Mercenary Pack Mercenary Pack

(2 votes)
CanadianBorg, 2008-07-25

New pirate stuff from CanadianBorg. The raider is a kitbash of stock ships, and the station is a variation on a theme he's been working all week-- asteroid bases. Of course, the hard part is that you can't build on an asteroid. You have to build the asteroid, too.

No reason you couldn't double this for use as a Maquis base. No reason you shouldn't download it, either.


Mercenary Station and Mercenary Raider by CanadianBorg

This is just my third mod, so any comments or suggestions would be welcome.

The Mercenary Station I designed is based on a retextured asteroid model converted from Starfleet Command 1 (yes, I have the original), and a large part of the rest is just
the stock models combined in interesting ways. I also included a little transparent "promenade" space on the side.

The Mercenary Raider is composed entirely of stock models that I (quote) "threw in a blender" (end quote) and then applied Curtis's A2 1.5.1 textures to. The station also uses
the 1.5.1. textures. While it will work with the stock textures, it will look much cooler with the 1.5.1 textures I have included. These have the added bonus of sprucing up
some of your existing ships (to download the full packs (because there's a lot of them), just search 1.5.1 on the site.

Thanks to FahreS for his transparent textures tutorial. As you can (or can't, they're transparent) see, I used them in the dome. Thanks man!


Open the archive file and extract the folder "Mercenary Base" somewhere outside your A2 directory.

Copy all the folders inside to your root A2 directory. If it asks to overwrite, say yes.

Now, open gui_global.spr in the "sprites" folder in your A2 main directory with Notepad, and scroll down to the Federation build buttons. Now enter:

b_mercbase gbmercbase 0 0 64 64
b_mercraid gbmercraid 0 0 64 64

below the last item.

Close gui_global.spr and go to the techtree folder within the A2 directory with Notepad. Now open Scroll down to the Federation stations and enter the following:

mercbase.odf 0

Now go up to Federation ships and add:

mercraid.odf 0

Now save and close Open with Notepad and enter the following anywhere in the list:

mercbase.odf 0
mercraid.odf 0

Now save and close the file.

Now go to the odf folder, and go to "ships". Open fconst.odf with Notepad, and enter the following:

buildItemxx = "mercbase"

Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number). Enter the same thing into rconst.odf, cconst.odf, and kconst.odf.

That's it! You're ready to use the Mercenary Base and Raider in your game! I might be coming out with more ships for this by the way, so stay tuned!


This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount.
CanadianBorg Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at

If you wish to use this station in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.

Version    Author  CanadianBorg  Website   
Downloads  627  Size  11.51 MB  Created  2008-07-25 



#11 Firestorm603 2008-10-19 05:02
lol it looks like something you'd see if the game loaded up wrong.
#12 StephenBerry777 2010-10-12 17:53
Hey, I was trying to think of a good base for the Section 31 fleet.

Those Shady Characters would feel right at home socializing with Mercenaries or Pirates. They probably would get the Pirates to do their dirty work for them. Also, in the Star Trek Lore, the Orions have a pretty strong foothold on the "Pirate Business". But that does not leave other races from Joining In ( and I can think of quite a few.....some like to steal other races ships, etc...)

In case you doubt it. Look at Earth's History. In the 1500's England, France, and Spain (and other nations) all financed the Pirate Industry. Some Nations still do today.

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