = ""
As you can see i have added in all current stargate ships but add whatever you want in there it's your game

P.s. I am told you can still get
Setiesh's Stargate Goa'uld side mod v1.41
i enjoyed it and and my stargate fits right in.
You can aparantly get it from fleet operations, but im not 100% on that.

Stargate is a © (copyright) MGM, Showtime, Gekko Productions, Secret Agent, and whomever else. this is a fan based model and is not supported by the above mentioned, No copyright infringement intended.

Version  1.4  Author  Lord_Agros  Website   
Downloads  1,078  Size  1.28 MB  Created  2007-02-02 



#11 Lord_Agro 2007-02-07 15:02
Your right i have forgotton to include the physics file, as you can see i used one from another model i made, the "plax city ship" i will realece that if you guys want it it was just a model i learnt with and is a totaly unique unit i invented.

and also yes add eventhor.odf to the tech1 & full tech, i was working on an ori super gate but i have just reinstalled my pc with vista give me a week to get it running correctly again and i should be able to correct these problems, I will finalise this at that stage. I personaly prefer not to keep re-releaceing the file

RE: supergate

I wanted to get the sections to use the cube fusion to link up however you can only select 16 units at a time and the gate is made up of 42 so i may do this in sections. or not at all, or i will make the max selelect 42..... we will see
#12 Admiral_Icehawk 2007-02-08 21:14
I never thought of using the fusion command to assembe the supergate. You could just make a supergate model that assembles in the order seen in beachhead, after all us Armada fans have learned to accept the limits of the game.


If your going to make a 1.5, could you move the Event Horizon more to the centre, its just that it is very slightly off to the side, apart from that brilliant mod.
#13 Eluvatar 2007-02-24 01:17
hey i would like to see a supergate that would be cool Rock
#14 AtlantisX302 2007-03-02 19:19
Everything works great nice mod, though I have one question, how do I get Pegasus gates? Is it random or do you have to use up all of the MW address before it'll start on the others?
#15 Lord_Agro 2007-03-30 22:14
ALL above mentioned problems have been fixed, Super gate has been added and i have one extra little surprize you will have to wait for to see....

i am emailing it to armada files as we speak.
#16 JPKTrekker 2008-03-25 13:25
Setiesh's mod can be found on Armada Fleet Command, not Fleet Operations.

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