P Fleet P Fleet

(2 votes)
adm_tyler, 2007-09-18

Star Trek: The Pirkinning gets another addition to the world of Armada with the second release for the "P Fleet". This version is touted as a "bug-less" update of the first release and I had no difficulties running the thing.
Click here for the Phirst P Fleet mod Wink

Goodies included Smile are:

  • Icewolf's Ulysses Class
  • FahreS' Claw Shipyard
  • Curtis' Intrepid Textures from the Upgrade Project
  • Jetfreak's Kalinka and Kickstart vessels

Like the first Mod, this has got potential and due to it's light comic relief it brings to the table I would like to see more done with it, I think if it was to head towards a Compilation Mod-type mod then it could be something really worth investing time in, however that is only the opinion of one. For 7.3 megs it's a worth trying out.

on a side note, apologies to adm_tyler for the long delay in hosting this file Sad

- IKS -

//******************* The P-Fleet ***************************************************************
//********************** Made by Tyler Chambers ************************************************
// SECTION 1 - PURPOSE *********************************************************************

There is four Phaser types in this; Small Ship, Medium Ship, Large Ship and Station.
There is two Torpedo types in this; Ship and Station.
Two Pulse versions are included, Ship and Station based.

// SECTION 2 - FILES INCLUDED *************************************************************

1. Several Ships
2. Several Stations
3. Weapons
4. Readme

// SECTION 3 - WHAT TO DO *****************************************************************

1. Copy all file to the correct folder.
2. Open 'gui_global.spr' and add under the Federation Buttons Section:

# P-Fleet build buttons

b_pkick gbfbld100 0 0 64 64

b_pintrepid gbfcruise3 0 0 64 64
b_pkalinka gbfkalinka 0 0 64 64
b_pyard fw6werrelbg 0 0 64 64

3. Open 'gui_global.spr' and add under the Federation Wireframes Section:

# P-Fleet wireframes

pkickw1 fedwireframe01 0 0 48 48
pkickw2 fedwireframe01 48 0 48 48
pkickw3 fedwireframe01 96 0 48 48
pkickw4 fedwireframe01 144 0 48 48
pkickw5 fedwireframe01 192 0 48 48

pintrepidw1 fedwireframe01 0 192 48 48
pintrepidw2 fedwireframe01 48 192 48 48
pintrepidw3 fedwireframe01 96 192 48 48
pintrepidw4 fedwireframe01 144 192 48 48
pintrepidw5 fedwireframe01 192 192 48 48

pkalinkaw1 fwconstwf 160 0 80 80
pkalinkaw2 fwconstwf 0 80 80 80
pkalinkaw3 fwconstwf 80 80 80 80
pkalinkaw4 fwconstwf 80 0 80 80
pkalinkaw5 fwconstwf 0 0 80 80

pyardw1 fw6werrelwf 80 0 80 80
pyardw2 fw6werrelwf 0 80 80 80
pyardw3 fw6werrelwf 80 80 80 80
pyardw4 fw6werrelwf 160 0 80 80
pyardw5 fw6werrelwf 0 0 80 80

4. Open 'tech1.tt' and add this under the Federation Section, but above the Klingon one:

// ***[ P-FLEET SHIPS ]************************
pconst.odf 1 pbase.odf // Construction Ship
pfreight.odf 1 pmining.odf // Mining Freighter
pcargo.odf 1 ptrading.odf // Cargo Ship
psrepair.odf 1 presear.odf // Repair Ship
pdefiant.odf 0 // Defiant Class (Parody)
pintrepid.odf 0 // Intrepid Class (Parody)
pakira.odf 0 // Akira Class (Parody)
pcolony.odf 2 pyard.odf presear.odf // Colony Ship
pgalaxy.odf 2 pyard.odf presear.odf // Galaxy Class (Parody)
piwojima.odf 2 pyard.odf presear.odf // Iwo Jima Class (Parody)
pconr.odf 1 pyard.odf // Constitution Class (Pardoy)
pulys.odf 2 pyard.odf presear.odf // Ulysses Class (Parodoy)

// ***[ P-FLEET STATIONS ]*********************
pbase.odf 0 // P-Fleet HQ
pbase3.odf 0 // Fleet Organization Centre
pmining.odf 0 // Mining Colony
porbital.odf 0 // Orbital Station
pyard.odf 1 pbase.odf // Shipyard
psensor.odf 1 pbase.odf // Sensor Station
pturret.odf 1 pbase.odf // Defence Turret
presear.odf 1 pbase.odf // Research Station
ptrading.odf 1 pbase.odf // Trading Facility
pturret2.odf 2 pbase.odf presear.odf // Advanced Defence Turret
pupgrade.odf 2 pbase.odf presear.odf // Pirk Research Station
pfpod11.odf 1 pupgrade.odf // Twinkler Upgrade (Level 1)
pfpod12.odf 1 pupgrade.odf // Defence Plate Upgrade (Level 1)
pfpod13.odf 1 pupgrade.odf // Detectors Upgrade (Level 1)
pfpod14.odf 1 pupgrade.odf // Twist Drive Upgrade (Level 1)
pfpod15.odf 1 pupgrade.odf // Life Preserver Upgrade (Level 1)
pfpod21.odf 1 pfpod11.odf // Twinkler Upgrade (Level 2)
pfpod22.odf 1 pfpod12.odf // Defence Plate Upgrade (Level 2)
pfpod23.odf 1 pfpod13.odf // Detectors Upgrade (Level 2)
pfpod24.odf 1 pfpod14.odf // Twist Drive Upgrade (Level 2)
pfpod25.odf 1 pfpod15.odf // Life Preserver Upgrade (Level 2)

// ***[ P-FLEET SPECIAL WEAPONS ]**************
gdetectp.odf 1 pfpod13.odf // detect cloak

4. Open 'fultech.tt' and add this under the Federation Section, but above the Klingon one:

pconst.odf 0
pfreight.odf 0
pcargo.odf 0
psrepair.odf 0
pdefiant.odf 0
pintrepid.odf 0
pakira.odf 0
pcolony.odf 0
pgalaxy.odf 0
piwojima.odf 0
pbase.odf 0
pmining.odf 0
porbital.odf 0
pyard.odf 0
psensor.odf 0
pturret.odf 0
presear.odf 0
ptrading.odf 0
pturret2.odf 0
pupgrade.odf 0
pconr.odf 0
pulys.odf 0
pbase3.odf 0

pfpod11.odf 0
pfpod12.odf 0
pfpod13.odf 0
pfpod14.odf 0
pfpod15.odf 0
pfpod21.odf 0
pfpod22.odf 0
pfpod23.odf 0
pfpod24.odf 0
pfpod25.odf 0

gdetectp.odf 0

3. Open 'gui_global.spr' and add under the Logo Section:

pfleet_icon iconianlogo 0 0 128 128

// SECTION 4 - BUGS (Don't you just HATE this Section?) ********************************************************

None, it should work fine.

// SECTION 5 - MISC. THINGS ****************************************************************

This P-Fleet, although the weakest race in my version of the game, can actually put up a good fight if given time to build Ships.

I think the Station names sound like something Pirk would think up (including any spelling mistakes).


// SECTION 6 - CREDITS ***********************************************************************

Most Things - Activision
AI Files - Me
Name Files - Me
ODF's - Me
Kalinka Model - I used Jetfreak's C.P.P. Kalinka
Kickstart Model - I used Jetfreak's C.P.P. Kickstart
Ulysses Class - icewolf132
'The Claw' Shipyard - FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER
Intrepid Textures - Armada II Upgrade Project (Federation Pack)
P-Fleet Logo - Fleet Ops. Development Team

// SECTION 7 - COPYRIGHT STUFF **********************************************************

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

// SECTION 8 - Contact *************************************************************************

Email: fadm_tyler@yahoo.co.uk


Version  2.0  Author  adm_tyler  Website   
Downloads  539  Size  7.29 MB  Created  2007-09-18 



#1 insert_name_heer 2007-09-19 03:42
wow, those are some of the latest and graetest ships and stations out there. i especialy like the starbase. do you think that you could relese this again as a fed retexture (without Perkking it up)

9/10 - ive naver been a fan of captian pirk.
#2 adm_tyler 2007-09-19 05:54
That Starbase Retexture is from the Upgrade Project, only the Intrepid Retexture is incuded (I couldn't do a retexture like that).

P.S. In the film I saw, it was 'Emperor' Pirk. I call him Emperor Berk sometimes.
#3 CaptPidge 2007-11-04 15:36
like a full mod with the pfleet and the b5 side as full races :-)

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