Bajoran Starbase Bajoran Starbase

(7 votes)
CanadianBorg, 2008-07-23

Neat idea from CanadianBorg-- a Bajoran starbase. Based on an asteroid (as Bajoran bases probably would have to be, someplace nice and hidden from the prying eyes of the Obsidian Order), CanadianBorg first converted the asteroid from the original SFC game, and built the station on top of it. Not bad for a start, and certainly worth considering as a concept. There's already talk of an upgraded version if this one gets supported, so go on and download it. The Prophets demand it.


Bajoran Starbase by CanadianBorg

This is my first mod, so any advice or pointers are appreciated.

The Bajoran Starbase I designed is based on asteroid model converted from Starfleet Command 1 (yes, I have the original), and the rest is scratch-built.


Open the archive file and extract the folder "Bajoran Starbase" somewhere outside your A2 directory.

Copy all the folders inside to your root A2 directory.

Now, open gui_global.spr in the "sprites" folder in your A2 main directory with Notepad, and scroll down to the Federation build buttons. Now enter:

b_bajbase gbbajbase 0 0 64 64

below the last item.

Close gui_global.spr and go to the techtree folder within the A2 directory with Notepad. Now open Scroll down to the Federation stations and enter the following:

bajbase.odf 1 ftrading.odf

Now save and close Open with Notepad and enter the following anywhere in the list:

bajbase.odf 0

Now save and close the file.

Now go to the odf folder, and go "ships". Open fconst.odf with Notepad, and enter the following:

buildItemxx = "bajbase"

Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number).

That's it! You're ready to use the Bajoran Starbase in your game! I might be coming out with a V2 of this by the way, so stay tuned!


This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount
CanadianBorg Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at

If you wish to use this station in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.

Version    Author  CanadianBorg  Website   
Downloads  237  Size  1,005.53 KB  Created  2008-07-23 



#11 Avon 2008-07-24 14:47
Milkshape is not exactly expensive. In fact its down right cheap. And in this day and age, I'm sure you must know someone (friend, coleague, parent) with a credit card who could pay on your behalf. Asking the community to "do something for you" sounds a little, well, dishonest to me.

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