Vulcan Research Institute
This mod removes your Research Facility & Science Station and replaces them with the Vulcan Research Institute, which has all the research pods. This is a good way to save space, also, it will build and research faster. There is a known issue, see the readme for more details.
Mod: Research Facility & Science Station Replacement
Armada II
Full mod name: Vulcan Research Institute as Research Facility & Science Station Replacement
Creator: Mislav
Date: 31.3.2005.
Installation instuctions:
Open your Armada directory("C:, Program Files, Activision, Armada II"). Copy the "tech1"
file in "techtree" folder, the "fconst" file in the "odf/ships" folder, and the rest in
"odf/stations" folder.
'cause nobody made this mod.
This mod removes your Research Facility & Science Station and instead of them you have
the Vulcan Research Institute which has all research pods.
A good way to spare space, also it builds and researchs faster.
Known bugs:
Only one. The life support didn't show up, so I made this: after you research detection
grid pod, you can reserch life suppurt level 2 and after you research antimatter mines, you
can research life support level 3.
You may use it in your own mod. This is not supported by Activision by any way.
Version | Author | Mislav | Website | ||
Downloads | 652 | Size | 18.24 KB | Created | 2005-03-31 |
What's up Mislav?
If you wish to discuss or make few modifications for Revenge mod contact me at: omegateam1
See you