Federation Base Mod
This makes the Station a bit better and includes that you can build venture class scouts from it. Well this isn't a bad idea, it's very small and a lot of people in the community could do this individually and this type of thing has been done before.
Upgraded Starbase
This is an upgrade of the standard Federation Starbase.
It has better shields, you can now build Venture Scouts from it,
two new Photon Torpedo Launchers & a heavy duty Phaser cannon.
Just copy & paste the odf file into the odf folder in A2.
Overide if you need to, but I suggest that you make a back up of the original one if need be.
I'll take no responsibility for any damage that may result to your PC from the use of this map.
No part of this map may be used for any other map without permission from the author(s).
PS- This MOD was slapped together in one day. A updated version will follow ASAP!
Version | 1.0 | Author | Luke20 | Website | |
Downloads | 1,318 | Size | 6.59 KB | Created | 2004-03-15 |
And it is a nice idea to build scouts at a base.
Oh yeah try comlmenting people instead of going up to them and telling them how stupid they are...
BUT if you want, I can call you Special Ed
I think this is a good mod, improving the base defenses and building scout ships faster so you can open-up the map faster ingame.
Keep on the good work Luke20
anyways, great idea... it will let you find the enemy base faster, and keep ship production up since the shipyards arent busy building itty bitty scouts