The Claw - Multi-Race Yard The Claw - Multi-Race Yard

(25 votes)
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER, 2007-08-22

This is another great shipyard (with a twist) from FahreS. This is the 'Claw' shipyard, a generic shipyard which has 5 seperate versions based on different textures. They are as follows; maroon, green, silver/grey, light brown, and black. It is up to you to designate which shipyard should be played by who. The model quality is very good and the shipyard's design is very easy on the eye. In my opinion, the black/purple (possibly Dominion) shipyard is the best but all of them are just as good as each other.

Great work Rock


-The Claw - Multi Race Yard-


-Information about this MOD
-Installation instructions


You have NO permission to change the model and other content and/or to release them.
Ask me for authorisation: e-mail or ICQ-UIN (both under Contact).

The Copyright of the 3D-Model, the textures, pictures and everything coming with this Mod is by me.


1. 5 different Styles
2. Lightmaps
3. Rotated HardPoints
4. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic
5. 3D-Borgtextures

Information über diesen MOD:

This MOD contains a yard,
which is 100% made and designed by me
and everything else which you need to install this station.

The category: "Model-information" has more details.

Installation instructions

1. Copy the files:


in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\SOD"


INFORMATION: Ignore the file "fw6werrel.odf"
BUT rename "fw6werrel_EN.odf" to "fw6werrel.odf"

in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations"


INFO: You can change the yard's style with using another set of textures than fw6werrel1.tga and fw6werrel2.tga.
You can choose between these Styles:

Brown (Maybe Cardassians)
fw6werrel1.tga and

Dark Brown / Red (Maybe Klingons)
fw6werrel1_kli.tga and

Green (Maybe Romulans)
fw6werrel1_rom.tga and

Grey / Metallic (Maybe Federation)
fw6werrel1_fed.tga and

fw6werrel1_black.tga and

If you know which to choose, rename your decision to: fw6werrel1.tga and fw6werrel2.tga .

in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB"


in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages"

2. Choose a construction ship, which should build this yard.
The stock construction ship of the cardassian fleet is cconst.odf and is located here:
"...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships"

-Open cconst.odf with your Windows Texteditor (Notepad) or another Program like this.
Have a look for the text:

buildItem11 = "ctrading"
buildItem12 = "cupgrade"

-Write under this entry: buildItem13 = "fw6werrel"

INFORMATION: If there is allready an entry with buildItem13, then choose an other ship, because this is full.

-Save the file and close it.

3.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree".
Open the file "" with the Windows Texteditor and search "fbattle.odf 0".
-Write under this entry:

fw6werrel.odf 0

-Save the file and close it.

-Do not change the directory but open the file "" with the Texteditor.
Search following Entry:

cbase.odf 0 // starbase
cmining.odf 0 // mining station

-Write under this entry:

fw6werrel.odf 0

-Save the file and close it.

4.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites".
open the file "gui_global.spr" with the Windows Texteditor.
Have a look for the entry:

b_fmining gbfmining 0 0 64 64
b_fsensor gbfsensor 0 0 64 64

-Write under this entry:

b_fw6werrel fw6werrelbg 0 0 64 64

-Search in the same file the entry:

fupgradew1 fedwireframe07 0 192 48 48
fupgradew2 fedwireframe07 48 192 48 48
fupgradew3 fedwireframe07 96 192 48 48
fupgradew4 fedwireframe07 144 192 48 48
fupgradew5 fedwireframe07 192 192 48 48

-Write under this entry:

fw6werrelw1 fw6werrelwf 80 0 80 80
fw6werrelw2 fw6werrelwf 0 80 80 80
fw6werrelw3 fw6werrelwf 80 80 80 80
fw6werrelw4 fw6werrelwf 160 0 80 80
fw6werrelw5 fw6werrelwf 0 0 80 80

-Save the file and close it.



Polys: 1728
Hardpoints: 22 (build & repair & hp01-hp20)
High resolution textures: yes
Texture variants: yes (5)
3D-Borgtextures: yes
2D-Borgtextures: no
Wireframe: yes
Buildbutton: yes
ShipImage: yes
SOD by me: yes
adapted ODF: yes
adapted physik: no
New Weapons by me: none
Special-Weapons by me: none
Lightmaps: yes
Animation: no
Glows: no
New Names: yes

Questions to:
ICQ: 148686453

This file is in no way connected to, or affiliated with Activision,
its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other persons or
companies associated with it. Therefore, the creator of this file,
Activision, and it's subsidiares take no responsibilty for harm this
file may do to your computer.

Have fun with this Yard!

FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER

Version    Author  FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER  Website   
Downloads  770  Size  4.77 MB  Created  2007-08-22 



#11 Achilles 2007-08-23 18:14
the textures are well made an applied perfectly, this is important 8)
#12 tholian_storm 2007-08-23 21:36
I loved the grey one. Good work there , kemosabe. Then again , I haven't really ever seen you do anything bad. :thumbsup:
#13 FahreS 2007-08-24 08:25
@IKS_Yo_Mama, no problem i didnt even know that there is a multirace folder

@HMS_Frontier, you can change that with a Hex Editor, i just saw no reason in using the same yard multiple times.

@Achilles, thanks man, that means a lot for me, because i think that of all of your models, so im sure you know whats good and what not.

@someddrnoob, sorry but that was too much work for me

And thanks for the positive reactions.
#14 HMS_Frontier 2007-08-24 10:24
Whats Hex Editor
#15 FahreS 2007-08-24 11:18
I think this is the tool and a description to edit the sod file.

Its written for legacy m3ds but it should work with sods too.;6756322;;/fileinfo.html
#16 HMS_Frontier 2007-08-24 12:22
#17 ameba 2007-08-25 12:02
fahres, if you could animate those babies, this would be the uber-yard....
#18 FahreS 2007-08-26 07:51
Thanks man :D I thought of animating it but i decided against it. Maybe Ill change my mind again :-)
#19 adm_tyler 2007-09-14 08:49
The Romulan-like Textures could also be used as Borg Textures that almost fit with the Stock Game.

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