Federation Orbital Habitat Station Federation Orbital Habitat Station

(7 votes)
Shadow, 2007-05-24

Now this boys and girls, is something to shout about. Ok, maybe not literally, but still Tongue

Here, we have a Station (smaller than a Space Dock), but still big, that, as the ReadMe states, could have been many of the stations the Federation created in and around the orbit of planets. Now, my only fault for this file, is that it doesn't actually come with a screenshot (it has an Admirals Log picture) but that doesn't count.

Looking from that however, you can see what appears to be ocean, and land on the inside of the complex. Quite extraodinary if I may say so. Smile

A job well done, by far Wink

- Ash


I got tired of all the same looking stations and kitbashes for the feds, so I did something new.

I got inspired while watching some of my DS9 DVDs. There it was mentioned that Com. Sisko was responsible for the construction of orbital habitats before taking command of DS9.

I just asked myself how they would look like. Well, out came this station.

Its non cannon, but I hope you like it anyway.

About the SOD:

It is a high poly model of 6938 polys. Made for Armada 2

I had no problems with it on my computers although I build up to 8 of them on one map.
One a 3 Ghz P4 the other an old 600mhz Athlon.

But I can not guarantee for a lesser machine.

The SOD has a high number of Hardpoints because I hate it when weapons are firing through a base, it just dos not look right. So every weapon has several HPs just to avoid that.
Take a look at the enclosed HP Maps for further information.
You will need them if you want to change the armament.

Take a look at the odf. It is made to fit my personal mod.
Therefore the base has the firepower of a fleet. Change that to your liking


HP01 � HP08 : Top and Bottom of main station and satellites

HP09 � HP36: Torpedo bays center hull top area see HP map 05
HP37 � HP50: Phaser banks center hull top area see HP map 05
HP51 � HP64: Pulse Phaser center hull top area see HP map 05

HP65 � HP68: Phaser banks Sphere Bottom see HP map 04
HP69 � HP76: Pulse Phaser Sphere Bottom see HP map 04

HP77 � HP92: Satellite 1 see HP map 01
HP93 � HP108: Satellite 2 see HP map 02
HP109 � HP124: Satellite 3 see HP map 03

HP125 � HP130: Shuttle bays on satellites used for fighter weapon. See ODF

HP build: Construction bay
HP dock, HP repair : docking area
HP0001 Used to ensure the direction of HP_build on export from milkshape do not use it for anything.

In the HP maps for the satellites the HPs have added T indicating the top weapons area of the satellite or B indicating the bottom weapons area.
Just to your convenience.

Content of ZIP File

Read me This document
fewbase1.bmp picture for admirals log
fnewbase1wf.tga Wireframe
gbfnewbase1.tga Build button
HP_map1.tga Hardpoint map
HP_map2.tga Hardpoint map
HP_map3.tga Hardpoint map
HP_map4.tga Hardpoint map
HP_map5.tga Hardpoint map
Newbase1.tga Texture for SOD
Newbase2.tga Texture for SOD
Newbase3.tga Texture for SOD


fewbase1.bmp goes to :Star Trek Armada2\bitmaps\admiralslog\shipimages
fnewbase1.odf goes to :Star Trek Armada2\odf\stations
fnewbase1.sod goes to :Star Trek Armada2\sod
fnewbase1wf.tga goes to :Star Trek Armada2\textures\rgb
gbfnewbase1.tga goes to :Star Trek Armada2\textures\rgb
Newbase1.tga goes to :Star Trek Armada2\textures\rgb
Newbase2.tga goes to :Star Trek Armada2\textures\rgb
Newbase3.tga goes to :Star Trek Armada2\textures\rgb

Go to Star Trek Armada2\techtree open:

Tech1.tt insert: fnewbase1.odf 0
Fulltech.tt insert: fnewbase1.odf 0

Go to Star Trek Armada2\sprites open:


Go to

# Federation build buttons


b_fnewbase1 gbfnewbase1 0 0 64 64

Go to

# Federation wireframes


fnewbase1w1 fnewbase1wf 0 0 80 80
fnewbase1w2 fnewbase1wf 80 0 80 80
fnewbase1w3 fnewbase1wf 160 0 80 80
fnewbase1w4 fnewbase1wf 0 80 80 80
fnewbase1w5 fnewbase1wf 80 80 80 80

Should any problem arise, contact me via personal message at armadafleetcommand.com

Greetings shadow

Version    Author  Shadow  Website   
Downloads  1,593  Size  5.57 MB  Created  2007-05-24 



#11 Menalaos 2007-12-21 11:07
Reminds me of the 8472 Terrasphere from Voyager actually.
#12 mikjbee 2008-02-09 20:09
this is an awesome station... so awesome i wanna fill the map with theese stations!

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