The Omega Effect The Omega Effect

(2 votes)
WarBorg, 2009-06-09

This small mod attempts to create the real Omega Particle, which fails and creates a rip in space then forms into a wormhole. Warp is lost in an area around the wormhole and a massive gravity well is formed(which will be noticed if your ship loses engines).

The Omega effect
by Warborg

I. Storyline
II. Introduction and issues
III. A complete install
IV. Experienced Modders
V. Credits
VI. Legal Stuff

I. Storyline

The Cardassians have renewed their interest in the Omega Particle
(from Armada 1...remember?). They now have been able to harvest
the Particle, worse...even expand it. Rumor has it, that it can't be
stablized and that rifts in space have formed as a result. Use this
object with caution.

II. Introduction and issues

I got to thinking one day, Why did Armada 1 and 2 never use the
Omega Particle the way it was meant to be used. So, I went on a quest
to create the Omega Particle where it would kill warp in the game once
it was expanded/built. Things did not go well. After struggling and
asking for advice. I noticed the Tholian Mod using the Mining station
command to create a latinum nebula. So, I decided the next best way to
approach this is to create a blackhole in place of a destroyed Omega
Particle. This would give me something of a no warp zone... and also a
gravity field. Wait until you lose engines and you will see what I mean
(On a standard map).

There are no real known bugs but there are a few issues. The biggest one
is the AI(It drove me nuts). First, it would not build just 1... I set it
at 2(plus what else you may build), Second one was I couldn't get it to
build at the 4th or 3rd resource location. I set it at the 2nd one,
however it(Cardies) have set it off at their base.

I have also seen pathing issues with other ships around the blackhole.
(Possible hindering of a race to continue)

So, if you don't want to see odd situtions in the game don't load the AI.
For sure I would recommend backing up the stock cardassian AI files,
then if you don't like the way the game goes... put the stock ones
back in.

III. A complete install

Ok, this for those who have a stock game and don't know how to Mod files.
A side note before I continue...don't ever copy folders... only files.
Sorry, I don't do auto-installs.

1) Copy and paste the AI files (read above first) to your folder.
2) Open and copy the odf files.
3) Open and copy the sod files.
4) Open and copy the sprite file.
5) Open and copy the tech1 file. NOTE: There is NO support for the other
6) Open and copy the texture to it's folder

IV. Experienced Modders

Everyone else skip this section.

If you have stock Cardassians then use you judgement as noted above if
you want the AI to build it. This was the best I could come up with:

"ccontain", 1,0, 2, 0, //Containment Vessel
"comega", 1,3, -1, 0, //Omega Particle

Putting Comega in the middle of the AI file seemed to work best.

The odf's - chances are you will want to change some of this up
(Location of who builds it or where). Just remember I can't help you
if you change the functional commands.

Sods - I don't see any changes here

Sprites - You know the drill, put them under Cardassians or wherever
you want them.

# Special weapon buttons

b_comega omegawp 0 0 64 64

#Cardassian wireframes

ccontainw1 cardwireframe03 0 192 48 48
ccontainw2 cardwireframe03 48 192 48 48
ccontainw3 cardwireframe03 96 192 48 48
ccontainw4 cardwireframe03 144 192 48 48
ccontainw5 cardwireframe03 192 192 48 48

Techtree - I've never been fancy on this. Here's my setting

// *** [Cardassian ships] ***
ccontain.odf 0

// *** [Cardassian stations] ***
comega.odf 1 cyard2.odf

Texture - easy, copy and paste.

On a final note to Modders don't overwrite files unless your sure.
(Should be the AI, gui_global, tech1 and cbase.odf are the ones that
will prompt for an overwrite)

V. Credits

I in no way, shape or form stole this idea from anyone. I'm sorry if
someone else had this same thought. I did try to use as much in-game
ships and objects to avoid any credit or other problems. I do want to
again thank those that helped with advice and the Tholian Mod for the
Tip. Feel free to use this any way you want.

For any questions or needed debug help. Go to the
armada2files (Filefront) forum. I hang out there. If this survives
the next 7 years(such as some of my other mods I released back in 2002)...
who knows.

VI. Legal Stuff

This release is not made, distributed, or supported by Activision
TM & (C)Paramount Pictures and is not to be sold in any manner.

Version    Author  WarBorg  Website   
Downloads  241  Size  323.29 KB  Created  2009-06-09 



#1 thunderfoot007 2009-06-09 16:27
Kewel! It's available! D/Ling right now!
#2 Warborg 2009-06-11 06:07
Note: to modders, I forgot this in the read me;


b_ccontain gbcconst 0 0 64 64

to the gui_global file for the build button.

Everyone one else don't worry, it's already in the gui_global file that came with this
#3 Atlantis27 2009-06-13 01:16
Note to reviewer: It's a black hole, not a wormhole.
#4 Warborg 2009-06-13 08:06
Oppps, that was me, I had to type it twice. I don't remember what I put the first time. Thanks

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