Advanced Dominion Fortress Advanced Dominion Fortress

(10 votes)
STGamerNew2002, 2003-09-03

This adds a stronger fortress with advanced weapons to the Dominion race.

The Dominion, feeling that their current starbase was to weak for the times,
started a project to create a stronger base that could fight off multiple targets.
What they did was increase the number of weapons emplacements, multiple targeting systems
and increase the varity of weapons. They also created a new type of Phased Polaron beam
designed for this base, the Mark 1 Phased Polaron Cannon, which can nearly destroy any target
much quickly. The Fortress also is increased the shield output by 100% They are using a
semi-biological semi-ablative armour for their hull, making the hull about 100% stronger as well.

'Dominion Advanced Command Fortress' installation:

1.Copy any .SOD files into the SOD directory.

2.Copy any .tga files into the Textures\RGB directory.

3.Copy explosion.spr(*), sprite.spr(*) & weapon.spr(*) files into the sprites directory.

4.Copy DMsuperbl.odf file into the odf\stations directory.

5.Copy DMphas & DMphaso.odf files into the odf\weapons\phasers directory.

6.Copy DMphot & DMphotono.odf files into the odf\weapons\photons directory.

7.Copy DMpulse & DMpulseo.odf files into the odf\weapons\pulse directory.

8.Copy any .bmp into bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages directory.

9.Copy ed-stat.odf file into odf\other directory.

EDITING the files:

1.Open your file and add this to the 'Dominion Stations' list:

DMsuperbl.odf 4 dtrading.odf dyard2.odf dresear2.odf dupgrade.odf

2.Open your file and add this to Dominion section list:

DMsuperbl.odf 0

3.Open your file and add this to the 'Dominion Stations' list:

DMsuperbl.odf 4 dtrading.odf dyard2.odf dresear2.odf dupgrade.odf

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Dominion/any races construction ship can only build up to 13 items on list,
therefore the Advanced Main Fortress just can't be added as #14 item.
You must EDIT/take out something of the construction ship's built list in order to ADD the
Advanced Main Fortress. Best suggestion would be to REPLACE the Artificial Wormhole
with the Advanced Main Fortress. Or you can add the fortress to the 'dominion.odf' under:


// the things you get when you ask for standard default units (instead of the map units)
standardUnits1 = "dconst.odf" // construction ship
standardUnits2 = "dconst.odf" // construction ship
standardUnits3 = "dbase.odf" // starbase
standardUnits4 = "dweyoun.odf" // battleship
standardUnits5 = "dscout.odf" // scout

You add under the list:

standardUnits6 = "DMsuperbl.odf" // main fortress

All of this should have the station running well in your game.


The Great one

If I left anyone off or made an error , please let me know so I can
correct my error. Thank you everyone who worked on the model.

LEGAL info:

This Mod was not made by nor is it supported by Activision.
I in no way shape or form intended to steal anyone's ideas or work(just to let ya know).
I don't have a problem if anyone wants to use this mod and change it
and give it away. Just mention all the names above in the credits...and me.
This Mod should not be sold in any manner.
Thank you.

'*' - If you DON'T want your own personal files to be altered in anyway,
I STRONGELY suggest you BACK-UP your files BEFORE installing the mod!
I will not be HELD responsible for ANY UNEXAMPLAINED CRASHES/PROBLEMS to your computer,
so take your OWN RISK here! If you have good EDITING skills, then I suggest to COPY the
files here in a seperate folder and do your own editing as you please.
If you need any kind of info/help on my mod, please email me at:
and I'll do my BEST to help out. Again thanks for using my mod and credit me/anyone
when using the mods. "Victory is Life!"

Version    Author  STGamerNew2002  Website   
Downloads  1,545  Size  1.79 MB  Created  2003-09-03 



#11 Chiletrek 2007-09-17 14:35

You have a point there TrekerMonty, but this station is great :D

The pulse won't multi-target though but I fixed that added the missing command lines:

//Programming Stuff DO NOT CHANGE

classLabel = "areacannon"

That way it will override the standard classlabel and add that one that will make the pulse weapon to fire multitarget like the phaser and torpedo it already has :-)

10/10, this station rocks Rock

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