Space Dock Space Dock

(4 votes)
Shadow, 2007-06-10

This has to be one of the best looking Space Dock models I have seen. I am not quite sure on the poly count of them though, however, they do look high. Nevertheless, for a Station of this size, I do not see that as a problem. You aren't / shouldn't have the need to go filling up your map with them.

I believe the scaling is a little off though, compared to a ship in one of the pictures. Though, again, you can't really be fussy about this. Considering the size of ships, stations and planets in Armada, this has been made big enough.

I am also to understand there are three models of this Station, all different. I can't personally tell them apart from the screenshots, maybe they're different in-game? Who knows. But yeah, if you are a fan of the Federation, and are in need of a Space Dock (or a new one) then this would be a definate download.

- Ash


here is my version of the federation spacedock and two variants of it.

fdock_ur depicts the larger TNG � Version of the spacedock that can support even the largest federation ships.

fdock2 depicts the smaller TMG � Version
fdock3 can be used as a variant of it.

fdock_ur is a HQ-Model with 7148 polys.
fdock2 is a HQ-Model with 7988 polys.
fdock3 is a HQ-Model with 8204 polys.

fdock2 / 3 have higher poly- counts due to their antennae configuration

Since all run perfectly on my computer I think that�s no problem.

I am using large texture files for the stations (1024 x 1024). This my lead to problems with some older computers / graphic cards ( Excessive lagging for example) . I experienced none but cannot guarantee otherwise.
So you have been warned.

I made the models following the photos that you can find on the net. If you want to see some reference go to

Do not be astonished about the long weapons list. The stations is quite tall so they are needed.
I have seldom seen it using them all.
If you do not like it change it.

HP- Maps are included.
Some additional info:
HP 01 � 10 are located on the centre axis an used targeting, see the odf.
HP 92 � 95 are located at the Hangars. I am using them for my fighter squadron. ( Not included )

Should any problem arise with these stations, you can send me a PM on


My work can be used in other persons mods if they give proper credit in the read me, under the condition that this mod stays non commercial and is not uploaded to a paysite.

There are only 2 websites where I publish my work.
You may not upload my work to any other website as singular files.


Copy all .tga-files into Armada2 / Textures / RGB
Copy the .sod-file into Armada2 / SOD
Copy the .odf-file into Armada2 / ODF / Stations
Copy the .bmp-file into Armada2 / bitmaps / Admiralslog / Shipimages

All 3 stations use the same texture files.

Go to Armada2 / techtree
Open and and insert:

fdock_ur.odf 0
fdock2.odf 0
fdock3.odf 0

Go to Armada2 / Sprites
Open gui_global.spr
Insert the lines

# Federation build buttons


b_fdock_ur gbfdock_ur 0 0 64 64
b_fdock2 gbfdock2 0 0 64 64
b_fdock3 gbfdock3 0 0 64 64

# Ship Wireframes


fdock_urw1 fdock_urwf 0 0 128 128
fdock_urw2 fdock_urwf 128 0 128 128
fdock_urw3 fdock_urwf 256 0 128 128
fdock_urw4 fdock_urwf 0 128 128 128
fdock_urw5 fdock_urwf 128 128 128 128

fdock2w1 fdock2_wf 0 0 128 128
fdock2w2 fdock2_wf 128 0 128 128
fdock2w3 fdock2_wf 256 0 128 128
fdock2w4 fdock2_wf 0 128 128 128
fdock2w5 fdock2_wf 128 128 128 128

fdock3w1 fdock3_wf 0 0 128 128
fdock3w2 fdock3_wf 128 0 128 128
fdock3w3 fdock3_wf 256 0 128 128
fdock3w4 fdock3_wf 0 128 128 128
fdock3w5 fdock3_wf 128 128 128 128

If the line @reference=512 does not exist in your version of gui_global.spr copy it also.

Have fun Shadow.

Version    Author  Shadow  Website   
Downloads  1,675  Size  5.26 MB  Created  2007-06-10 



#1 ColdDarkParanoia 2007-06-10 07:17
have you ever noticed how the scaling of A2 is the same as in the orininal series. planet to ship wise lol. Also i think thats why they never put the big space dock in game. But this is something else!

lovly crisp textures and model! really good scaling (for armada) has the ballance just right in my opinion from looking at the screen shots
#2 Doom369 2007-06-10 09:42
I have had this in my game for a month now, and it is beautiful.
#3 Majest 2007-06-10 15:50
The model looks great, though a little to high polly for me even for a major starbase.
#4 DScottHewitt 2007-06-24 19:07
Love the station. Just curious though. What is the ship in the screenshots?!?!?

#5 shadow_from_afc 2007-06-25 09:30
I call it Foundation class a warp capable construction ship. It is still in testing since it is a very high poly model.

It is in fact an excelsior – study model (canon ship). You can see pictures of it at It is a ship from the lost era.
#6 Fysh 2007-07-18 17:48
I did everything in the readme, but I still can't build it.
#7 shadow_from_afc 2007-07-18 20:35
To #6. What did you do exactly?

Most common mistake is a spelling error or a forgotten entry (for example in the construction ships odf )
#8 adm_tyler 2007-08-15 10:58
To #6: How many Stations have you got in the List? The game would never let me have more than a certain number of stations (Item14+ would never work for me)
#9 Brian_William 2008-03-20 07:28

Can anyone help me when I install these stations on armada2, I can build them, then my game crashes, I really the the stations if I could get them to work
#10 shadow_from_afc 2008-03-22 17:53
to #9:


judging from what you wrote, it seems to be an odf- error.

Check the weapons list and see if there are any referrers to a weapon that is not present on your system. If so change that entry.

Same goes for the build list.

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