Nemesis yard
Nemesis yard by Aad Moerman
This is my version of the shipyard from the movie Nememis. You can use it as an 2nd advanced yard, if you like.
Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, just in case.
As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.
All meshes, textures, etc are by me.
The Odf files are edited stock files.
Please note:
I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding this model.
You may use this yard in your mod, just give credit where its do.
Thank you for downloading.
Nemesis yard by Aad Moerman
This is my version of the shipyard from the movie Nememis. You can use it as an 2nd advanced yard, if you like.
Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, just in case.
As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.
All meshes, textures, etc are by me.
The Odf files are edited stock files.
Please note:
I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding this model.
You may use this yard in your mod, just give credit where its do.
Thank you for downloading.
Installation instructions
Put the sod files into the sod folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
Put the odf file into the odf station folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
put the tga into the texture RGB folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
( I include the MS3D files for those who are interested.)
Open the Bitmaps folder -->
Open the Bitmaps folder of Armada II --> open Admiralslog --> open ShipImages and put the image there. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
Open techtree file
under Federation stations add:
fmyard.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf // advanced shipyard
add under Federation:
fmyard.odf 0
Open Sprites --> open gui_global
# Federation build buttons
add below that list:
b_fmyard gbfmyard 0 0 64 64
# Federation wireframes
@reference=128 (if not present, just add the reference)
add below that list:
fmardw1 wffmyard 0 0 128 128
That's it!
Version | Author | Aad Moerman | Website | ||
Downloads | 579 | Size | 2.14 MB | Created | 2010-04-13 |
Star Trek: Nemesis was aired last night, I saw the yard there at the end of the movie and the yard here and I must say "wow", very cool station, a must add indeed
because i hate putting these lines in that sprite junk!!!